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Critical thinking


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Critical Thinking
Change Agent and Social Change
Institutional Affiliations

Social change is a matrix of the capacity to adapt and positively realign to the changing social settings. It begins with small acts, some of which are considered inconsequential but resulting in unpredictable upshots. These changes are the ones that model a change agent. It is apparent that for one to qualify as a change agent, they must have a collection of traits that are success oriented and appealing to the society (Callahan et al., 2018). The success, in this case, is a social epidemic entirely dependent on people’s adoption of the social change traits including systematic thinking, ethical and moral conducts, reflection, civic engagement, advocacy, and collaboration.
Upon the leadership surveys, I have realized my course of leadership like that of a problem solver, persistent, visionary and trust oriented. I have a high sense of reputation for those people working hard to make right their wrongs such as redeeming through improved education levels, systematic thinking, being ethical and genuine while also being collaborative without their daily engagements. My view of a social change agent is the capacity of being charismatic. However, this has only helped realize multiple followers than nurturing more leadership traits. What has been missing for a better change agent is the ability to listen, cultivate relations and persist on the need for change. However, these are only realizable when the virtue of reflection is incorporated in the change agent traits.

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Throughout the performance improvement project, I have been lacking the ability reflect on the previous experiences. This has made me miss some basic skills such as relating the current happenings with some previous occurrences to make a perfect result out of a conflicting situation. An insight of not only the personal but others’ motives, actions, and reactions allows one to contemplate professional development. In turn, they act as change agents for the group where the members mimic the forward-looking personality. However, the reflectivity is substantiated by systematic thinking, advocacy, practice and collaboration with the others regardless of their status.

Callahan, D., Wilson, E., Birdsall, I., Brooke, E., Ouzts, K., Ford, S., & Yob, I. (2012). Expanding our Understanding of Social Change (pp. 3-12). Minneapolis: Change Working Group, Walden University. Retrieved from http://scholarworks.waldenu .edu/social_change_report

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