Critics Review Of The Work Tartufo
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Jean Baptiste Poquelín is one of the greatest comediographers of Western literature, known under the pseudonym of Moliere. He was born on January 15, 1622 in Paris (France). Son of Don Jean Poquelín and Marie Cressé. He married Armanda Béjard twenty -two years younger than him, but was not successful. One of his most famous works is "Tartufo" published in 1664, later Moliere died on February 17, 1673 in his hometown.
As the title knows us, the work deals with satire and mocks hypocrisy, causing violent reactions at that time, since religion involves it, focusing more even more on false devotees, referring to that they are people of honesty and virtue with strongChristian values but handled under a mask of lies, where piety brings falsity and deception.
Moliere captured the essence of man and the behavior that he acquires in the face of precise situations, that is why he resorts to dialogue and situations of daily life, which makes the work full of charm and vitality. All this originates that Tartufo is one of the most prominent works, so she was taken to the world of cinema guided by German director Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau .
In the historical context of the work and the author, he is challenged with the mandate of King Louis XIV, an absolute monarchy, in which literature had an important reduction in moral decline, in addition to a period of Catholic tensions and policiesinternal where it was about recovering the classic values making Tartufo a satirical work and with a moral meaning.
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When writing this work, the false devotees are attacked to a very influential category. Among them are religious men which are "sincere" but also manipulators aware of power that can provide their devotion. This group is the one who the author attacks where he repeatedly insists on the subject and intention of his work: he criticizes the false devotees.
The work focuses on the link between Orgón, a bourgeois with a good economic situation in addition to social, and TartufA Pacific home, however, most family members suspected about their absolute goodness, they did not trust their personality, or devotion to what several conflicts later occurred.
-Much better would go if things run according to their
pious provisions.
-You judge a saint, but believe me that all your behavior is
-Have the tongue!
-Well, neither in him nor his Lorenzo wanted to trust not to be with guarantee
very good.
-I do not know what the servant can be;But fertilize to the Lord
For a good man. You love him badly and reject him because he tells you
the truths to all;but his heart is not enraged but against
Sin and only the interest of heaven drives him (Poquelín, 2003)
The fragment of the work shows us the discrepancy that exists between family members due to idolative a complete stranger based exclusively on the appearance that it reflects, in addition to granting a degree of authority and allowing them to give orders on the home.
On the other hand, Orgón is distracted in his marriage affairs and gives priority to his "brother tartu" before, to his wife, carefree about her well -being for what is even more evidenced by the inconsistency that occurred between the family between the family.
Tartufo manages to become the spiritual director of Orgón and intends to marry Marianhis father to whom he respects all the decisions he makes in the face of any situation even when he did not favor him.
Without a doubt Organly believed to the appearance of Tartufo to the point of marrying her daughter with him, but the immorality of the character is evidenceCelebration of his baseness, deserting the person who helped him but thanks to this scene the other characters could demonstrate the falsity of Tartufo before those who did not believe it, unmasking him and showing his true personality both to Orgón and his mother who did not accept thefalsehood of this controversial character due to his great dissimulation, hidden under religious acts that hid other interests thanks to the abuse of power that he had, since he enjoyed great influence within the home with the intention of advising them in the conservation of religious customs ofA family that maintained great economic power.
Tartufo by declare his love for Elmira is shown as it really is, since he is only exhibited before a loved being, precisely because he loves her and wants to have her next to him regardless of the statements of Orgón, her friend, her friend.
Confident in the tyranny that characterizes it within family decisions, he did not imagine that in the end both Orgón and his mother could realize his true objective, this is due to the blindness of orgone and the excess of confidence in people he does not know in hisTotality in addition to not wanting to perceive the true intentions that he intended to achieve at the beginning, forming conflicts within the home where some considered him as false and liar doubting his devotion, however Organo continued to trust him indisputably in him and did not hesitate to defend him in defending him.
While Tartufo believed that he had managed to disintegrate a family and also think that the house was his, because he was wrong, since in the end he is imprisoned for having committed undue acts, being life itself that holds the punishment and makes the hypocrites fallIncreasingly heavier.
-Loado is heaven!
-Favorable lance!
You can show the calm that the characters have to know that Tartufo will no longer be in their lives and that the same acts will not be able to commit again, since when this is presented before the law they are given from the cunning of this character to achieveHis purposes hiding under religion with a false devotion claiming to be a blessed, in addition the drastic change of an orgon character is shown where at the beginning he was naive and lacking authority controlled by Tartufo.
Finally, the work shows false devotees, advising people to correct the human vices that are day by day in society. Moliere analyzes and presents these vices due to its dire social and personal consequences, the vice of hypocrisy represented by Tartufo, as a fake that is exhibited under the appearance of a person with strong Christian values but who hides other interests, this affirms the strugglethat there was to enter the high society composed of bourgeois who sometimes did not choose the correct paths of merit and effort. However, Moliere speaks of her as a reality that cannot be irreversible, which is challenged in society and in human life, that is why it was prohibited three times to the public with the purpose of not allowing citizensThey will see that religion brings falsity and deception.
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