Critical Opinion And Definition Of Masculinity
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Masculinity is a series of trends or rules that men must follow to authenticate their manhood. These rules are made up of a series of behaviors, values, characteristics, attitudes, etc. Which are attributed depending on the culture and history of each community or group of people. Therefore, it is evident to think that we can find different types of masculinities in the different societies. Among these types, I will highlight one called "micromachisms", which is practiced in most groups and cultures, is defined as a series of attitudes of violence and superiority by men towards women, however, such attitudes are sociallyAccepted and not really seen as violent. Among these attitudes we find the famous "Knights", which is currently very accepted and, in fact, well seen. This is when the problem to be treated arises, is something bad? How something that even flatter women can be considered as violence? What psychological effects cause these actions that are the ones that lead them to be violent? Or finally, what does this say about the woman or man?
We will begin by defining that it is gentlemenity. According to the Royal Spanish Academy, it is defined as: "Man who behaves like a gentleman (with distinction, nobility and generosity)". It is worth asking then if gentlemenity is a term that should only be attributed to men, since the values of generosity, nobility and distinction are, in fact, values with which both women and men should count.
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So why is this term especially attributed to men? Previously, in medieval times, that man of noble origin was called as a gentleman who, due to his economic position, used the horse to move, which was something distinctive of people with wealth and economic power, in addition to preciselyThe masculinity of these riders, consisted of having characteristics of nobility, courage and solidarity. And of course, any woman wanted to walk with a man of such a high nature. It should be noted that, for these times, women were not enough even within society and were seen as those in charge of the house or those who had to take care of the children, and therefore it was the men who chose the woman with whom they wanted to beAnd they were responsible for providing protection and support so that she could live in a quiet way. However, with the passage of time, only the characteristics of these men remained and they returned to follow so that, as explained what happened in ancient times, the women wanted to go out with these gentlemen.
But of course, these behaviors are now adapted to current times, since obviously in these times men do not try to do what a gentleman of those times did for their damsels, since we simply no longer find ourselves within that context and byTherefore many of the situations simply are no longer presented, but of course, even so these characteristics could not be left behind, but now, instead of being acts that were performed by mere need due to the historical situation, they are now more usedIn the form of flirting and we can translate them as: the one who pays the account when leaving the girl, opening the door to the girl when reaching an establishment or when lowering the car, taking the woman on one side specificof the street, etc. However, remember that women have gone through enough struggles to begin to assert their rights as equals, so that men and women live in a gender equality space without distinction, so that none of these attitudes are necessaryNow and consequently, they are not actions that must be unique to men, without good, it is true that they function as flirting and make the flattered woman feel, it is not something that must be demanded, much less to have it as an actionto do.
Now, this is not something for which men should be blamed for, since they are simply complying with these rules that I initially mentioned, referring to masculinities. These behaviors are taught from the family nucleus, with the simple different treatment that parents give towards their sons or daughters, and are reinforced in coexistence with other men, who, at the same time, by the desire to be accepted in the different groupsOf men, they reinforce them even more, copying in turn, attitudes of each other, and it is at this point, where a much more harmful machismo could emerge, due to growth or reinforcement they give to these attitudes. And it should be said that, in fact, the same goes for women, who are also taught from the beginning that men must treat them in a certain way. Therefore, we can begin to conclude that this is nothing more than the result of the imposition of society on individuals, since, as Simone de Beauvoir said: "Men are not born, they are made".
And finally, I will respond to the interrogative of why now these acts are poorly seen or taken negatively on some occasions, what psychological effects these have, or that they might want to shine. As I mentioned earlier, the gentlemen in the Middle Ages were responsible for providing protection to their women, this because they did not really have a word or worth in society, then, the same could be thought about this about this. You have the idea that men do it because they do not believe the woman is sufficiently capable, they see her weak and as if it were her duty to protect her. And not only this, but we could also relate to this fact the supposed male superiority. The man, being superior in emotional, mental and physical question, must take care of women, which is an already quite ambiguous and wrong idea that, precisely tries to eradicate the new generations. What I mean by this is that this can often reflect gender inequality seeing the upper man and the lower woman. From here lies the discomfort of many people and above all, in fact, feminists, who precisely fight to end this distancing between both genres.
In conclusion, masculinities are a series of characteristics, almost norms, that society imposes to give the masculinity of a man that among them we can find gentlersity, which begins to become a very touched and discussed topic in society dueto the supposed discrimination that is made to women with this acts. Recall that if in ancient times these acts were performed, it was due to the need that was in fact in these times, but currently it is no longer, nor is it seen taking these attitudes, whether or not they are accepted by society. Both women and men are charged with taking these principles, but it is timeAll together we must start using them to improve our coexistence as a society.
Finally, I consider that these acts, although they are quite flattering and personally I do not see them and I have seen them badly, if they are something that could mark a clear inequality between genres which implies a huge problem, since there is not aloneIn living together with each other but we can also see it when wanting to perform some activity, practice some sport and work in a certain area. So if this cavalism is only promoting this separation and difference between men and women, it is best to stop practicing it as soon as possible and this begins with the education of the little ones. Let’s stop promoting these practices as exclusive to man, both genres can fulfill them.
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