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Detection Of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (Stds)


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Detection of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)

Almost at the end of the 20th century, when it was already thought that most transmissible diseases had ceased to be a threat, a new disease became a short time one of the most serious epidemics of modern times.

In the summer of 1981, the Transmissible Disease Control Center announced the world medical community and the general population a new disease characterized by a peculiar clinical picture, consisting of an infection by opportunistic germs, neoplasms or both alterations, associated all of them with inexplicable immunodeficiency; A short time later this AIDS disease was called.. Gottied and collaborators were the first to refer to oral candidiasis in patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV); But officially, the first and most complete publications on oral diseases in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) were carried out by Lozada-Nur et al in 1982, based on what was found in 9 homosexual men.

Losada-Nur in 1989 pointed out the early indicators of the oral manifestations of HIV infection and insisted on the clinical presentation, diagnosis and behavior to follow with these injuries. The most common mouth diseases are: oral candidiasis, aposy ulcers, pylosa leukoplaia, bacterial infection (for example: klebsiella pneumoniae, pseudomonas, and. coli and shigella), periodontal disease, intrabucales herpetic infections, lip herpes, herpes zoster, oral warts (accumulated condiloma), contagious mollusc and oral skis; She also states that candidiasis is the most common and early of mouth manifestations because of HIV infection.

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The diagnosis is made by the clinical aspect and is confirmed by cultivation, or better by historiology.As for recurring apotose ulcers or recurring aphtosase stomatitis, he divides them into minors and older, and expresses that his exact cause is unknown, but that immunological mechanisms seem to be compromised; He affirms that in patients with previous history of suffering from there, these increase their severity and frequency with HIV infection.It is estimated that 90% of people with HIV/AIDS will develop at least one oral problem related to their pathology. 

In many cases, this may be the first indication related to HIV infection. These patients require more dental care than not infected: their immune system is committed and, when they already receive treatment, some antiretroviral medications decrease salivation. All of the above increases the risk of caries, periodontal disease and other types of mouth injuries, such as abnormal cell growth, bacterial infections and viral or fungal infections, making it necessary to consult more opportunities and require early interventions to prevent major damage. 

Oral health education at current times is aimed at promoting knowledge, creating positive behavior for the transformation of their behavior, developing skills, habits and self-care skills, change in their lifestyle for a healthier one in a healthier The most vulnerable people or groups of individuals until they raise awareness and train the population to achieve a healthier quality of life.. Oral diseases form a significant health problem due to their high prevalence and strong impact on people and society in terms of pain, discomfort, limitation and social and functional disability. The vast majority of risk factors that are associated with these diseases are related to inappropriate lifestyle and insane habits acquired over time.

Oral manifestations in people with HIV are usually inconstant, light wounds can be complicated showing that the viral load has increased and there is immune damage, it is significant that the dentist evaluated and identify these oral manifestations since they mark the progress of HIV. Oral manifestations are candid, cheilitis, herpes, gingivitis, periodontitis, papers, etc.

  • Oral candidiasis: it causes annoyance, pain and absence of taste, damaging the daily well -being of the person. It occurs especially in adolescents, if there are no circumstances such as diabetes, extreme thinness, dry mouth, partial or total prostheses, one might think that it is caused by HIV infection and is used as a sign of its gravity. 
  • PILOSA LEUCOPLASIA: It is known as a hyperplastic bruise of benign state that has a whitish color, it does not get rid of and is commonly located in the tongue, it can be found on one side or on both sides of the league. 
  • Kaposi sarcoma: It is known as the usual tumor of people with HIV/AIDS, it is found in the palate, mucosa and tongue, it is recorded as a tumor that determines the advance of AIDS in the person because of HIV infection. There are four types that are the classic, endemic, iatrogenic and epidemic (HIV/AIDS). 
  • No Hodgkin lymphoma: after Kaposi sarcoma The LNH is the second most frequent tumor associated with AIDS, they afflict the central nervous system, bone marrow, oral cavity, digestive tract and colon. Killer’s natural cell disorders is known and is known as a determining cancer of AIDS. 
  • Periodontal disease: This oral problem can occur in patients with HIV, they can be erythema, gingivitis or periodontitis, estimated as determinants of the infection phase in the person. It is given by social, genetic, immune or behavior factor of the individual where bacteria are important for their progression.
  • Salivary gland pathologies: its pathogenesis is not clarified, some support that not only can be caused by HIV, but also to viruses that take advantage of the inefficiency of the immune system and settle in the glands. More frequently affects the parotid gland than the submandibular causing a physiognomic abnormality.

Within the risk factors, not only includes sexual contact, within these we have factors such as, beginning of a sexual life at an early age, education level, socio-economic level is an aggravating factor since the lack of accessibility to the system of Health and the necessary diagnostic methods influence that this problem is silently aggravated, immune system, unprotected sex trends and practices, thus drug addiction, alcohol, tobacco this develops carcinogenic metabolites that lead to a cellular abnormality, prolonged use of medicines due "Substances that act as oxidants, elements whose action constitutes an important mechanism in the induction of cellular malignant transformations".. In addition, the change of couple without knowledge of history by neoplasia and their number are of the utmost importance for the transmission of this virus, studies indicate that there are higher levels of infection by this in individuals of black ethnicity than in others.

Human papilloma virus.

