Daily Schedule and Goals for Baby
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Daily Schedule and Goals for the Baby
Children account for an essential social aspect of the family. Charlotte, my daughter, is eight months old. She is an active lady who loves to play with her toys and to crawl around the house. Charlotte loves playing in her playpen, and she is pretty much fascinated by colorful objects. She is a poor feeder and does not like feeding on meals prepared specifically for her, but shows interest in food eaten by adults. Her food mainly comprises of mashed potatoes or pumpkins, some mashed fruits and she also breastfeeds. From zero to six months I did exclusive breastfeeding to Charlotte which helps in immunity and mother-daughter bonding (Honig 6), and later on, I introduced mushed food to her diet which she dislikes. To make sure she feeds properly, I feed her at the playing ground outside our home as she plays, and this helps distract her. Sometimes she refuses to feed totally and opts for breast milk instead, and this has affected her weight gain because of the poor feeding yet she is very active. At the moment she weighs seven kilograms which are a little less of the required weight at her age. Therefore, I feed her little meals three hourly, and it is actually showing some improvement.
Charlotte loves her sleep time, and she sleeps for four hours after feeding during the day and at night, once she has fed well, she will sleep until early morning hours. Before bedtime at night, she like it when I read her goodnight moon bedtime story, though she does not fully understand the words, she loves the sounds I make while I read.
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Charlotte loves spending time with her dad after work, and she loves her nanny too.
I look forward to achieving several goals regarding growth milestones during this nurturing journey. I target to achieve optimal neurological development for my child by the time she is 1 year old.I have often set aside weekends for nature walks to improve her motor skills as well as social interaction skills. These activities, coupled with social play events in parks will likely assist her in crossing these milestones,
Works cited
Honig, Alice Sterling. “What are the needs of infants?.” Young Children 37.1 (1981): 3-10.
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