Customer Service And Absolute Consumer Satisfaction
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When talking about service culture, the interior and exterior of the organization must be reflected, elements such as: assertive communication, respect for the person and difference, transparency in acting, that is, healthy work environment. However, some organizations have a service structure and non -service culture, since they remain in the superficiality of good attention, and does not transcend the experience and pleasure to serve (Restrepo, 2006).
The purpose of a good customer service is to offer a pleasant and stimulating experience to be possible to offer everything that is needed in one place. To do this, it is permanently worked in the design of novel ideas for the creation and renewal of a good customer service.
A good service culture causes the company to constantly investigate the needs of customers through surveys, meetings and courses. Customer responses to consultations such as: Why are we looking for us?, What do they expect to find in our warehouses?, They define two fundamental aspects: exclusivity and novelty for personal satisfaction (Potes, 2006).
Before defining service, it is necessary to be clear that this cannot be standardized since customer expectations are different depending on their culture, beliefs and needs, however appearances indicate that everyone requires the same service. At present, the service is framed in attracting, conquering and maintain. The provision of the service requires material, technical, financial and most important resources of the entire human being, who puts his soul in serving.
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(Restrepo, 2006).
What is customer service?
To focus the management style towards the culture of the service, it is necessary to identify in the organization the critical areas of success that aim to satisfy a customer, that commercial relationship is mainly given by: marketing, sales, billing and portfolio and customer service. As the culture of the service is linked to the myths, beliefs, legends and habits, an important part of philosophy the client should be internalized as the heart of the model and propose a change in the pyramid the organizational structure, where at the highest level there isThe client, followed by the divisions, sub -management and in the base the management who must manage the relationship with the users.
An element that cannot be ignored in the study of productive systems is precisely the level of customer service with its corresponding cost. It cannot be ignored that in recent years customers have evolved and are now more demanding, more knowledgeable, more sophisticated and are more eager to make their own decisions (Delgado, 2006).
If we examine the modern approaches that occur in the different organizations, we can appreciate that in order to succeed in customer service, there are several elements that the company must take into account, such as leadership, efficiency in its operations, human capital,Organizational culture and the latter must be well defined so that its members of this clear mission and vision of the company, in this way the workers when they feel identified and part of it, will be motivated to carry out their activities, with quality and this influencespositively in the attention to their customers, both internal and external. Hence, the most important aspects to achieve competitiveness are: identify the possible failures in the customer service, continuously improve processes and control their execution in the most efficient way possible, in addition to evaluating the ability of their human capital. A well -designed human capital strategic plan will have excellent customer service, with a view to the achievement of the corporate objective (Godoy, 2011).
Ethics in customer service
The type of management currently seeks to develop maximum performances, where people deploy all their potential and perform their tasks, involved in a permanent learning process;in which it is generated with bond, sense of responsibility, commitment, development in new competences, impeccable performance and capacity for innovation and creativity (Álvarez, 2013).
The sense of ethics deserves to stand out as a fundamental pillar within organizations, because man should be determined to conduct himself in a timely manner to his moral conscience, the result of the culture of being and satisfaction of good habits in any field. Ethics is the set of principles and values that makes coexistence between men more human and meritorious. The principles are based as moral paradigms to be applied through a corresponding need for clarification and public discussion;These are known independently and previously before their application. The values are the abstract ideas governed by the thought and action to support the culture, vision and mission of a person (Romero, 2006).
In an organization, beliefs based in business and in their people would become to guide the organizational strategy. Business ethics is adjusted to fade existing conflicts in the organization through a moral reflection that helps the line of discussions and maneuvers with justified agreements appropriate to behavior.
In recent years, workers have adopted a different position in front of the client, realizing that the consumer demands more in the implications of ethics in the quality of goods and services, and demand a sample of honesty, human treatment and cordiality (Rosales, 1995) In addition, the client’s need grows to be treated quickly and personalized by an institution with solid and stable image (Fernández, 2002).
Customer service within a company
“If the professional has commitment and acts, but does not have the necessary abilities, he will not reach results even if he has had good intentions. Yes, on the contrary, it has capacities and acts at the time, but does not commit to the project, it may reach results;The only drawback is that your lack of motivation will prevent you from innovating or proposing things beyond the imposed. Finally, if the professional has capacities and commitment, but when he acts, the time has already passed, he will not get the results desired by the simple reason that some have been advanced ”.
Taking into consideration the preceding approaches, for organizations in general, it would be important to have individuals who have a sense of commitment, since they would feel identified with their work;In the specific case of the Logistic Services Management, the sense of commitment is manifested in a positive attitude to provide attention to internal clients and thus achieve the objectives set. Maintaining compliance with both personal and business promises and supposed. However, when those promises cannot be fulfilled, it can also favor reliability, that you have enough strength to apologize, recognize that something has gone wrong and look for new paths towards the solution of the accident.
Godoy (2011) proposes a series of commandments to follow in a matter of customer service:
- The client above all, is the client to whom we must keep in mind at all times.
- Fulfilling everything that is promised, the client must feel confident and this depends on the credibility of the information he receives and who is transmitted.
- For the client, the company makes a difference, the human capital that has direct contact with customers has a great commitment, they can make them return or never want to return.
An unsatisfied employee generates unsatisfied customers, human capital must be oriented to the achievement of sales and trained for it, know the products, their benefits and even their disadvantages, keep them motivated, if these factors are not covered, the companies cannot pretend to satisfyTo customers, which is why human resources policies must go hand in hand with marketing strategies.
The quality of service is the horizon that must guide all members of the company and its operations, because the success are based on customer service. It has become an essential requirement to compete in the context of industrial and commercial organizations around the world, since the implications it has in the results account, both in the short and in the long term, are very positive for thecompanies involved in the customer service process.
Despite the importance that organizations have registered for organizations to develop and manage the strategies, training of people and the improvement of systems, companies fail to implement a service management where the heart is the client. The implementation of this model in an organization will allow the best service to be provided and effectively responding to the needs of its customers, however the most important thing is to strengthen its organizational culture in such a way that it immunizes before the crises generated by the environment.
Currently companies face increasingly competitive and dynamic contexts in which to achieve and maintain certain competitive advantages is really expensive and complicated. Globalization, the information society and advances in logistics and transport, among other factors, make companies only think about their competence in local and national spheres, but should do so in global terms. A competitor can come from any point on the planet. In this context, one of the fundamental objectives is the absolute satisfaction of the consumer, not only with respect to the use of the product itself, but also with respect to the ethics commitment generated by the companies. In order to satisfy these clients, it will be necessary to identify previously what their needs are, not only for use and consumption, but, increasingly, their social concerns. In this way the offer can be adapted to this situation, and companies can create and deliver greater value than other competitors.
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