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Critical Reflection And Reading


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Critical Reflection and Reading


In our current society, we are in need of advocating a plural notion of diverse modes of critical literacy that help people to be able to access and negotiate a wide range of types of texts and ways of persuasion, not only by thevia the printed, but also, of sound, image, gestural and spatial and its multimodal integration.

The power of written discourse is very great since we can communicate, seduce, convince, manipulate, solve differences, but this will only serve if people come to understand critical literacy, because not knowing or respecting words or scores, they will not allow trueunderstanding or understanding of the message, it is very important in turn that the person learns to handle a critical reading and as citizens.


We must be able to develop critical reading strategies that allow usthoughts and values .

In this way, we can be able to understand various situations, take positions, make conscious choices that help us understand and control the address we take. It is necessary to highlight the value of reading for life in democracy as Cassany says democracy is also based on the ability to understand the reading, understanding and reflection skills of citizens.

To carry out a good reading, it is necessary In the course of your life, in relation to the conceptions, imaginary, opinions and values ​​of your community, you can select the information, organize it, establish relationships, prepare representations, attribute meaning and build it.

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He mentions that to understand both the implicit of the statements, the author’s ideology, their cultural referents or their procedures for reasoning and knowledge construction and the structure and organization of the text, knowledge and linguistic knowledge and strategies are also required to recognize the discursive genre; Likewise, the development of respectful attention of the diverse, of interest in the other and of respect for the arguments used is needed. 

The set of these skills and knowledge allows the reader to identify the general meaning of ideas, detect what are the underlying ideologies and intentions. They will also allow you. In this way the reading becomes the useful tool that every citizen of the present and the future must possess. 


Critical reading not only has strategies as we have said above but also has certain skills which we will identify below without going into details of each of them: cognitive, identify points of view and intentions, linguistic and discursive, recognize the genreDiscursive Structure, registration, linguistic functions and resources. 

These skills are referred to what a critical reader should do and know how to do. Students acquire their own domain given by linguistic and cultural knowledge, skills, attitudes, values and sensibilities, located in a particular social context that makecritical and autonomous readers in today’s society.  

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