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THE ORIGIN OF GENDER VIOLENCE Introduction When we listen to the term gender violence, most of us think only of men's aggressions towards women. However, gender violence is defined...
Words: 703
Pages: 3
The new understanding: Effective Communication and Culture Introduction. In which we live from the particular vision that each one has in the world, but we act as if we all......
Words: 1080
Pages: 4
The Napoleonic Code in France The present work shows us how France was before the Napoleonic code, during and after. The Napoleonic Code has undergone changes according to the mode...
The Mexican woman from the perspective of Rosario Castellanos Rosario Castellanos Figueroa writer, journalist and Mexican diplomaticI on the feminist side by leaving in his works a...
Words: 522
Pages: 2
The meaning of racism The official narrative of the history of constitutionalism has been hiding the legal - political status of the groups that were excluded from the political co...
Words: 1258
Pages: 5
The magnificent work of the Prince of Machiavelli It is an impressive work which was written by Nicolás Machiavelli, philosopher, writer and Italian political diplomat of the Rena...
THE LITERARY WORK THE TRIBULATIONS OF THE STUDENT Törless The literary work "The tribulations of the student Törless", was a work written by the Austrian author Robert ...
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The life of the Peruvian José María Arguedas José María Arguedas was born in Andahuaylas, in the Sierra Sur del Peru on January 19, 1911. In this essay I announce......
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THE LEGAL EXPERIENCE OF ROME The book "The legal experience of Rome. Your projection on the threshold of the S.XXI ”was written by Ricardo Panero Gutiérrez and published in...
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The latent suicide problem Each person at least once in his life is tempted by the freedom to choose the path of death. The search for ‘Morales Vacation’ is the......
The Labyrinth of Soledad by Octavio Paz The labyrinth of loneliness is a literary work in which Octavio Paz seeks to explain the reason for being of the Mexican, which......
Words: 730
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The knowledge of administrative law For the author García Maynes, "it is the branch of public law that regulates the organization of the public administration company and the...
Words: 878
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The influence of culture on international business Introduction As cultures cross borders and the global market expands, the international business must have an inexorable adaptabi...
Words: 1040
Pages: 4
The infidelity or new directions of the couples Infidelity is a fairly broad topic, covered not only in scientific writings or psychological consultations, but extends throughout t...
The inclusion of the omniscient narrator to demonstrate the cultural importance in Yawar Party Peru is cataloged as one of the countries that has given rise to the most recognized....
Words: 714
Pages: 3
The impact of technology Introduction Technology is something that has generated a great impact on society, since it seeks to solve problems and meet individual and social needs, o...
Words: 678
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The human factor as a key piece in the prevention of occupational hazards Introduction Working conditions are understood, any aspect of work with possible negative consequences for...
The history of colonization in America The colonization of America began at the end of the 15th century, when Christopher Columbus arrived in American territories in 1492 with the ...
Words: 431
Pages: 2
The hidden culture of rape Between 2010 and 2017, 24% of victims of gender violence corresponded to foreign women, being 50% of complaints for ill -treatment established by them. U...
Words: 931
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The help of sport to prevent cancer Introduction The benefits of physical exercise for health are out of discussion. No one can discuss the improvement in the quality of life......
The great witch hunt Introduction Between the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries a witch hunt was installed causing the death of thousands of innocent victims. The great witch hunt ...
Words: 1789
Pages: 7
THE GREAT RETURN MIGRATION In his work on internal return migration in the United States, he says that since the nineteenth century, and particularly since the thirties of the twen...
The French illustration France was the country that most knew the development of the ideas of the Enlightenment, in addition, it was the one who, in the various fields, the......
Words: 2008
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The Ethical Book for Amador The ethical book for Amador, the author tries to explain the reason for the different behaviors that human beings have before different scenarios. In th...
Words: 1107
Pages: 4
The educational situation in Bolivia and Diversity Introduction The current situation of disability in Bolivia is established by a clear situation of discrimination, inequality, ex...
The discoveries of the Modern Age Within the modern age, the Renaissance was a break with the Middle Ages, a cultural revolution. According to Eugenio Garin's words. This rupture w...
Words: 418
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The development of the neighborhoods Introduction Read a document called “The neighborhood is an misunderstood dimension?”By: Diego Londoño García, of which students must ela...
Words: 989
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The development of the comic as propaganda in the period delivered and its impact on American society To begin with, we will begin in highlighting the importance that the media......
Words: 1404
Pages: 5
The development of adolescents today The development of young people currently fulfills several challenges depending on the environment in which it develops as well as the training...
The cultural industry: loss of identity We say that communication is the exchange and coding of codes that allow the construction of common meanings, it is somewhat innate to human...
Words: 656
Pages: 2
THE CULTURAL DIVERSITY OF THE NATION OF PERU As we all know of good ink ... Our nation is multicultural and encompasses a universe of cultures and languages. But......
The crisis in Venezuela Perhaps today nobody denies either in Venezuela or outside of it that there is a delicate situation in all strata, aggravated by innumerable circumstances t...
Words: 1130
Pages: 4
The concept of culture in policies and cultural management Culture has developed a conception according to the time space that it has occupied, with its various nuances;However, it...
Words: 1336
Pages: 5
The community, people and racism as discrimination Racism is discrimination by a person or community towards another for believing in a superiority either by skin color, opinion, r...
Words: 484
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The city and the problems modern urbanism Modern urbanism with all its pros and consThis work will focus, we will know the current position of modern urbanism, who originated it......
Words: 1919
Pages: 7
The challenges promote universities to improve their performance INTRODUCTION UNESCO defines internationalization as the multiplicity of policies and programs that universities and...
Words: 1411
Pages: 5
The causes and realities of Honduran migration Introduction Honduras is a country full of wealth that offers a variety of tourist places and that contains a lot of potential to......
Words: 707
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The British Empire in India Introduction The British Empire in India began organizing at the end of the 18th century. On August 2, 1858, after the rebellion of India or......
Words: 877
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The beginning of the Industrial Revolution in England Introduction Why did the Industrial Revolution have its focus on England? The industrial revolution is the process that began ...
Words: 794
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The beginning of secondary and higher education in Mexico The insurrection in Mexico of 1810 Marco with the beginning of a process in which Mexico seeks to conform as an......
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