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Cyber Security In Practice Coursework Example


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Privacy v Security
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Privacy v Security
An ongoing debate in cybersecurity is the right balance between the privacy of users and the need for the government to protect their security. The latest flashpoint in this debate is
Apple’s refusal to comply with a federal court ruling that the company must assist the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and break into an iPhone recovered from one of the suspected San Bernardino shooters (http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-02-17/apple-ordered-to-aid-in-unlocking-california-shooters-phone/7177842). Edward Snowden has called it “the most important tech case in a decade” (https://twitter.com/snowden/status/699997565987745792).
Apple refused this request in an open letter here, and its testimony to Congress stated:
The FBI is asking Apple to weaken the security of our products. Hackers and cybercriminals could use this to wreak havoc on our privacy and personal safety. It would set a dangerous precedent for government intrusion on the privacy and safety of its citizens (https://9to5mac.com/2016/02/29/apple-fbi-congress-letter-lawyer-buffet/). This also has an interesting opinion by Warren Buffett on the issue.
However, it should be noted that Apple has been more than accommodating to the Chinese government, allowing local user data to be moved onto state-owned servers and submit to security audits by Chinese authorities (http://www.latimes.com/business/technology/la-fi-apple-china-20160226-story.

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Read all the above links and familiarise yourself with both sides of the issue and answer the following questions:
Should law enforcement have the authority to compel tech companies to release user’s data if it would assist an investigation?
Yes, law enforcement agencies should compel tech companies to release user data if and only if this data will assist them in investigations. This is some of the reasons why they should be allowed to because this will aid in fighting terrorism. Terrorism can’t be challenged in the dark. Terrorism will take over if law enforcement is denied user data by tech companies. This is because at times law enforcement agencies will hold information which is needed by law enforcement agencies to fight crime (Z, Miladinović-Bogavac.2017, 100).
When tech companies are compel released user information, it will ensure that justice is served to the victims. This is because if they are not forced to do so, violent crimes and terror attacks will go unresolved hence justice is denied to the victims
Is Apple’s stance on the refusal to comply with the FBI court order congruent with its behavior in China?
It is not congruent with its behavior in China. This is because Apple refused to comply with the court order which required them to release data of a suspected terrorist which could have enabled the victims to get justice and help in unearthing terrorism rings. By doing so, they would have been aiding in fighting terrorism and securing the country at large. Apple refused to comply with the court orders. But in China which a track record of infringement of privacy and human right abuse, Apple has agreed to move local use data to state-owned servers. This move by Apple will put at risk the lives of human rights activist and whistle-blowers (Z, Miladinović-Bogavac.2017, 115).
What is the role should encryption and cybersecurity play in a democratic society? Are citizens entitled to hide their data from the government and law enforcement?
In a democratic society peoples fundamental human rights is the building block. Hence data encryption in a democratic society is the resource which aid in the implementation of fundamental human rights. Because of protection of human liberty and freedom of speech in this time of evolution of digital age citizens have the right to data privacy from law enforcement agencies. This information should only be accessed if it will help the law enforcement agencies in fighting violent crime and terrorism (Z, Miladinović-Bogavac.2017, 110).

Miladinović-Bogavac, Ž., 2017. Business scam in saber space. Ekonomika, 63(4), pp.97-104.

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