Democracy And Education By John Dewey
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The book Democracy and Education, written by American sociologist John Dewey. Where the author makes a deep reflection on the aims and purposes of education, in the light of social changes that begin to be visualized at the beginning of the twentieth century. About educational reform in Chile, two approaches to various positions arise about the function of the educational system in the country’s development. On the one hand, some sectors indicate that education must form human capital that allows generating greater productivity. And on the other, there are actors who propose the need for an educational system that promotes democratic education, mainly highlighting public education. Becoming moral education in an area of individual and collective reflection that allows to elaborate rationally and autonomously. It is prefix to worry about moral education because open and plural societies that generate modernity demand from each individual to adequately orient in it an effort to the construction of their own moral criteria free from heteronomous demands
The school should not be kept out of these great human problems nor should a television show mode superficially treat it. The school, in addition to teaching academically, must critically and hopefully prepare for life. Democracy from political substitution subversion to its interpersonal manifestations is a procedure that allows us to consider in a fair way the value conflicts presented by individual and collective life and accept to try to carry out the solution is that they are reached by an agreement.
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With moral education it is intended to contribute to improving education and as a consequence young and society as a whole.
Socialization imposes on status and roles established depending on your social category. While moral education aims to train students to deal with those issues that are perceived as problematic due to conflicts of values. We are in moral education when we consider vitally important issues issues that affect the possibility of living a decent and fully human life that could place man in a medium situation and move him away from his end status in himself. Moral education will be achieved when it is able to contribute to the development of all those capacities involved in the formation of the trial and moral action. It is intended to achieve the optimal development of cognitive abilities will lead them to intellectual autonomy and critical spirit The development of empathy that will not take a moment of reconciliation by the same the cooperation and solidarity the development of the moral judgment that will bring us closer to aRigid thought by criteria of justice and personal dignity. And development of self-regulation capacity that will allow us to achieve greater autonomy of the will and greater coherence in personal action.
Ignorance and poverty are two great enemies of democracy. Education compensates for these two inequalities thanks to the extensive tour and progress of education, the education of the present has a more open and less archaic attitude. Although despite being more open and less archaic, there is still enough work to improve it. Education should be widely understood and not only limited to intellectual lessons, but also to complement each other with moral lessons. In short, educate in the broadest sense of the word and covering its different dimensions for the development, progress and progress of the person to educate. These dimensions are: social, personal, philosophical, politics and economic. With the social we achieve the socialization, integration and social awareness of the subject. With the personal, the realization as an individual and maturation of the person. With the philosophical, the construction of an interpretation of the world and the role of as a human in it. With the political, to have with the right guarantee, duties, justice, equality and freedom;perpetuate what has been said and perfect structures. And with the economic, universalize education for incorporation into the world of work to people to educate.
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