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Critical Thinking Topic #2
Perception refers to the interpretation and recognition of the stimuli of the sensory system based on the memory of an individual. It is the manner in which people interpret the data about their surroundings. The data that needs interpretation could originate from smell, sight, taste, touch, and hearing. Perceptions of individuals vary because different factors determine them in their environment. The opinion of a person is influenced by the social setup and the type of information available in their environment (Rogers 50). The variance in the perception of individuals depends on their peer group, interest, needs, and expectations. In this case, the importance and requirements of a person vary from another person that influences their perception. For instance, a person with a severe history of gun violence could perceive the gun control debate negatively while one without any experience of gun violence tends to support the argument of owning a gun (Boothe 22). The other factor that influences a person’s perception is their imagination. The attitudes of two different individuals vary because individual visions are unique.
The correlation between the results of the human senses and the variation of the perceptions of different people is evidence that people cannot trust the interpretation of their thoughts. When a group of diverse people is exposed to the same environment, their perception regarding that particular setup varies because of the different variations of the visual interpretation (Rogers 56).
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The analysis of the sensory organs is directly correlated to the perceptions of the humans. In this case, people should not trust the outcome of their sensory organs especially when their opinions vary widely from that of other persons. For instance, it is difficult to believe the result of the eye regarding interpreting the color of a substance. This interpretation is not reliable because the color of the element tends to vary depending on the health and reliability of their eyes. The color appears different when viewed by a color blind person and a healthy individual.
Most of the human perceptions about the surrounding are developed within the brain. The human judgment about “what is out there” is mainly based on the element of imagination. In this case, a hundred percent of the perception about our surrounding is developed in the brain (Boothe 22). Other factors that determine perception are the sensory elements of sight, touch, and taste which all interpret information through the brain (Rogers 70). In the case, the information generated from the sensory organs is transported to the brain for interpretation. This implies that the brain contributes to 100% of our perceptions about “what is out there.” The brain, therefore, plays an essential role towards individuals’ perception based on the interpretation of the sensory organ information.
Libet was one of the pioneers of the concept of consciousness in neurobiology. Libet research interest was based on the correlation between consciousness and the electrical signals that are generated from the brain (Boothe 22). He established that the element of consciousness in humans directly correlates to a person’s brain activity. Libet found different questions about free will in humans (Rogers 23). The first question inquired whether humans have free will. In this case, he concluded that voluntary actions are preceded by a particular change of the electrical signals generated by the brain. The other question that Libet created about free will is whether the voluntary acts are subject to the laws of macro-deterministic.
Works Cited
Boothe, Ronald G. Perception of the visual environment. Springer Science & Business Media, 2001.
Rogers, Kara, ed. The eye: the physiology of human perception. The Rosen Publishing Group, 2010.
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