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Developing Close Relationship revised


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Developing Close Relationship
I learned that I could build and sustain long relationships with my family, friends, and workmates by applying intercommunication skills. To fully benefit from a close relationship, I will require I can improve my effectiveness in the activities I carry out by building a positive relationship with other people. I learned that practicing self-disclosure with people around me so that they can understand me and develop a relational closeness. To efficiently apply self-disclosure in my relationships, I learned that I have to share information about myself using the present tense. I can also communicate with someone directly and ask about them when I want to learn and understand them. I learned that I would have to sacrifice some of my autonomy if I want to develop a close relationship that will last for long.
Moreover, I learned that I have to avoid making too much connection with someone for me not to lose my identity and destroy the relationship. I require a close relationship to prevent developing negative feelings such as feeling worthless, alienated and powerless. Moreover, I learned that I would like or dislike someone because they restore a memory that affected how we perceive our self and judge our behavior. I can love people I have a close relationship with by being close to them, working with them and spending time with them. I can quickly like someone when we share similar behavioral patterns, race, education or beliefs.

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However, Fletcher and Julie (398) warn that too much of being present with someone who you have developed a close relationship with can result in the other person falling out of the relationship. Therefore, they advise people to moderate the amount of time they are around each other to keep the bond between them growing stronger. Lastly, I learned that I could form strong relationship bonds with people who are like-minded, share the same values and beliefs.

Work Cited
Fletcher, Garth JO, and Julie Fitness. Knowledge structures in close relationships: A social psychological approach. Psychology Press, (2014): 368.

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