Critical Review Revised
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Armitage, H. (September 01, 2015). Lack of sleep puts you at higher risk for colds, the first experimental study finds. Science. Retrieved on 25 July 2018 from 2015/09. is a site that offers a wide range of information from the world of scientific research and science policy. The website provides credible information by the freelancers and, it verifies the qualification of the freelancers on the site to bring credible information at all times.
Who: Hanae Armitage is a freelance writer and editor in this site. There are no other credentials on this writer.
When: This is a current article as it was written on September 1, 2015.
What: The article puts forward an argument on how depriving oneself of sleep would increase the chances of suffering from cold. Further, the article explains that an individual who has deprived themselves of sleep is four times likely to suffer from cold as compared to individuals who have had enough sleep (Armitage, 2015). The argument is valid and reasonable because it clearly explains that when one fails to get enough sleep, the probability of suffering from cold is very high (Institute of Medicine. 1996). The evidence is also indicating that sleep is an important regulatory for specific antiviral immune responses. The article presents a strong argument on the relationship between lack of sleep and the chances of catching a cold. Lack of sleep weakens an individual’s immune system, hence, placing them at a higher risk for cold which are caused by viruses.
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Therefore, the argument brought forward in the article is valid and medically-sound.
How: The evidence was collected by various researchers and scientists. The study involved 164 participants who were put in a hotel with controlled conditions under different durations/ hours of sleep for five days. 124 out of the 164 participants were induced with the virus. The participants who had slept for less than 5 hours a day had a risk 4.5 times higher of getting sick than their counterparts who slept for more than 7 hours. I recommend Hanae Armitage for doing a credible job as she has supported her arguments with what the researchers and the scientists found in the research study on the 124 participants who were infected with the virus after being subjected to varying hours of sleep.
Summarize: In my opinion, this is an essential article as it helps in understanding sleep as a crucial regulatory for specific antiviral immune response and therefore everyone should ensure that they have enough sleep avoid the risk of suffering from cold.
Armitage, H. (September 01, 2015). Lack of sleep puts you at higher risk for colds, the first experimental study finds. Science.
BIBLIOGRAPHY l 2057 Institute of medicine, c. o. (1996). Nutritional Needs in Cold and High-Altitude Environments. National Academics Press.
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