Develop an education plan for the patient and their relatives/friends with the sleep disorder Insomnia. Write a 200–300 word education plan and submit it for review.
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DownloadEducation Plan for Patients with Insomnia
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Insomnia is a disorder which makes an individual fail to sleep as required during the night. Research shows that it is much prone to the female gender, that is, women as compared to men. The lack some of the proper sleep can cause so much straining to an individual during the day (Rodin & Sateia, 2009). The plan below shows some of the ways in which it should be handled.
Vision development
The main aim of the plan is to ensure that there is a clear indication on how the patients and their relatives/friends can be helped to overcome the sleep disorder. Our vision is to ensure that the patient who undergoes treatment recovers as fast as possible. Through the doctor’s prescription, we aim at ensuring that the instructions given to the patient or the relatives/friends are easy to master and is capable of giving quick result when used.
Describing how the learning will happen
The learning process will be through an interview, where the patient or the relatives/friends will be asked on the symptoms of the disorder and even coming to know the main causes of the sleep disorder. The explanations from the patient will be expected to entail some of the details such as the frequency at which the patient experiences the sleep disorder. For instance, the patient should relate it to the numbers of hours in a night or the number of days in the week. Through the interview, the doctor should know when the patient started experiencing the sleep disorder.
Wait! Develop an education plan for the patient and their relatives/friends with the sleep disorder Insomnia. Write a 200–300 word education plan and submit it for review. paper is just an example!
The interview should also include the type of medication which the patient have been using since the disorder arises. The doctor then notes the problems down and give solutions to the problems presented by the patient’s relatives/friends.
Outlining how to evaluate the problems presented
With the interview done by the doctor concerning the patient’s condition, the doctor should come up with a suitable solution to the patient’s level of problem. The solution should see the main steps are taken to treat the patient. The information from the doctor should entail the precautions that should be taken by the patient. The appropriate procedure in which the patient should carry out his or her duties should be well indicated (Rosen & Zozula, 2000). Some of the activities which will be expected of the patient include hygiene at the sleeping places, that is, the lighting of that place when sleeping. The patient will also be expected to carry out some exercises before going to sleep, just light exercise to make him or her be relaxed and have a sound sleep. The patient should also try to observe bed time. Activities to be done on the bed should only be sleeping and sex-related activities and not any other contrary act. The patient should also avoid naps during the day and especially when it is approaching evenings. Alcoholic drinks and any other activities which might disrupt the sleep at night should also be avoided. The instructions on how to handle the do and the don’t should come from the doctor, and they should relate to the character of the patient and some of the activities he/she said to be doing which is likely to be one of the causes of sleep disorder. The doctor should also recommend the correct drugs to be used by the patient.
Building on the base
The doctor ensures that the vision that has been put into place is met and therefore he or she has to show how his mission leads to accomplishing the planned vision. The activities which will be used to accomplish the vision that is, the treatment of the patient has to be put into place to enable the treatment to be a success. The factors which will be considered for the treatment will be put into place, including the drugs which will be used by the patient and the prescriptions for those drugs stated clearly.
Rosen, R. & Zozula, R. (2000). Education and trainings in the fields of sleep medicine. Current Opinion In Pulmonary Medicine, 6(6), 512-518., S. & Sateia, M. (2009). Evaluation and Management of Chronic Insomnia in Adults. Family Practice News, 39(14), 32.
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