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Da Vinci: A Genius Of The Italian Renaissance


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Da Vinci: a genius of the Italian Renaissance


Throughout the investigation, the invaluable contribution of reasoning to the evolution of knowledge could be appreciated. Thanks to these authors and their contributions, despite the consequences that they could cause for themof humans in the Modern Age, knowledge about biology, chemistry, astronomy, physics, anatomy, among others, allowed the transformation of people’s vision, to a reality where science determined the veracity of knowledge.


It was not imposed by ecclesiastical entities even though it could not be verifiable. However, it cannot be considered as a fast process, but rather, it was developed over time, and even many centuries passed before it could expand, however, allowed the beginning of a new era, a new perspective of theworld and an opportunity for the progress of human reasoning. Starting with Galilei who had a certain degree of distrust of authority and follow them blind, allowed him to be more receptive to a holistic vision, having attended the Medicine School facilitated him to find his true vocation.

Which, was not within the Medical Cambo, but that he learned a lot in philosophical postulates proposed by the ancient Greeks, especially Aristotle, whom, he came to refute on different occasions. He then discovered his passion for philosophy in addition to mathematics and literature, fields of knowledge in which he came to excel, for which he is now well recognized and studied by many children, youth and adults.

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The break between the Catholic Church and the Protestants, which was caused by the reform of Martin Luther.

The reasoning will begin to proliferate, in addition to the recent discovery of the New World, which had led many to question if all the knowledge had really been achieved. It is within this context that Galilei and Da Vinci grow their intellectual capacity and give rise to this scientific revolution. Galilei being a great admirer of Nicolás Copernico and knowledge, is dedicated to studying his heliocentric theory, very contrary to the geocentric theory that the Church had recovered from the Aristotelian proposals and mixed with its will to spread them among the population among the population.

So, Galileo dedicated himself to studying a theory capable of refuting her caused many adverse situations in terms of his investigations. In spite. He made use of his knowledge in an interdisciplinary way, relating theories of different fields, in order to achieve a more extensive panorama, to understand and understand how the world really works.

Thanks to this, it manages to expand the little that was known about physics, astronomy, biology and chemistry, with various contributions such as the improvement of the telescope, leading it to the observation of unknown facts, such as lunar craters, sunscreen, rings ofSaturn, the rotation of the sun, among others, allowing him to prove the Copernican theory of heliocentrism, so he was expelled from the Church and was forbidden to teach what was discovered. Aristotelian theories refuted again when carrying out an experiment where two objects of different dough drop from the top of the Torre de Pisa.

It allowed him to infer that the acceleration of the free fall bodies was the same regardless1971 during the mission of Apollo XV that dropped a pen and a hammer at the same time and observing that they fell at the same time. In addition to making great contributions as much as astronomy, physics and mathematics, he made another great contribution to science in general, this being the scientific method, which, under his perspective, knowledge should be based on experimental verification. 

First, the phenomenon should be observable, then the formulation of hypothesis that would explain the fact, which after being deduced should be replicated and verified so that it was valid. Leonardo da Vinci, another great author of indescribable relevance also made incredible contributions that still last, being an illegitimate son, had a diversity of difficulties that, however, did not prevent him from becoming self-taught and unlocking knowledge in painting, anatomy, architecture, architecture, paleontology, botany, science, literature, art, philosophy, engineering, music, among many others. 

Throughout his trips through Europe in his search to share and expand understanding, he perfects his abilities in painting, sculpture, projection and design of structures. In turn, as he was building his knowledge, he was interested in facts that he could not explain, always carrying a notebook where he wrote his observations about any data that caught his attention. In this way, it is attracted by physical facts such as the laws of movement and propulsion, hydrostatic pressure, the flight of birds, among many others.

Reason why you create sketches about various artifacts capable of firing catapults, divert rivers, diver suits, underwater breathing systems, flying, parachute objects, just to mention some. Because he was passionate about anatomy, he was dedicated to dissecting bodies and consequently managedTotal vertebrae, studied the blood system, the function of the veins, arteries and the route of the blood. 

His discoveries on the heart are so advanced to his time that they were not confirmed until recent years. Therefore, it can be concluded that with these authors a new era begins, one where humanity would be guided by its capacity for reasoning and analysis, a process that would lead to the expansion of knowledge as far as they have today. This revolution is a transcendental fact that has significantly marked humanity, from which it can be learned that insatiable desire to discover and experiment can always lead human beings to unimaginable limits. 


You can also learn from the experiences of these scientists who, regardlessexperimentation;This knowledge, in times of crisis may be the key to problem solving, which, thanks to its dynamic and reliable characteristic, will allow the evolution of human beings, towards a brilliant future, full of reason, knowledge without limit, knowledge,critical and analytical minds, where it is possible to live in harmony also with the environment and continue to progress to be better. 

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