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Defining The Habit Of Reading


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Defining the habit of reading


Reading can be understood as a process of transmission of information whose objective is the acquisition of knowledge by the reader. It demands specific decoding skills whose learning is dedicated to a large part of the first years of school. Reading is an activity that has been present in the life of the human being since ancient times. 

Today the first steps aimed at reading as such are given from that first day in which our academic life begins formally, that is, at an early age, since, one of the first things that you learn in that area It is to read; We go as simple as learning the letters of the alphab.


Wong states that although reading is very useful and valuable in different aspects of life, such as the formation of our critical thinking, this is not very popular or important within the different activities that each person performs in their daily life. The importance of reading is immersed in different levels of learning and goes far beyond reading by reading. 

Through reading each individual interprets a different message, decoding signs that at first glance are simple letters, but that over time they become a bridge that gives us access to a world full knowledge to discover, acquire and to transmit. Its importance lies in benefits that in the long and short term will be reflected through our attitudes, skills, skills, and ways of thinking or seeing the world, infecting future generations of all those advantages that reading by itself possesses.

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Types of reading

There is a wide variety of ways of reading and understanding the written texts, of which its classification differs according to the proposal of scholars of this field, according to its purpose, according to the way of reading and according to the reader’s objectives to mention some. Starting from this, the following types of reading together are collected and defined:

Oral reading

It occurs when read out loud, “where the objective is to transmit information to one or more people, that is, a better understanding or faster speed is not pursued by the reader. Therefore, if you are oriented to an audience, it must adapt to the environmental factors seeking the understanding of the listener.

Silent reading

According to Ronald v. White, silent reading opposes the traditional practice of oralization. In this type of reading the written message is mentally captured without pronouncing words. It is one of the most used types of reading due to its personal character.

Superficial reading

The superficial reading consists of reading quickly to know what the text is about, allowing to obtain the superficial and generalized information that does not seek to deepen the reading or understanding of the same. "When we leave a book, a magazine or newspaper" a superficial reading is made.

Selective reading

This reading focuses on the selection of the competent information according to the interests of the reader. In the same way Cassany, Luna and Sanz, exemplifies the use of this reading when reading the newspaper, “first we leaf about from top to bottom, taking an agile and fast look, and then we attacked the news that motivates us more, with a more reading Attentive and exhaustive of these fragments ”P.199. Therefore, it can be observed that a global vision of the written document develops and then starting from the subjective team, obeying the reader’s inclination.

Comprehensive reading

Comprehensive reading is the reading that the reader performs with sufficient time to try to understand thoroughly and comprehensively all the content or message of the full text. 

Reflective and critical reading

On the other hand, the reflective and critical reading is the reading where the reader analyzes the content of the text in a critical way where he first compares the information given with another including with his own experience and thus being able to have several arguments that allow him to evaluate the relevance of the subject, since it does not accept the absolute truth of something, in order to accept the information. 

Recreational reading

Enjoying the content of a text is extremely important and when it enjoys and there is interest in text the understanding process is easier, according to recreational reading is that where the reader reads for pleasure and where the process is enjoyed, since it does not It matters the speed or time you take to complete it, since you enjoy the complete experience.

Mechanical reading

Unlike recreational reading where the reading process is carried out voluntarily, according to Brand, mechanical reading is that where the reader reads involuntarily or mechanically where there is no understanding of the text, since the reader reads it in a way and rapid decoding symbols and terms are identified regardless of the meaning of the text for example when we read a sign or brochure in the street.

Reading benefits

Many times people feel that they lose time of their life while reading and doing it as an obligation, however, it is proven that reading everything significantly increases cerebral coefficient, in this way there is greater understanding in various areas of daily life. This is why we must remember that reading is vital in our lives. And we have three fundamental areas in which the reading benefits:

  • Intellectual: In the intellectual aspect, reading develops imagination and creativity. The activity of reading, that the brain carries out with such naturalness, has repercussions on intellectual development. "Reading capacity modifies the brain.
  • Social: In the social aspect, reading provides greater development and greater security before other people, since, the people who read have a greater amount of vocabulary than those who do not, therefore, have greater fluidity and ease of ease of words. In addition, many more conversation issues are acquired in the social aspects that anyone can face daily.
  • Personnel: Reading is not only a healthy fun for someone, but also plays a fundamental role in the daily life of someone. Since “the act of reading is part of the act of living. Reading nourishes the human being and gives him possibilities or imagined of fun and progress.

Reading habits

Salazar, defines the reading habit as an intentional structured behavior that makes the person frequently read for personal motivation, which creates satisfaction, feeling of achievement, pleasure and entertainment."This means that the reading habit is created by the same individual, since he feels the need to read and obtain new knowledge. People who have the reading habit is because they have self-motivated and are firm that reading is something that they are passionate about and that fills them with wisdom. Likewise, the reading habit is something that we can obtain according to our environment.

Importance of reading habit

According to Martínez, Pupo, Mora and Torres, developing the reading habit in individuals can help build a better society where we can all live without limits. Also, to students have the ability to be better, as well as expand their knowledge and "the expansion of their vocabulary". The reading habit is very important, since it helps us overcome ourselves in the professional and personnel. Therefore, we should learn to develop that habit that can help us a lot in the future.

Reading frequency

The frequency refers to the measure in which an activity is repeated over time in a periodic way and on the other hand the reading as already established is the act of establishing a correlation between the reader and the text read , through understanding and analysis where ideas, experiences, opinions and information arise. Therefore, the frequency of reading is what measures the magnitude in which a reader dedicates his time to the reading habit. It is important to mention that the reading frequency arises from the reading habit and the higher the most determined or established reading frequency is the reading habit in a person.

Typology of readers

According to Murillo, based on the reading frequency, readers can be divided into: frequent readers, occasional readers, not readers.

Reading time

Reading time according to Murillo, part of two different temporal frames:

  • Weekly: referring to the amount of hours in the week that the reader invests in reading. An hour, five hours, 8 hours or more.
  • Annual: This framework refers to the amount of time dedicated to reading in general every year. Nothing, something, a lot.


Reading is born from the need of the human being to transmit a message to those who have the ability to interpret the type of code used.  From the constant in reading the reading habit born, counting the quantity and reading time. To have a reading habit, several aspects are involved: the family environment, cultural environment, economic aspects, and readings strategies.  

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