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Demand And Phases Of The Mapuche Conflict


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Demand and phases of the Mapuche conflict


From the return to democracy, in our country it has been called Mapuche conflict to a cluster of events that have appeared since the 90s, but that has long been dragging, within these the main conflictsor problems revolve around these main axes.

Own right, which refers to a particular or special application right in opposition to those applied to most cases.

The recovery of ancestral lands by the Mapuche people, this is one of the oldest and most known demands, but also one of the most misunderstood because currently, a large part of the ancestral territories are concessioned by the State to private.

Recognition of cultural identity, in this case what is requested is respect for values, traditions, proud symbols and beliefs of this people that support their feelings, and the liberation of the Mapuche community members.

These problems will be deepened below.


The Mapuche people are and have always been one of the most important native ethnic groups of our country, both for their social and demographic weight and for their strong sense of cultural identity, which have historically found forms of resistance and adaptation to the dynamics of contactborder with Chileans.


Within the main demands of the Mapuche people, we can find territorial autonomy as a form of indigenous determination, the freedom of the leaders and community members in the framework of processes linked to rural violence, as repair to violations of due process;the parliamentary representation of the Mapuche people, the indigenous prior consultation as the right to political participation;Territorial demand as the right to land and territory and the environment, and finally, intercultural education as the right to education.

Wait! Demand And Phases Of The Mapuche Conflict paper is just an example!

Scheme where the possible stages of the negotiation process are clearly explained, between the Mapuche people and the Chilean government.

Phase 1, preparation

As we could see in the material of the week preparing a negotiation is undoubtedly the safest path to reach a satisfactory purpose. Everything we do before sitting to negotiate will be revealed once sitting at the table.

For this, the Chilean State must answer four important issues:

  • Establish the objectives clearly
  • Get all possible information
  • Make a list of possible concessions
  • Establish the strategy and assign the tasks if in this negotiation there are a team of people for each of the parties.

Phase 2, Development

This is the time where both the Mapuche people and the Chilean State show their opinions and beliefs about the problems mentioned above. The parties try to persuade each other reasoning. In this phase you have to keep calm by carrying out a quiet discussion, without raising your voice and without arriving shameful actions such as those that have been seen in recent times.

Also in this phase it is when, once the matter of negotiation is discussed, the offers must be formulated, both by the State and the Mapuche people, or the request different from the initial position. It is about listing due concessions and requests with the objective of achieving a certain agreement. The usual thing is that, at these negotiation tables, once the proposals have been made, there are discrepancies and it is at this time when you seek to obtain something in exchange for giving up something (as we have seen the long of the years this has not happened).

Phase 3, closure and agreement

Once the proposals, from both parties, must be discussed, an agreement must be reached, so that the agreed and get the other party to accept the summary will be the end of the process, or the beginning of a new negotiation process.

Improvements to the negotiation process between the Mapuche people and the government, in order to optimize the negotiation.

Next, I present a list of proposals to improve the negotiation between the Mapuche people and the government.

The Chilean State must identify, clarify and enlist their interests and those of the Mapuche people, in all matters that are negotiating.

Try a contingency agreement so as not to reach a dead end. Maybe a yes, then, to reduce the risk of future uncertainty and that the parties agree to agree as they continue advancing.

Make gradual concessions, they will be more positively received, since they are partially divided.

Agree with the counterpart the search for a post agreement. This if they discover that there could be value added the value to the initial agreement, each being free to reject the agreement if it does not improve its results.

Demand reciprocity. To increase the probability of obtaining what is required to the Chilean State, the Mapuche people explicitly, but diplomatically must demand reciprocity.  

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