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Dehydrated Pina Export Market Study


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Dehydrated Pina Export Market Study

Market study

Dehydrated pineapple or pineapple snacks has a very high level of consumption current. Dehydration of these does not provide any change in its flavor or in the properties of fruit, guaranteeing a natural and healthy pass, which makes every day a potential product at the international level.

As mentioned above in terms of the product and taking into account the importance it has taken international. where the commercialization of this product is promoted to avoid the waste of fruits and in turn enter the external market.

Industry analysis

When observing growth, evolution in the volume of pineapple production in the national market, we discovered that by 2018 according to the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Juan Guillermo Zuluaga Cardona, confirmed that pineapple cultivation is going through a good time in ourcountry, with projections for that year of 950 thousand tons, which means that it is a good opportunity for the production of processed fruit, of very good health properties and thereby aim to export an innovative product to an innovative product toNew markets.

As for pineapple exports, in 2017 these added more than US $ 10 million, which reflected an increase of 8.11% compared to 2016: ‘Our pineapple sales are made by sea to countries to countriesLike Chile, Holland, United States;And, by air to France and Italy. With the above we can infer that by 2017 the consumption of this fruit abroad increased significantly, which is very importantPineapple snacks can have a great impact.

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The approach that Colombian products have had abroad is to attend and satisfy the Colombian market that resides in other countries such as the United States, Chile, Germany, France and among others, this is because they know the products and recognize their quality. These are part of the country’s culture and the daily diet of consumers which makes demand constant and has a high level of growth. The distribution channels for these products are concentrated in shopping centers, chain stores, small and medium supermarkets, stores, etc. The main factor to enter these markets is through local distributors.

According to the global global measurement and analysis company Nielsen says that global consumers spent $ 347 billion in snacks per year between 2013 and 2014, an increase of 2% year against year, according to the new global report of Nielsen. While Europe (USD $ 167 billion) and North America (USD $ 124 billion) add up to the largest amount of snack sales worldwide, annual sales are growing faster in large development regions. Pacific Asia (USD $ 46 billion) and Latin America (USD $ 30 billion) increased 4% and 9% respectively, while sales in the Middle East/Africa ($ 7 billion) increased 5%. (Nielsen, 214)

For them "the competitive panorama in the snack industry is very strong," said Susan Dunn, Executive VP of Nielsen Global Professional Services. “Demand is based primarily on flavor and health, consumers are not willing to give up any of these attributes. The correct balance is decided by the consumer at the point of sale. Understand the ‘why behind the purchase’ grants the necessary vision to deliver the appropriate product, to the correct consumer, at the right time ”.". (Nielsen, 214)

The firm Nielsen made a survey of more than 30 in 2014.000 online consumers in 60 countries in order to identify which are the most popular snacks around the world and which health, flavor and texture attributes are the most important when making the selection.

After the survey and carrying out its respective analysis, the firm Nielsen states that global respondents say that fresh fruit (18%) is the snacks that would first choose from a list of 47 different snack options, followed by chocolates (fifteen%). But on the contrary thinking of a 30 -day period they said they had consumed all kinds of snacks, chocolates in (64%), fresh fruit in a (62%). (Nielsen, 214)

According to the Macrosnacks Cluster of the Chamber of Commerce of Cali, one of the main challenges of this sector is to innovate in the development of functional and healthy products, consistent with the needs of the world market. The concept of macrosnacks (also known as mecato or snack) refers to a small amount of food and/or drink that is consumed between meals or on special occasions such as celebrations and meetings. In addition, these types of products are characterized by being light and easily accessible for the consumer by not requiring preparation. Some examples are nuts, friedness, cookies, etc. According to the Chamber of Commerce of Cali, the figures of the world leading firm in the Macrosnacks market, Pepsico, for a representative consumer in the western market, 67 occasions are presented monthly to consume this type of products. Even more, 9 are calculated.000 million ‘Snacking occasions’ per day, that is, 3 billion a year. It should be noted that 48% of the total sales of this company correspond to a chamber and 52% to drinks. The company estimates that in 2021, 55% of its total sales will correspond to a chamber and 45% to drinks.

Currently, the world market of macrosnacks exceeds USD 400 billion and is growing at annual rates close to 6% per year, according to Euromonitor data. According to analysts, strategic opportunities to take advantage of the growth potential of this market are supported by innovation capacity to develop new products, especially in the healthy nutrition category. In addition, they highlight the importance of international marketing and positioning activities to access more sophisticated and better prices markets. According to the above, the growth possibilities of this market in emerging economies are very wide, since the increase in middle class promotes the consumption of this type of products. For example, the average per capita consumption of snacks in Colombia is 1.9 kg/year, while in the US.UU., It is around 15 kg/year. 


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