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Delegation Narrative


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Delegation Narrative
The 68-year-old man with unstable angina does not have the necessary education regarding cardiac catheterization. The cardiac disease affects the heart due to complications that might arise within the body. In most cases, the disease is usually associated with obese people due to the accumulation of fats in the arteries. Cardiac catheterization is a procedure carried out to ensure that the heart goes back to performing its normal functions. It is a procedure that is responsible for healing the heart and ridding it of various conditions that might halt its proper functions. In this procedure, it has been researched that a long tube known as the catheter is inserted into the blood vessels in the body. It will enable the doctor to perform the required tests for the heart and administer the right treatment. The catheter will allow the doctor to view the heart in pictures and verify the extent of the ailment. An example can be witnessed when the doctor uses a dye to be administered in the tube, which will then flow into the blood vessels to the heart. The dye will enable the doctor to see the vessels in the heart through a picture on the screen. The coronary vessels are usually tiny. The test where the doctor uses the dye can be referred to as the coronary angiography.
The dye will enable the doctor to identify the substances that have accumulated in the arteries. In most situations, the substances usually accumulate due to the fatty acids in the body.

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It is the main reason why the obese people are mostly associated with cardiac diseases (Kern, Sorajja & Lim, 2016). In the case of the 45-year-old man, the chest pain that he is experiencing might vary due to many heart-related conditions. The cardiac disease might cause chest pains due to the accumulation of plaque in the coronary arteries. A test can be carried out to establish the extent of the accumulation to allow doctors to remove them. Since the man started experiencing chest pains, it can be considered that the plaque built-in accumulation. The pain in the chest can be attributed to the fact that blood does not flow freely to the arteries in the heart. When this happens, the heart is considered to be going through a hard time pumping blood all over the body. A catheter can also be used in this case to establish the level of plaque concentration in the heart. Patients with chest pains are usually advised to seek medical check-ups and exercise regularly. Cardiologists can sometimes use ultrasounds to verify the blockages caused by the plaque that has built-in the coronary arteries. The ultrasound machine requires sound waves to come up with verifiable pictures that will enable the doctor to have a clear view of the pictures.
The 75year old man suffered a stroke due to many factors. He was examined to be stressed due to personal matters that are compounded by family issues. Stroke is a medical condition that affects the brain due to over thinking and many other health complications. Diabetes and obesity are two medical conditions that have been researched to cause a stroke (Grossman & Baim, 2005). It can be argued that the man suffered the stroke due to his advanced age and some medical conditions that he is facing. The man is diabetic, which also sums the reason for his stroke attack. The 83 year-old man is suffering from heart ailments because of his family’s history of myocardial infarction and dementia. The man is suffering these conditions that he inherited from his parents since birth. His age has also played a role in causing the disease. The 83 year-old man does not exercise regularly, which explains the reason behind his ailment. The man has built plaque in his heart due to lack of activities. The man is compounded on the wheelchair, which makes him vulnerable to plaque accumulation. He is suffering from several health issues, which have caused him to be in the wheelchair for the past 20 years.
The 93-year-old man is suffering from a strong bladder, which has resulted in a decreased urine output. His body temperature has also been affected by his condition that has seen him pee once in a day despite the number of fluids taken. In his case, the kidneys are at risk due to the accumulation of urine in the bladder. The man is at risk of suffering from kidney stones (Ragosta, 2010). It is necessary for him to seek medical treatment, and perhaps seek surgery to open up the bladder for a continuous flow of urine. The 59-year-old is suffering from acute breath shortage that has limited oxygen in his body. The lack of enough oxygen might result in stroke. The man is recommended to wear a medical oxygen mask that will enable him to inhale the required level of oxygen. His lungs are medically sick in this case. It will require surgery on his lungs to enable the man breath normally.
Grossman, W., & Baim, D. S. (2005). Grossman’s cardiac catheterization, angiography, and
intervention. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins
Kern, M. J., Sorajja, P., & Lim, M. J. (2016). The cardiac catheterization handbook.
Ragosta, M. (2010). Cardiac catheterization: An atlas and DVD. Philadelphia, PA:

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