Death is the best way to have people see eye to eye.
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Death is the best way to have people see eye to eye
Death is simply the termination of life (Grey 1). The death of human beings has always been received with sadness; this is because of the breakage of the family bonds, relationships, or simply the affection with the deceased. Death is equivalent to passing on, passing away, gone or simply expired. According to the scientific approach, death has been described as the cessation of the brain activity, and this makes the margin between death and life challenging since clear conceptual lines have to be drawn to determine whether death has happened.
There are many causes of death ranging from suicide, homicide, sickness, depression, heart failure, accidents, among other factors. Revenge, on the other hand, is doing a harmful action to someone in response to a certain grievance. In other words, it’s an outlawed practice, since justice should only come from the binding law. Those who revenge feel that part of their power has been lost in one way or another and, therefore, need to restore it (Aaron 49).
Revenge has existed over a long period. Ancient tales, historical events and even the contemporary society still hold a large share of vengeance.
The eye to eye phenomenon
This is also known as the law of retaliation. In this case, the one who caused the injury should as well be penalized in a similar way. In other words, it can be perceived as a way of compensation. Before choosing on revenge, however, a man should take heed; this is because of guilt that usually comes once the action has been done.
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(Denton, Jacques & Snider 39). In one of the legendary Shake spear’s drama, this has been shown evident once Hamlet decided to take this move on Polonius. Hamlet just reacted on impulse without considering the magnitude of harm that it would result to. It clearly shows that revenge in itself is powerful and more offending to the doer.
Is death the best way to have people see eye to eye? Well, the desire for revenge can be overwhelming. In simple words, some describe revenge as the easiest way to turn shame into pride. One of the reasons as to why people turn to revenge is to get back their dignity and honor. In most cases, the death penalty has been adopted in legal law courts as a way of justice. Imposing a fine on a murderer can be seen as a way of depreciating the worth of humanity, the only significant retribution in such a case is simply the death penalty, as this can be justified by the society at large if the offender has caused immense pain (Aaron 49).
Vengeance and retribution are not the same. Much as vengeance is simply using anger to inflict pain on the offender; retribution is simply using the legally set up procedures to deal with the case at hand to the satisfaction of the affected victims and the society at large (Michael Price, 2009). The death penalty has always been used as a permanent way of stopping the main crimes from the offenders. After all, revenge is associated with justice and for as long as it does not bring you to a close state to the offenders then it inflicts more pain. (Robert 6).
Revenge is justified when it has been done for the right reasons. Death, in this case, is the best way to have people see eye to eye.
De Grey, Aubrey. “Life Span Extension Research and Public Debate: Societal Considerations”. Studies in Ethics, Law, and Technology 1.1 (2007): n. page. Web.
Price, M. (June, 2009) Revenge and the People Who Seek It. (link is external) Monitor, (40) 6.
Snider, Denton J. System of Shakespeare’s Dramas. St. Louis: G.T. Jones and Company, 1877. Print.
Beck, Aaron T. Prisoners of Hate: The Cognitive Basis of Anger, Hostility, and Violence. S.l.: HarperCollins e-books, 2010. Print.
Blumenfeld, Laura. Revenge: A story of hope. Simon and Schuster, 2003. Print.
Waldschlagel, Matt. “Apology, Forgiveness, and Revenge.” (2011). Print.
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