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Cultural Identity Over The Years In Ecuador


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Cultural identity over the years in Ecuador


Culture is all that relates to custom, knowledge, lifestyle or artistic development of a certain individual or ethnic/social group, it will be focused on the cultural development of Ecuadorian peoples, who are identified by their customs, gastronomy and dialect;You are in turn derive and come from ancestors which were responsible for molding and transmitting this knowledge to later generations.

Each region has its distinctive customs and clothing that until now are still in force in certain areas, thanks to the teaching of knowledge and knowledge that occurs with the passage of time.

The Republic of Ecuador is a nation characterized by its multiculturality and multi -ethnicity, in it they live mostly Afro -descendants (Afro Ecuadorians), mestizos and indigenous.

Being a country that focuses most of its cultural model in indigenous peoples that derive from the Incas, carry out customs such as the use of native musical instruments, both in Sierra and Amazonia.

What the part of the coast is the mixture of Afro descendants and Spanish, which produced the birth of miscegenation since decades ago, even centuries.


Ecuadorians have diversities of celebrations that make their custom and beliefs known:

The carnival is celebrated in most of the country, but where it is lived more it is in the town of Ambato and Guaranda. Recently the Coangue Carnival was present, located in the Chota Valley;It consists of the presentation of chota bomb bands.

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The main entertainment of this holiday is to wet and wet one to others with water, although the carioca and other gadgets are also used.

In the Sierra part there is the festival of Inti Raymi, which stands out more in the city of Otavalo, in which the crops that occur in each season are given thanks.

In the same part of the mountains there is also the feast of the black mother in Latacunga, Yamor in Otavalo and the Chagra Paseo in Machachi.

Sometimes, the duty of the Ecuadorian citizen is to make the culture and customs remain in force in certain social groups, but this is affected because cultural features of other sides are transmitted, whether they are dialects or customs that predominate in most of theLife of Ecuadorian, it is inevitable for the continuous use of social networks or because foreign languages influence, which spoil our language.

Another problem that happens in educational institutions is the little interest of the student to learn about historical events that would mark a before and after in the national territory, which would forge most of the cultural identity of Ecuador, this would lead toThe decline of certain customs, thus losing traditions that would decide over time, the Ecuadorian education system has omitted the teaching that forges the cultural identity of the peoples, being forced to be taught in certain areas where certain types of customs and values predominate,Gradually with this, cultural values are lost for the much of the Ecuadorian population.

It should also be taken into account that, for more education that is provided to most of society and tries to eradicate it, racism is a problem that will prevail anywhere in the world, including in Ecuador, and this directly affectsTo ethnicities that follow customs for a long time, being subjected to insults by people with racism trends, who frequent marginalize and disrespect ethnic or social groups.

So, our culture influences an important role within our social circle, an example, young people spend a large part of their time by observing television, acquiring knowledge of others that are uncultured at home, this knowledge or customs acquired watching television,They transmit to other young people at times where the dialog.

As for cultural identity, it is everything that encloses customs, beliefs, moral or ethical value within a large group of individuals or at national/regional scale, this identity allows us to recognize us as peoples, thus giving more emphasis on care for care of careOur customs and values that over time can be perfected, thus creating new values/actions that will support a better future in later generations.

Culture and diversity begins from home from our first steps, from which we learn most of customs and beliefs, where relationships are established either with our family or with other people in public spaces that can be our neighborhood, school,etc. By integrating into a group we identify culturally and we can also be recognized as part of that group.

Collective identity is structured based on common characteristics of a human group, such as cultural, political, ethnic, moral, etc.

It also helps us to be in constant relationship and action with other people to share our beliefs, customs and others, in turn this relationship helps the identity to be fruit for collective construction.

This varies in each home since each region shows different ethnicities to mold the majorCultural diversity, you also have to talk about it with equality.

Most of instilling these teachings now fall on the shoulders of young people, of which it is up to acquire this knowledge so that in an old age, they are transmitted to children and future generations, avoiding the loss of customs that characterize much of the country. Fostering our culture allows us to enter our past, in order to strengthen these teachings that will generate new cultural proposals.

Covering another issue, there is gender identity, where by biology it is masculine and female, but by factors that can cover from the psychological to the social, these people can change their sexual preference, getting to like the same sex, both or having preferencesSomething different from the currents, these people are part of the LGBTI community, which recently struggled for a right to lead a common life like the whole person, but they are marginalized and attributed by political parties and by the Church by the simpleMade of seeming something abnormal and outside the stripe of the common to have such sexual preferences.

Within Ecuador there are nationalities that have already been officially identified, a brief description of some will be given:

In the coastal part, in Santo Domingo, the tsachilas inhabit or in turn called the Colorados, its inhabitants are characterized by painting their hair with achiote that gives them a badge to easily recognize them, their official language is the tsáfiqui, which is in turnIt means true word.

Entering the Sierra there are a wide variety of villages, but the most recognized at the national level is Quichua, which derive from other ancestors in Latin America.

They inhabit most of the Sierra and its approximate population is 1,018 176 according to the 2010 census, characterized by their clothing and distinctive customs, this town is one of the longest and most history within the national territory within the national territory.

His official language is Kichwa, spoken by a total of 2.5 million person around Latin America.

In the part of the Amazon they also live numerous villages, including the Quechua, but the most distinctive in this part are the Shuar, also called Jibaros although this name I have more an offense for them. They are the most numerous indigenous people with an approximate total of 80,000 individuals and their language is Shuar-Chicham.

In this culture, distinctive customs have been adopted, one of the most remarkable is the reduction of the heads of deceased humans, this is given by the tribes, where the chief of the winning village, cuts the head of the chief of the loser tribe. This custom is called Tsantsa and Chief Shuar is responsible for doing this completely only without anyone’s help.


  • Ecuadorian culture has evolved over the years, either for better or bad.
  • The teaching of our culture and our history in the classrooms of all campuses at the national level must be intensified since, young people do not acquire knowledge about this and a legacy full of history and knowledge would be left behind.
  • Teach as soon as possible children and young respect for others who have different beliefs, cultures and different sexual preference, thus reducing most of racism or xenophobia that affects much of Ecuador
  • Prevail with the teachings that were given to us as a child and young, in order to transmit them to the future to our children, avoiding the valuable loss of Ecuadorian customs that are gradually declining and disappearing.


  • Jonathan Calva (June 15, 2014) Ecuadorian culture and identity. Recovered from: https: // is.scribd.com/Document/229777649/Cultura-e-Idesidad-Ecuadorian
  • Fabián Gustavo (March 29, 2009) Ecuadorian culture and identity. Recovered from: https: // is.Slideshare.net/fabiagustovo/culture-e-identity-Ecuadorian
  • Diversity and equality (July 30, 2016) Recovered from: https: // es.scribd.com/Document/319732265/Diversity-E-Equality
  • Ángel Tibán Guala (March, 2009) Identity, Culture and Gender. Retrieved from: https: // biblio.FLACSOANDES.Edu.EC/Books/Digital/54941.PDF
  • Wikipedia, Shuar Culture. Recovered from: https: // is.Wikipedia.org/wiki/shuar
  • Wikipedia, Tsachila Culture. Recovered from: https: // is.Wikipedia.org/wiki/ts%c3%a1chila
  • Wikipedia, Quechuas. Recovered from: https: // is.Wikipedia.org/wiki/Quechuas

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