Dancing in Imagination
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Imagination supersedes reality is an archetypal proverb unknown to many, but cherished by few. Helen Keller’s text on “The Seeing Hand” demonstrates how imagination has enabled a blind person identify and recognize things within the person’s vicinity. The person was unlikely to realize the potential of the hand until the dog stirred the persona’s emotions. The effect of the touch was exhilarating, transformative and loving, unlike any other touch. The person felt loved and cared for and decided to take a step into the unknown. The text is emotional yet confusing for any reader to accurately understand the narrator’s viewpoint. The narrator lays credence to the importance of the hand, than the sight, unlike others. The narrator says, “My hand is to me what your hearing and sight together are to you.” The abundance of the hope the narrator has in the hands reiterates its importance to the narrator. However, the reader questions the effectiveness of the hand, unlike the eyesight and the narrator perfectly answers but rather in anecdotic form. The narrator says, “I move around my house, touching object after object in order before I can form an idea of the entire house.” (Keller 9) The claims significantly apportion the narrator’s imagination mojo to creatively imagine and form the true picture of an object through the power of a touch.
Intuitively, the world is different for every being. Different people are blessed with diverse abilities and capabilities. The differences make us human, makes us share in the sacred nature of the creation and come together in love through sharing and togetherness.
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The persona at one point says, “Without imagination what a poor thing my world would be!” Imagination has helped the persona discover the innate abilities; the persona has and uses the abilities to identify things unknown to the persona through sight. The narrator admits that many things may be incomprehensible to the persona, such as new houses or the sculptors, which are inspired by different viewpoints. However, can the hand lead another hand? The persona is sure the hand is capable of leading another, without fear or failure, piercing the reader’s imaginative qualities to rediscover a new charm on the sidelines of an already known ability. The narrator ultimately says, “So imagination crowns the experience of my hands.” The statement reiterates the importance of imagination in ensuring that through the touch one can recognize the true abilities of a person. Perceptively, the seeing hand is a product of the hand and the imaginative ability of the narrator, creating a super seeing hand capable of numerous things.
Demystifying Other People’s Hands
The perceptions of different people can be seen via the hands. The hands demystify the perceived differences, abilities and innate feelings of the different people. Can one tell a person’s feeling just by shaking hands? The narrator out rightly thinks that facial expressions are deceptive but the hands are rather an accurate submission of the truth and inclined to give objective understanding. The narrator reminisces of past teachings of the importance of the feelings by the hands, unlike the perceptions. The narrator says, “I am told that the glance of a beloved eye thrills one from a distance, but there is no distance in the touch of a beloved hand.” The touch demystifies the distance, reasonably approving of the shaking of hands after a disagreement as approval to enforce the agreements. Interestingly, during negotiations, warring parties are asked to shake hands to imply their agreement to the negotiated accord. The agreements are symbolic and fulfilling to every person involved, implying that the touch implores the perceptions. The narrator says, “The hand I know in life has the fullness of blood in its veins, and is elastic with spirit.” The statement implies that the life in the veins glows superior that the sight. The narrator further says, “Some hands tell me that they do everything with the maximum of bustle and noise.” The clasp of the hands is unlikened to none other ability, further denoting its supremeness in identifying the hidden abilities of the hand.
The touch eliminates fear, embodies love and enchants freedom. How can the hands demystify the illusions or perceptions held by people? The reader faces a conflicting ideology of the hands but variedly given opinions demystifying their fears on the subject. The persona says, “My hand follows his motions; I touch his hand, his arm, his face.” The touch implores the other person to react, but rather feels implored to act decently because the touch changes the person’s opinion. The abilities of the arm to reconfigure the feelings of the heart inspire others to undertake actions respectful of others. The different hands are dependent on the situation. A physian touch implores the heart to have faith in the treatment process; a mourner’s touch implores the grieving to take heart while the touch of a jury to congratulate the winners implores the winner to emotionally admit of their success. The diversity of the hand is unrivaled. Consequently, the hands demystify other people’s touch.
Works Cited
Keller, Helen, and Roger Shattuck. The world I live in. New York Review of Books, 1908. Print.
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