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Critical Review Of Comedy Written By Aristophanes: La Paz


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Critical review of comedy written by Aristophanes: La Paz


This comedy presented and written by Aristophanes was first published in 421 to.C. With him which he received his second prize in Athens, what happened with many of his other works, because with all he left a great impression supported by his outstanding way of writing, skeptical and sequential, evident in this work, because it is written afterPeace will be signed in Nicias;This presents a degree of connection with other works-Lisístrata and the Arcanians-handle the line of arguing with the purpose of persuading peace for their city and its inhabitants indirectly.

The main points and the plot are given with the purpose of the central character, trigeo with a feeling problem that was born from it, sorry for all the problems and the level of violence that afflict the Hellenitan people for which he decides to ride inA great beetle, since he had remembered an Aesop fable in which one of these managed to reach heaven. achieving it and being in the Olympus Hermes it receives it with repulsive attitudes that are going to become contrary after the offering of some foods by trigeo, which as follows that peace has gone to the depths of a cave,of which you can only get a great effort.

To give freedom, summons all belligerent countries to join forces and with tools give way to the rescue of the balance state that all need the work, even so, there are some that work hard and others, on the contrary, they only wear out what they carry.

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After a time elapsed, they manage to release it, and with the peace already captive the celebrations and celebrations of this achievement, full of joy and thanks to the intellectual author (trigeo) begin.

The author’s expertise shows a common and apparent situation of our current time;Of course not in the same way as the story exhibits, because it has the property of marking the period where it is set foot and also to be able to jump towards the present situation, where the implicit protest is evidenced towards the authorities. It is a text consistent with the problems and disagreements of its time, which is taken as a social improvement, or motivation for action towards a society with shortcomings, of which you can highlight the present reason why it was written and proposed;which makes it a work worth reading. However, the excessive management of extravagant and surreal data, makes it lose a bit the importance he had gained.

In the end everything is a set of a medium text, with beneficial intentions for the reader;including elements that do not make it so serious and monotonous to read, with hidden criticisms expressed by the author with the intention of a relief of the ideas about these situations, since they are elements that become very useful so that the author can write it of thebetter, including the satire that adds to the characters and the course of the story.      

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