Criminology And Its Importance In The Psychological Understanding Of Criminals
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The study of criminology is very important for professional training in legal and legal branches, because it allows us to understand not only the criminal act, but also the object of study of human behaviors, not accepted by behavior schemesIn society and analyzing the psychological aspects that incite the offender to carry out the fact, because from previous generations, the crime in our society has been seen as an act that threatens peace and social order, and generates the loss of trustthat is deposited in the other. Therefore, when a criminal act has been committed, society demands justice, guaranteeing that this behavior is not repeated again. That is why this essay contains a clear and objective analysis of criminology.
To understand the term of Criminology we must first know that it is in charge of the psychological part answering the question: why the offender committed the fault?, In other words, he studies the thought of the offender, the origin of the crime committed, the functioning of the organisms of the law and the order based on a general study of the criminal at the psychological level and with a specific methodology, demonstrating as a poorly formed personality is verysusceptible to committing crimes, due to lack of resistance to frustration, his aggressiveness, his lack of adaptation. According to several studies, criminals have been shown that most people who commit the lack are low mentality.
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One of the limitations when making this essay is not being able to interact directly with the teacher and the participants of the International Classroom Diploma, since being this a virtual subject there is no possibility of being able to expose the research before all and obtain several criteriadirectly, that allows to promote active participation between each of the partners. Other of the limitations presented is that being exercising my profession, I find it difficult to perform a deeper analysis of the topic to be treated in such an important essay.
Criminology appears at the beginning of the 19th century, it was the French anthropologist Paul Topinard, being the Italian law of Law Raffele Garófalo who uses this term in a more formal way, this resulted in the response to social demand for the study of antisocial behaviorBut always following the basis of the scientific method, in order to promote elements for its treatment, prevention and cure.
It is very easy to confuse criminology with criminalistics, because criminology helps us understand crime while criminalistics is the investigation process. Criminology is that human science that is responsible for conducting the study of the criminal, the site of the facts, the crime, the deviant behaviors, the social control in relation to the crime itself, and especially to the victim, which is the main objectof study of victimology in order to understand the offender and the motivations that led him to commit certain crimes.
The place where it is believed that the fact or crime occurred is called the place of the facts, wherever the rights to one or more individuals, either due to injuries to their physical or personal integrity, or stealing or destroying their material goods.
While the crime is a voluntary or reckless action or omission that is punishable by law, and is a contempt of the norms that deserves a punishment for the person responsible.
The object of criminology is the study of deviant behavior that implies crime or crime, as well as the process of definition and punishment of deviant behavior. In addition, it also focuses on the prevention and treatment of these behaviors.
There are two forms of social, formal control that refers to legal processes through law agencies examples. Security guards, and informal that are the means used for said control examples security cameras, but criminology goes beyond the relationshipbetween crime and criminal punishment. It is the study of crime itself, its nature and, therefore, of crime, a concept that becomes fundamental, since around it and the relationship it establishes with the sociological, psychological and biological variables that affect the individual, the framework of action of criminological science will be formed, which, ultimately, will always have an eminently practical character with the aim of achieving a better social functioning.
In recent years in the field of psychology, a better understanding of criminal phenomena has been formed, including being able to explain and predict criminal behavior. This implies the interaction between thoughts and choices, emotions, rewards, traits and personality profiles, learning and processes of socialization, beliefs and attitudes, attributions and expectations, among other factors. For this reason, it is important to recognize that the origin of antisocial behaviors is not based on a determining factor and with this it is possible to understand that a single explanation is not enough to understand this phenomenon.
For this reason, through psychological theory, its meaning is clarified in a historical-genetic perspective. A complete analysis of the offender requires an interdisciplinary work, a work that allows the exposition of the habitat of individuals;of his family, his culture with his different aspects of his processes of culture, education, education and social organization, his political structures, his religion and his art. Creating a very important logical system, which analyzes the psychological behaviors or behaviors of criminals, ways of controlling them are sought, thus giving a response not only control towards crimes committed, but also a means of prevention to avoid future crimes.
The study of criminology fulfills a fundamental role in the psychological aspects, not only of the crime itself, also of the criminal’s conduct being the main author of the crime, deepening the actions that motivate him to commit crimes this entails a whole seriesof aspects that are part of the essence of the human being within society, such as his passions, his way of living, his way of imagining, what he wants, and what values move him. All this is valid to understand why an individual or a group of them see.
Based on research on criminology and in the knowledge of various disciplines and sciences such as sociology, psychology, medicine, anthropology, mathematics, physics and chemistry, and indirectly supporting criminal law and other criminal or forensic sciences. We understand that criminology very apart from seeking to understand a crime, also conducts the study of the place of facts, social controls and deviant behaviors;Topics that keep a certain distance from the main issue that becomes the crime and the criminal, however a brief reference is made about the victim, this fact occurs because there is already a branch that is the victimology which performs the victim’s complete study.
The criminal and criminal acts have accompanied humanity since ancient times that over the years has changed or evolved together with man, which has led to a tenacious search in order to eliminate or eradicate it with that end, criminology was born, aScience very apart from criminalistics, although they keep some relationship the fundamental fact is that criminology seeksControl their aggressiveness and scarce adaptation aptitude, since several investigations of the mentality of criminals, thugs, criminals and other antisocial types have shown that almost all the people who go through these situations are of low mentality. This work aims to clearly and easily describe the main psychological explanations of crime
We also affirm that intellectual deficiencies, during development, can be the cause of antisocial behaviors, based on all this the relationship of criminology with psychology and disciplines such as criminal law, is that both are nourished in their object of study referring to theoffender and crime. This offers the legal professional a wide cognitive panorama, regarding the suspect’s criminal conduct, in a criminal act.
Once this investigation was carried out, it was concluded that criminology is very important in our society, because it allows the professional to understand, why the human being had criminal behavior, the causes, the psychological factors that influenced, among others.
It is necessary that in every society there is a precautionary and participant criminology, where it is pronounced when there is any lack of control, to be able to take prevention and awareness measures that minimize part of the problem or at least their symptoms, measures of both social control and throughof talks, security brigades and the crime and the reasons for why they are carried out can be fought.
I must emphasize that through the degree in Criminology, investigative groups of criminological practice could be formed in our state, which would seek not only to show the benefits of this science but also implement it and arrive its time to grant the place it deserves in oursociety, giving the deserved importance to criminological issues at the regional, national and international level.
- Aniyar Lolita: Criminology of the Social Reaction. Edit. Luz Maracaibo, 2007
- Barrita López, Fernando: Criminology Manual, Edit. Porrúa, Mexico, 2001
- Escobar, Raúl Tomás: Elements of Criminology, Edit. University, Buenos Aires, 2001
- Herrera, Figueroa Miguel: Psychology and Criminology, OMEBA BIBLIOGRAPHIC EDITORIAL, 1966.
- Zafaronni, Eugenio Raúl: Criminology, approach from a margin, 3rd reprint, Temis Editorial, Buenos Aires 2003.
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