The HPV acronym means "Human Papilloma virus", this is one of the sexually transmitted virus with greater importance and health priority, and that is why due to a deficit in the information about its association in oral cavity diagnostic methods and diagnostic methods Treatment, it is very important to go to the basis of knowledge thus described definition, genotypes, pathogenesis and pathology and risk factors that predispose the guest to present this viral pathology.

This virus is circular with 8,000 base pairs and is double chain in its structure, in addition this virus does not present wrapping, this directly affects the stratified keratinized epithelium. Likewise, the nature of this virus has made an approximate 200 genotypes, the HPV-16, HPV-18, HPV-31, HPV-33, HPV-35, HPV-39, HPV-45, HPV-51, HPV-51 types, HPV-51 , HPV-52, HPV-56, HPV-58, HPV-59, HPV-68, HPV-73 and HPV-82, are considered high risk to develop a future cancer.

The route of transmission of this virus is sexual, therefore the practices and trends are of the utmost importance within this pathology, these authors describe that during the sexual act there is a slight micro trauma, this being the route of entry of this Virus, the mucosa is the ideal terrain for the proliferation of this, this whole process occurs thanks to the union between receptor cells and the virus, such as HPV-16 and α6 heparan sulfate and α6-HPV-6 genotype intelline.Human papillomavirus In the Benign Benign Condiloma Cavity Accuminate Mural: They are warts that appear in any area of ​​the mouth either inside or around the lips or mouth, simple or small warts can occur in small groups or in small groups. Clinically the presence of HPV is most frequently manifested in upper lip, lingual frenulum, back of the tongue, lower lip and corners. Condylomas are the most frequent clinical lesions, which are characterized by having the shape of a "cauliflower" or presenting as vulgar warts, can have a slight hyperkeratosis or even a non -keratinized surface, with changes in superficial coloration (sometimes violet).

The transmission route is the orogenital practices infected by the HPV. Clinically we can observe:

  • Redness: Red spots are usually presented or red. This redness can chop in some cases but not always.
  • Spots: Spots can be red or pink are manifested small and high protuberances that can cause pain when eating.
  • Small warts: they are generally gray or white appearance and can be slightly lumpy.  They are caused by having sex with individuals who are infected. Being extremely contagious, they develop with great ease.
  • Large warts: smaller warts are grouped together forming large masses that can extend to the outside of the mouth and face, 
  • Oral papillomas, for the most part, have no symptoms in healthy individuals, but in AIDS patients, uncontrolled diabetics, cancer sick, people with chronic renal failure, etc. They can cause great injuries and difficult to treat. Several other causes can cause similar injuries, so it is of great significance to perform a biopsy of them, because only then can it be determined that it is a human papillomavirus injury injury. It is important to note that newborns vaginally, mothers with human papillomavirus injuries, present greater chances of developing larynx cancer in their adult life. This association has been demonstrated by several studies, so it is recommended that pregnant mothers with human papillomavirus injuries should give birth through a caesarean section,.
  • Heck or focal epithelial hyperplasia.It is a benign and contagious disease and is a condition characterized by the presence of multiple and small high plaques or papules on the surface, these lesions can be similar to the normal mucosa that surrounds it or whiter; The lesions are asymptomatic and can be found in routine exams.This injury seems to send spontaneously in most cases. The term of focal epithelial hyperplasia or heck disease is introduced by Archard in 1965, to describe multiple nodular elevations in the oral mucosa.

Differential diagnosis includes: vulgar warts, accumulated condylomas, Florida oral papillomatosis, Cowden syndrome, oral plane. Congenital haymartomatous nevos can also be included such as the wart. In mouth cancers, the presence of viral genome has been determined in benign and malignant lesions of this cavity, an etiological dependence has been found with human papillomavirus infection and that the detection of the viral type 16 increases the risk of incidence of incidence of Oral cancer.

It has also been stated that the detection of human papillomavirus type 16 in the mouth is related to the persistence of the virus in the genital tract and in the progression of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (NIC), (Sánchez-Vargas & Díaz Hernández, 2010). The presence of HPV in the oral cavity is involved with benign lesions, including mouth accumulated condylom, 

Boca damage is treated with surgery thus cryocirugia has an effective of the area.(Squiquera, 2006): Carbon dioxide laser can be useful in handling extensive or intra urethral warts, particularly in those patients who do not respond to other treatments. Since energy is absorbed in 0.1 mm of the skin, very high densities are reached in small quantity of tissue. At the point of contact, the tissue vaporizes. The advantages of conventional surgery are the control of destruction, the lower risk of bleeding and healing quality.

Today it should be accepted that HIV and AIDS infections are considered a pandemic. The dentist is part of the team of health professionals, and as such, it is exposed to treat. (WHO: oral health: HIV/AIDS impact on dental practice. Washington, DC: WHO, 1995.) Biosafety in dental practice, and the risk of transmission of certain diseases during procedures related to dental treatment, has gained a lot of interest in recent times. 

It is impossible to know if a patient is a carrier of an infectious process, therefore, every patient should be considered at high risk, so it should be addressed under the maximum clinical conditions that prevent the pollution of the stomatological professional or other patients. (HIV/AIDS, in oral health care. 2006) Large number of infections can be transmitted during procedures related to dental treatment, this does not mean that the dental treatment process is the cause of the infection, but that, not taking into account the area and the clinical environment where they are carried out These procedures, there is the possibility of contamination with pathogenic microorganisms that can cause infection. The source of microorganism pollution can be the patient or any of the members of the dental team. The possible transmission routes are: from patient to professional, from the professional to the patient, or among patients. 

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