Democracy In Mexico: Construction Of An Uncertain Future
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Democracy can be seen in different ways from the moment and the place where it is required or wisheshistorical processes, as well as the social needs that each generation faces particularly;Therefore it is necessary to clarify that democracy can be divided into different typologies and therefore the result of this will generate a diversity of meanings to which empirical knowledge will be contributed in a certain transition, with the possibility of being analyzed again inmoments and places that have different contexts taking into account the possible variations that may arise when seeking to install a democratic regime.
The transcendence of democratic processes has managed to achieve various countries, without discriminating its origin or geographical location. Throughout the historical line that the world faces and in particular every country that forms it, a series of fortunate and unfortunate events have been generated to which we could hold as ex-forest events, which will be responsible for building political life, economic and social of each country, but in particular these events define one of the most specific and important in the paths of democracy, thereby referring to the type of regime that is established in each.
This work is intended to emphasize the process that Mexico continues to move to consolidate a democratic regime, considering the different moments of struggle that has had to happen, in order to achieve changes that generate modifications in the different forms of governments thathas been.
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It can be complex to grant a single meaning to democracy when it is seen as a term, because as already mentioned before there are a series of distinctions and characteristic features according to the type of democracy referred to;In a slightly simpler way we can define democracy as a government regime whose functions revolve around citizens and the protection of their rights, but the most important thing is the power that the people grant to their rulers through the voteTo fulfill its objective, therefore the participation and power that citizens exercise is the main factor within this process.
In this work, two different types of democracy are considered, the representative and the direct one, the first refers to the representatives elected by citizens exercising their right to vote, and the second is that in which power is exercised directly by citizensAnd they are granted the ability to influence decision making, it can even be considered as a form of political organization, in both citizens are able to exercise their rights in issues of freedom and choose what to their point of view and criteria isThe correct option even provides the tools to monitor public actions and policies .
It should be said that democracy has a process that could be simple if it is only mentioned, but reaching each of the levels of democratization is more complicated than it seems, if what is sought is to achieve changes in the regime and theinstitutions. Democracy considers a sub-process to achieve consolidation, in which legitimacy plays one of the most important roles because through this citizens consider the actions executed by the rulers true and prudent, then there is anchor as aHalf of interaction, finally deepens of democracy, this phase is the most complicated because it is hardly possible to reach it, at this time the process has been achieved with success and works fully understanding the strengthening of institutions as a reflectionof consolidation.
Mexico is one of the most special and complex cases to understand the system of government it has, since it is not completely authoritarian or democratic, even several events have caused setbacks in the advances that had already been achieved.
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