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Woman as an object of desire in history Throughout history, female identity has been limited to the performance of certain roles within society by imposing a secondary role subj...
When confucism delayed progress The reform speaks fundamentally of moral nature. The stability and harmony of society, both in the family and in a major group, depended on the mora...
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Vispera de los Santos, a popular celebration Introduction The arrival of autumn reminds us, that Halloween is already approaching friends. Halloween every year is gaining a lot of ...
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Pages: 7
Virtue in humans, of nature or created Introduction Aristotle states that virtue is not created in the nature of the individual, although it recognizes that it is merely natural fo...
Violeta Parra, singer -songwriter, poet and artist Violeta Parra was a singer -songwriter, poet, artist and teacher born in San Carlos, Ñuble in 1917, since childhood she sang in ...
Violence against women today Introduction Violence against women has long been produced in various ways, according to the National Plan against Gender Violence (2016-2021) indicate...
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Vest of Santos, a celebration that evolves Introduction Halloween is a party that has evolved over time, being currently one of the most important celebrations commemorating worldw...
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Uses and customs of marriage through time From the institution of both political and religious marriage we can say that it has changed a lot until reaching the current marriage.......
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United Nations for Children. Introduction Since the foundation of our nation, more than 55 million immigrants from all continents have established themselves in our country. In fac...
Unequal marriages and the sanction pragmatic of 1776 in the yes of Moratín's girls The yes of the girls, released in 1806, was a success of representation in the Spain......
Types of drones and their various uses Introduction The drones began being for exclusive use of military circles and received the name of non -manned combat aerial vehicles (CACNT)...
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Pages: 9
Types of contracts in Uruguayan legislation The contract is a legal business mode, we can say then, that the contract is a pact in which both two, whether a buyer......
Tribalism and its influence on the world population Tribalism is defined by the Spanish health psychologist and sexologist, Isabel Rovira Salvador, such as: "A concept of the ...
Trial. Utopias and social reality The term utopia refers to the idea of a fantastic, perfect society. Mentioning an universe parallel to the world in which one lives, it is......
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To really serve ethics Introduction As for the content, which in the Maraña of formalities seems irrelevant, when it is precisely the important thing and that is why it is......
Tolerance, a great virtue "Tolerance is anger dominated by reason" Peter Ustinov (1921-2004). Tolerance refers to the ability to respect everything that is different from...
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Tokugawa Shogunato: Origin of Yen Introduction The Japanese seem reluctant to abandon the old customs, especially in some provinces and in small populations. A clear example is the...
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Those who have knowledge, do not predict: those who predict, have no knowledge How this thought of Lao-Tse "those who are aware, do not predict: who predict, do not have......
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The virtue from the point of view of the sophists, Plato and Aristotle In the following trial, the relationship established between the point of view of the sophists, Plato and......
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The utilitarianism and deontological theory of Immanuel Kant Introduction Utilitarianism was a current that dominated until the beginning of the 20th century. In utilitarianism, se...
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The use of mobile phones in young people Introduction The use of mobile phones is every time we have been related to the culture and customs that surround us. More......
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The truth and power, a marriage of centuries Introduction: “The root was not black, it was not black what was in that piece of wood, but ... something else; Black,......
Words: 1580
Pages: 6
The spiritual phenomenon of national identity in Ecuador National identity, (El Telegrafo, 2016) is a spiritual phenomenon, at the same time sentimental and ideological, which summ...
The Spanish Inquisition from Muslim, Jewish and Christian peoples The research work aims to analyze the Spanish Inquisition within the social and economic field experienced by the ...
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The socialization process Introduction The term socialization can be defined or interpreted as the process by which the human or individual being begins to enter society to adapt a...
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The social division of work by Durkheim Durkheim deals with this problem through different prolonged studies in the time in which he observes that the annual percentages of suicide...
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THE SOCIAL CONTRACT: Rousseau A well constituted state must have limits, or too large that cannot be managed or very small that cannot be recognized as a state, when the......
The slavery reflected through realism in the works of Icaza and García Márquez Since ancient times, slavery has been well framed in the lives of humans;which is closely related t...
The second French empire and its intervention In 1851, Carlos Luis Napoleón Bonaparte gave a coup d'etat, the following year he was proclaimed emperor and that is how the second.....
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Pages: 3
The Schengen space and as arises The Schengen space is formed by an area of 26 different European countries, which recognized the inner suppression of borders with other member cou...
"The sailor who lost the grace of the sea" Introduction Since I began to read the work "the sailor who lost the grace of the sea" I could appreciate that......
Words: 1702
Pages: 6
THE RIGHT FOR AN INCLUSIVE EDUCATION FOR ALL Introduction In this essay we will deal with an inclusive education for all, which reject any type of educational exclusion and demands...
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The Red Death Mask by Edgar Allan Poe Introduction The story "The Red Death Mask" written by Edgar Allan Poe published in 1842 deals with a disease called the red......
The prominence of the prophets in the history of Israel The prophets were men with a well-defined character (Jer 3: 12-13), they were common people and currents, some began their.....
The principalities in the Prince of Nicolás Machiavelli Introduction In the first part of the book, it covers the theme of the principalities, while in the second part it covers.....
The power of women to face stereotypes Introduction During the course of history and literature, the role of women has been reflected in countless literary works. The woman and her...
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THE POWER OF DEMOCRACY Introduction The theory of participatory democracy that bets on the inclusion of forms of direct democracy within representative democracy imply a way of dem...
The philosophical tendency of empiricism INTRODUCTION This essay has been written to publicize various aspects of the philosophical tendency of empiricism. The various points to be...
The phenomenon of globalization Introduction. There is much talk about globalization, but we don't We have stopped thinking of their origin, causes, consequences and impact on the ...
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The perception of religion and atheism Within the theoretical debate it was observed that the religious freedom principle and the principle of secularism have great differences for...
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