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Creativity, Characteristics Of A Creative Personality


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Creativity, characteristics of a creative personality


It is not true that people with greater creativity are better in what they do and in the different subjects of the school, but they do have a greater imagination and facilitate the expression of children in the first years of life.

On the other hand, several authors think that creativity is not something that is born, but that it can be developed and enhanced through school in short ages. To work creativity, children have to know their scope and experiment in it, especially with artistic games. Although sometimes in the school environment this is reduced, to avoid this you have to connect between school, family and society.

It is essential that children have total freedom, in which parents or teachers do not influence, so that their imagination does not stop. In addition, we must not make children feel insecure when they do or think something unreal, we have to favor an environment rich in creativity and spontaneity.

Next we will see the characteristics of a creative personality in both teachers and students.  At present it has been seen that anyone can be creative, but you have to work it. The main qualities of a person with this characteristic are:

  • the sensibility
  • the originality
  • the fluidity
  • flexibility
  • the elaboration
  • redefinition.

In addition, attitudes such as tolerance, curiosity must be taken into account.

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Teachers with a creative personality ask their students and take into account their ideas to carry out the subject, they also use more examples to motivate the student. You must also work by giving freedom in your classes when doing activities and favoring teamwork through good environment, this environment must be given by a teacher with humor and patience to take the class. To favor creativity, the teacher should not be routine, he has to teach that he must be wrong to learn, the rains of ideas, reinforce his positive and new things. Students with a creative mentality are those who continue doubts and seek different strategies normally through those who experience.

The environment in which the child takes. Creative children usually have ideas that seem rare to other children, many ideas arise, prefer to do their work alone and are sometimes not so integrated with the group. There are ages in which creativity has crisis and this decreases, but it emerges again.

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