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Fear of death in adults to adults Introduction Since time immemorial, death has always been linked to human being, in some cultures a punishment consequence of sin, in others a......
Words: 893
Pages: 3
Fashion in Victorian era The present historical research has as its main objective to know and analyze the impact that fashion had in the Victorian era at the social and......
Words: 2225
Pages: 8
Family relationships today Introduction The family is;a social structure that is built from a process that generates consanguinity or affinity links among its members. Therefore, w...
Family father and his teaching Introduction It is a social institution. Most humans their first teaching source, is the family. Parents carry out economic or non -economic activiti...
Words: 846
Pages: 3
Family culture and child labor in Metropolitan Lima Introduction The family is the most important scenario in the child's life. At home, parents are the first agents responsible fo...
Words: 573
Pages: 2
Faculty of Philosophy and Letters Introduction Who better than with Shakespeare to begin this dissertation The exterior appearance proclaims the internal condition of man (Shakespe...
Words: 915
Pages: 3
Factors that influence human development What are they? They are factors or environments that favor or hinder human development in a community, region or whole country. Features...
Words: 597
Pages: 2
Export prohibitions of countries In April of this year, 80 countries and customs areas have imposed prohibitions or export restrictions as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, accord...
Words: 626
Pages: 2
Evolution of societies over time Throughout the study of society, after knowing about hordes, clans and tribes, which have differentiated, in the case of hordes and clans both m...
Words: 1623
Pages: 6
Euthanasia: suffer or die dignity A few days ago, I heard in the relevant noticas that occur in the media a word in singular "euthanasia", which lashed out at the......
Words: 1512
Pages: 5
Ethics related to moral study Introduction This essay will present what the concept of ethics is in regard to philosophy, also examples will be presented with works by great philos...
Words: 1960
Pages: 7
Ethics in purchases today Ethics is a set of customs and norms that direct the human being to behave in a community, honest to be decent, demure, modest and complete,......
Essay on the Society of the Goths Initially, the Goths were settled in tribes or small precarious villages, of which some of them were merely seasonal. There they lived with......
Words: 661
Pages: 2
Essay on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict Introduction As law students we conducted this study on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, which focuses on the understanding of the contex...
Essay and criticism about the middle class The data of this article to be analyzed were obtained from the saved program belonging to La Sexta the same one that is......
Environmental pollution due Contamination in my community is a problem because people do not put the garbage in the junk containe. Garbage is classified into three different c...
Words: 1131
Pages: 4
Elements that constitute the Spanish language and importance Introduction Before focusing on the main theme of this essay we must take into account that it is the language, this re...
Words: 551
Pages: 2
EDUCATION IN MATERNITY, SCHOOL AGE AND SOCIETY To reach an optimal food security level, you have to resort to several paths, including food and nutrition.Due to the importance of t...
Words: 445
Pages: 2
Educational Policy Seminar Introduction Education in Colombia as it says in the Constitution of 91 is declared as a fundamental right of the person, as well as a public service......
Words: 1051
Pages: 4
Ecuadorian cultural identity and its evolution Introduction Cultural identity will understand it through the definitions of culture and its evolution over time. It is derived from ...
Words: 819
Pages: 3
Dubai Museum History Every city, region and country has its history, those events that mark an identity, a culture, as long as we visit a new place we begin to......
Diseases caused by the discovery of America The conquest in America given approximately in 1492, in which Christopher Columbus managedThe extinction of his beliefs and even his lan...
Words: 751
Pages: 3
Difference of social classes in the work great hopes of Charles Dickens The work "Great Hopes" written by Charles Dickens in 1960 develops in a contemporary era, where...
Words: 1099
Pages: 4
Deterioration of Colombia's cultural and national identity Introduction In this essay the question to be developed is: What phenomena have the deterioration, destruction and extinc...
Desiree's baby and his syndrome Introduction The shaking syndrome known in English as Shaken Baby is a form of child physical abuse in which a cranial trauma occurs that as......
Culture in Central America The term culture comes from Latin cultus, this refers to the cultivation of the human spirit. In history, the concept of culture has been changing. At......
Words: 695
Pages: 3
Culture in Ancient Egypt Introduction This thesis refers to a theme known for all from centuries that can be said that centuries ago, one of the most splendid civilizations arose.....
Words: 650
Pages: 2
Culture and its characteristics in global society Of course, each culture has its own characteristics that differentiate it from the rest, however, cultures as a whole share a s...
Cultural Heritage of Ecuador Introduction For many years, people have had the need to share their beliefs and knowledge to future generations, these in a certain way become patrimo...
Words: 1613
Pages: 6
Cultural heritage and appropriation Introduction Ecuadorian cultural heritage leaves us a historical tour of more than 10,000 years which has been showing our identity. This herita...
Words: 623
Pages: 2
Critical essay on Martin Lindstrom's book What the Buying Book made by Martin Lindstrom refers to that there is another way to present to consumers the brand, it is not......
Words: 832
Pages: 3
Contributions by Jean Jacques Rousseau in the sciences of man according to Claude Lévi Strauss To start we have to keep in mind that for Claude Lévi Strauss, Jean......
Words: 1961
Pages: 7
Consumer behavior in different places Introduction Marketing managers study consumer buying behavior to know the needs, desires and demands of the consumer with the aim of providin...
Consumer behavior and its objectives Introduction Without a doubt, technology advances day after day, adding to it the new ways to communicate between companies that provide produc...
Words: 1048
Pages: 4
Consequences in Ireland del Norte Introduction Today, Brexit is still an unresolved problem and, with the current circumstances, a definitive agreement between the EU and RU seems ...
Words: 912
Pages: 3
Confectionery consumption in children The background of the US National Health Survey. UU. Discover that the little ones consume more sugars than girls (70 % of boys who have age.....
Words: 467
Pages: 2
Conceptual analysis of gender identity in society Introduction It is easy to understand the definition of concepts equality, tolerance and discrimination. Equality means condition ...
Concept of citizenship and requirements to grant citizenship Introduction In this work I will present my concept of citizenship specifically, trying to complement the above with wh...
Words: 914
Pages: 3
Comparison of Festival Holi and Tomatina Throughout history in all cultures, diverse customs and festivities have been created;some important and serious transmitted from thousands...
Words: 468
Pages: 2
Comparative history of modern music, painting and poetry Introduction Modernity begins as a criticism of religion, philosophy, morals, law, history, economy and politics. Criticism...
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