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Death Penalty


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Death Penalty

The question of the death penalty has now persisted in the minds and hearts of many people in the United States of America. The issue has now taken another twist by becoming one of the media’s debated matters. Many are left in a dilemma whether the judicial systems were established out of a desire for retribution or out of a need to rehabilitate. The researchers in the USA are left to find out the legality and ethics that befall capital punishment. In my analysis of the fact-finding, I chose to deal more precisely with the case against the death penalty.
It has nothing to teach the Condemned
The purpose for any punishment is to denounce evil and teach the wrongdoer that it is not admissible to do such acts. Our parents take the lead in this depending with what they learned from their guardians. A child may emulate crazy acrobatic move he/she saw in a Rambo movie. To warm such a kid against such performances, you may choose to give him/her a stern warning or spank so that he will remember never to repeat it. Thus, when the child graduates into adulthood and does not seem to acquire a right character for association with others, will fall in the hands of the police. For instance, if one steals electronics, arrested by the constable and convicted of the civil offenses, he will be imprisoned to deprive him/her of the freedom to move and do what he enjoys (Steinberg & Scott, 2003). This a proper punishment that makes the convicted persons learn from their mistakes and most probably they will be freed with a rehabilitated mind and character.

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Death is the Ultimate Wrong
Since the purpose for justice in the United States is to rehabilitate, the death penalty does not stand as an option for the remedy. The system seems very draconian to the criminals if they are aware that they shall be put to death no matter what. Death ought to be condemned without an excuse because a robber may have no intention to kill, but in the process of robbing, he may meet himself having murdered (Streib, 2007). Thus a lesser punishment than capital punishment would be better if embraced to deal wrongdoers.
Death Penalty does not dissuade
Relying on the 2012 statistics, there were 48 murder rates for every 100,000 people in the USA. This translated to about 15,000 victims of homicide every year. I am not yet convinced why a criminal will still commit a crime when he/she is conversant of the consequences thereafter. Criminal does not seem to be touched or changed by the capital punishment. If death sentence does not appear to dissuade o deter criminals of such acts, then it serves no purpose.
Committing Death is Hypocritical for a Nation
It becomes dishonest and strange for a nation to denounce acts of murder when it is engaging the very same thing in the corridors of justice (Bedau, 2008). It is hypocritical for a state to champion for what it holds dear but on the other side it Okaying it. The best way to teach the wrongdoers is by practicing the teaching. The state ought to protect the rights of everyone to live including the criminals whom court have found guilty of murder.
In conclusion, I advise the state arm of justice to amend the law and constitution to factor in the prudence means of dealing with the convicts of murder and such attempts. It is clear that death penalty does not promote any form healing or remedy to the guilty criminals. The death penalty is detrimental and thus, the executors of death criminally ought to be rehabilitated rather than applying the justice retributively them.

Bedau, H. A. (Ed.). (2008). The death penalty in America: Current controversies. Oxford University Press.
Steinberg, L., & Scott, E. S. (2003). Less guilty because of adolescence: developmental immaturity, diminished responsibility, and the juvenile death penalty. American Psychologist, 58(12), 1009.
Streib, V. L. (2007). Death penalty for juveniles (Vol. 197). Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

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