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Damage To Freedom Of Expression In Mexico


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Damage to freedom of expression in Mexico

Freedom of expression must take into account that it is a very important fund In this case, to prevent such right from being properly interrupted.

Throughout history this right has been several times threatened and even violated, so that a broader protection of this right is needed within this area.

In the governments of democracy, freedom of expression according to explicitly said by them is the fundamental right that is most protected as in the case of Mexico its Constitution has it in accordance with article 6 and 7, it must be said that as that article is within From the Magna Carta we also have international treaties such as article 19 of the Doubh, as well as articles 13 and 14 of the American Convention on Human Rights.


The manifestation of ideas will not be the subject of any judicial or administrative inquisition, but in the case that attack on morality, private life or third party rights, cause a crime, or disturbs public order; The right of replica will be exercised in the terms provided by law. The right to information will be guaranteed by the State.

Article 7 of CPEUM

The freedom to disseminate opinions, information and ideas, through any means is inviolable, through any means. This right cannot be restricted by indirect roads or media, such as the abuse of official or private controls, of newspaper for newspapers, radio frequencies or equipment and devices used in the dissemination of information or by any other means and technologies of the Information and communication aimed at preventing the transmission and circulation of ideas and opinions.

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No law or authority can establish prior censorship, nor to restore freedom of dissemination, which has no more limits than those provided for in the first paragraph of article 6. of this Constitution. In no case may the goods used for the dissemination of information, opinions and ideas, as an instrument of crime be kidnapped.

Freedom of expression in international law.

It should be noted that these articles that take an international scope that Mexico is located in the Pact the person or in this case the holder of said right is all individual (person), in accordance with the declaration of the article we are told that the law Of expression it contains, the right of not being able to be bothered about our own opinions as individuals, as well as all our opinions can be disseminated without any border limitation.

Art 19 DDUH

Every individual has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; This right includes not being disturbed because of his opinions, investigating and receiving information and opinions, and that of disseminating them, without border limitation, by any means of expression.

To be able to have a better understanding of these articles that are explicit in it, as well as what is freedom of expression as it is duly regulated in which it is the Mexican legal framework, the following thesis of jurisprudence are Of enough help to have a better understanding about compression on the subject:

Freedom of expression, dimensions of its content 

The fundamental right to freedom of expression includes both the freedom to express one’s own thinking (individual dimension), as well as the right to seek, receive and disseminate information and ideas of all kinds. Thus, when the security of not being a victim of arbitrary impairment is guaranteed in the ability to manifest one’s own thinking, the guarantee of freedom of expression ensures the right to receive any information and to know the expression of foreign thinking, which is associated with The collective dimension of the exercise of this right. That is, freedom of expression guarantees an exchange of ideas and information that protects both communication to other people from one’s views and the right to know the opinions, stories and news that others spread.

Prior censorship its prohibition as a specific rule in terms of limits of freedom of expression 

Fundamental rights are not unlimited as long as the constituted powers can legitimately issue norms that regulate their exercise, although this must be carried out within the limits established by the necessary respect for the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States. However, fundamental rights enjoy a main internal structure by virtue of which, when the exercise of one conflicts with the exercise of others, it must be addressed to its weight related to the light of all the relevant interests and goods In a particular case category, and determine which should be considered prevailing for the purpose of evaluating the constitutional reasonableness of the act or norm claimed. However, sometimes the Constitution of the Republic itself or the International Human Rights Treaties include specific norms on limits, which are structurally rules, not principles, and therefore accurately dictate the type of legal conclusion that is followed in a certain Hypothesis.

All these treaties defend the fundamental rights of people and that with just being a human being has the right to enjoy those laws that protect your integrity, but:

  • Do they really protect you as all these articles say?

In the case of Mexico, this idea could stay to the society of this country that practically our government does not mind respecting our rights and many cases have been seen in the majority of those in the command of power always and only watch over Their interest in exchange for that instead of doing their position as servers make people shut up through bribes or even hijacking them with the DIN that these people say nothing.

