Current Situation Of The Mexican Child Around Food
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Currently Mexico is among the first places in child obesity worldwide, a problem that occurs more often in the northern states and in urban communities.
The cause of childhood obesity in Mexico is due to the form of food that children carry, they do not eat well or eat too many amounts, today parents do not want to put lunch so that children eat in their recess, simply give themmoney and this causes to buy potatoes with sauce, fast food with too much fat, etc. Currently people do not make meals at home, buy in the street and take it to their homes which is not good and healthy for children since their body did not quickly dig.
It also has a serious malnutrition problem, most people in remote cities have high poverty indices, which makes them not eat well and at their hours, most of the indigenous populations are in high index of poverty which causesthat children present strong malnutrition paintings.
This research is based on the current situation of Mexican children around food, the figures show that there is a high index in obesity and malnutrition, which tells us that very little percentage of children in Mexico are in a normal healthy rangeAnd well fed, this is partly due to the growth of food industries since most of them use chemical substances in food which do not provide the necessary nutrients that the child needs, and have a high percentage of fats which makes itThe body does not quickly discard these foods and cause obesity.
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On the contrary, malnutrition is presented in indigenous populations, children who have no resources to eat and to achieve an optimal nutritional health status.
Current situation of the Mexican child around food
FAO explains that, for the maintenance of organic functions, growth and development it is necessary to consume food in adequate quantities. If the organism does not receive enough nutritional substances, nutritional problems such as anemia and malnutrition occur;If alterations such as obesity are ingested excessively, which tends to be associated with degenerative chronic diseases such as diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension and cardiovascular diseases.
- 1 out of 3 girls and boys from 6 to 11 years old is overweight and obesity.
- 8 out of 10 girls and boys of 6th grade do not reach the expected achievements in the areas of language and communication.
- 6 out of 10 girls and boys from 1 to 14 years have experienced some violent discipline method.
Among the main findings and recommendations, the following stands out:
Poverty affects more than half of children and adolescents:
- Of the almost 40 million children and adolescents living in Mexico, more than half are in poverty and 4 million live in extreme poverty.
- 91% of indigenous children and adolescents live in poverty.
Additionally, the organization recommends improving the quality and offer of social programs and services, differentiated for the age groups of the population under 18, which implies that the particularities of early childhood, school age and adolescence should be considered.
Children and adolescents are affected by the double burden of malnutrition (both malnutrition and overweight and obesity):
- 1 in 10 boys and girls under 5 years in Mexico records chronic malnutrition.
- 1 out of 3 boys and girls from 6 to 11 years old is overweight and obesity.
To address the double burden of malnutrition in Mexico, UNICEF recommends strengthening timely detection mechanisms of all forms of malnutrition, promoting the practice of breastfeeding and healthy school environments, as well as reducing the intake of ultra -process and drinking foodssugary, through its regulation.
Education with limited learning:
- 8 out of 10 girls and boys of 6th grade do not reach the expected achievements in the areas of language and communication.
- Almost 3 out of 10 adolescents between 15 and 17 are out of school.
In order to increase learning and educational quality indices in Mexico, UNICEF suggests relevant learning through curricular autonomy, taking into account the contexts in which girls, boys and adolescents live. UNICEF also recommends strengthening early alert systems at the national level so that the information received from these systems can be used by educational authorities in the prevention of school abandonment.
Obesity and overweight
1 in 20 girls and boys under 5 years old and 1 in 3 between 6 and 19 years suffer overweight or obesity. This places Mexico among the first places in child obesity worldwide, a problem that occurs more often in the northern states and in urban communities.
1 in 8 girls and boys under 5 years of age suffers chronic malnutrition. Malnutrition occurs mainly in the states of southern Mexico and in rural communities rather than in urban ones;The most affected are indigenous households.
From UNICEF, they recommend developing and implementing public policies to address malnutrition in all its forms, through the following measures:
- Strengthen the abilities of the health system to detect, diagnose and control all forms of malnutrition.
- Promote breastfeeding and strengthen the monitoring and control of breast milk products.
- Adopt a front and drink front labeling that is clear and understandable by consumed, including children and adolescents.
- Promote healthy school environments, advertising free to children.
- Boost physical activity and reduce sedentary habits in children.
Food practices affect nutrition and health in the first year of life, presumably through the following mechanisms:
- The techniques used to prepare food and to feed the child determine the level of exposure of the latter to the pathogens of the environment.
- Maternal sinus food contributes to the child’s immune capacity to respond to possible infections.
- The quantity and quality of the diet influence its nutritional status.
The first months of life are a quick growth period. Breast milk is the only food that adapts naturally to the child’s changing nutritional requirements. In general, breast milk is the complete and perfectly balanced food that satisfies, on its own, the needs of liquids, energy and nutrients of the child up to 4-6 months of age.
Malnutrition in Mexico
Although in the last 20 years in Mexico a decrease in different types of child malnutrition has been observed, the prevalence of low size continues to be a serious public health problem in children under five years of age. Currently in Mexico, 1.5 million children of this age (13.6%) suffer from chronic malnutrition (low age size). This, evaluated by indicators as low weight for age, is located in 2.8%;that is, 280,000 children suffer from it, and evaluated by the weight indicator for size, in 1.6%, which indicates that approximately 174,000 children present it.
Overweight and obesity
The main factors attributed to the causes of overweight and obesity have been the increase in the consumption of hypercaloric foods, rich in fats, salt and sugar and poor in vitamins, minerals and fiber;as well as the decrease in physical activity originated by the urbanization and sedentary lifestyle of the population.
After the infant stage, children experience progressive development that is linked to the establishment of eating habits. The period from 24 months of age to the start of puberty is characterized by slow physical growth with an annual increase of 2 to 3 kg of weight and 5 to 8 cm tall per year. As the growth rate decreases during this period, appetite is lower and food ingestion seems irregular or unpredictable. Parents often express their concern about the limited variety of food ingested, loss of time, distraction of children and the low consumption of vegetables and meat, and their preference for sweet food. During the second outbreak of puberty growth, the demand for nutrients increases again and the child increases its appetite and in this period eating disorders due to psycho-affective problems and the influence of the environmental environment may appear and due to the influence of the environmental environment. The managers (parents, teachers, health equipment) are responsible for providing a variety of nutritional foods, structuring food times and creating an environment that facilitates food and social exchange. Children in these stages of life have the responsibility to determine how much they eat.
Currently, food in children is not very good, this is reflected in the surveys that make populations, which throw the high paintings of obesity and malnutrition, to be able to correct this it is necessary to carry a good diet accompanied by exercise, before theChildren ate very well since there was not as much food processed as currently, the food provided the necessary nutrients for the adequate and healthThere is a high degree of obesity, it is more in children since they do not exercise as before, they pass it in the houses and almost do not go out to play, malnutrition is also presented in indigenous populations and children in poverty sinceThey do not have the economic resources to acquire supplies.
One way to control all this is a good diet, food made at home and not bought, this helps improve the metabolism of children, it is more effective to control obesity and malnutrition in children than in adults since they get their shape fastercurrent body and take advantage of the nutrients contributed.
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