  • Has Mexico really had to get to that point?

Where people not only have to live with the day -to -day fear that being subject to organized crime, but also have to hide from their own government that supposedly protects them from these threats.

Some of the main victims of the society in which we live are the journalists those people who in our country day to day have to play their lives to let society know what is lived in the country and who are in the sight of the crime organized as the government itself.

These people who dedicate themselves to being day by day investigating the facts for the dissemination of the issue are not offered any security or the government itself as of the company themselves for which they work unlike that they only receive threats and remains in their own decision whether it is published or not.

These people have been quite harassed where to some extent they have become kidnapped not by organized crime if not by the government one of the most controversial examples of this is the case of Lydia Cacho where this journalist in 2004 was public documented on pornography and sexual exploitation where she explained and commented to several entrepreneurs who were being complicit together with politicians.

With this, this person after a year was arrested by authorities who uploaded her to a vehicle and transferred her to Puebla where all the path of her abused her physical integrity, as well as psychological.

This person not only violated his rights as a person, but he was also forced to shut up according to for that time governor of Puebla what she published in her book was more than falsehood and not only that it was only gossip to the government itself of Puebla explained, just as this journalist was tortured for just giving his opinion of the things I investigated many journalists went through the same or worse were killed.

It must be said that it is not always on the part of the government we do not have to put aside because also the organized crime has had much to talk about.


I think that one of the main proposals would be that to avoid more homicides everything is anonymously that things are published as it is done today to keep their workers safely as if the government itself should give security to those journalists, just as they do with their leaders.


In the country of Mexico from a general point of view, I think it will be very difficult for journalists’ life to change the State internally as it is full of corruption and it is something that is very hardly They can remove and want or not have much to do, since as posters and public servants do what they want and whatever they want and that affects society I think it is something that we must change and that will be done with the passage of the years, but we will always have that fear that by simply telling the truth or spreading they can harm us.


  • Journalists and defenders of DD. H H. violated in Mexico. (s. F.). Retrieved September 26, 2019, from https: // www.POLYCHITICAL ANIMAL.com/blog-invited/journalists-and-defensors-ddhh-violent-in-mexico/
  • Osorno, g. (2017, June 19). Opinion | The government threatens journalists and the freedom of expression of Mexicans. The New York Times. Recovered from https: // www.nytimes.com/es/2017/06/19/El-Government-Atta-Contra-Los-Periodists-and-la-Libertad-De-Expression-of-the-Mexicans/
  • UN recognizes violations of the rights of journalist Lydia Cacho | Article 19. (s. F.). Retrieved September 26, 2019, from https: // article19.org/UN-RECOOKE-VIOLACIONES-A-LOS-RECHOS-DE-LA-PERIODISTA-LYDIA-CACHO/
  • Mexico: at risk freedom of expression and defense of DD. H H.. (s. F.). Retrieved November 6, 2019, from https: // www.Amnesty.org/es/latest/News/2019/07/Mexico-in-Risgo-Libertad-Expression-Defense-Rights-Humanos/Human/
  • Freedom of expression | United Nations Educational, Science and Culture Organization. (s. F.). Retrieved September 27, 2019, from http: // www.UNESCO.Org/New/Es/Office-In-Montevideo/Communication-E-Information/Libertad-De-Expression/
  • Martínez, m. (2019, February 28). How many journalists have died in Mexico since I AMLO assumed. BBC News World. Recovered from https: // www.BBC.com/Mundo/News-America-Latin-47402149
  • Welle (www.DW.com), D. (s. F.). Murder of journalists: In Mexico, the press is the only source of justice | Dw | 02.08.2019. Retrieved November 19, 2019, from DW.Com website: https: // www.DW.com/es/murder-of-periodists-in-m%c3%a9xico-la-prensa-es-la-%c3%banica-sofuer-of-justicia/A-49871460

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