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THE ORIGIN OF EARTH SCIENCE Introduction In order to understand how we have lived as we do today, and why we must protect the different life forms of our planet,......
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Theories and approaches of current international relations in Spain Throughout history, there have been various efforts to interpret and analyze the phenomena of international real...
The Olympic Movement The Olympic Games (Jeux Olympiques in French, and Olympic Games in English), Olympics or Olympics are the largest multidisciplinary international sporting even...
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The Odyssey of my latest teaching practices Introduction My last and so longed for residences began on September 18, 2020 in the 0-118 Dra garden. María Estela Lima Páez de......
THE NEED FOR THE ERADICATION OF CHILD LABOR To the extensive of society's progress and with this that of humanity, child exploitation has been seen with strong references in the......
Words: 822
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The necessary education or utopia. Introduction Education is a social experience that occurs in human life. Therefore, education must be considered in such a way: it constitutes th...
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The myths established in adolescence Introduction Have ever wondered what is adolescence? Or why is it so special? Well, there are thousands of answers to be able to express them.....
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The most dangerous shark of the ocean Introduction The Great White Shark is better known for starring in the great successful film "Teeth of the Sea". This shark is also....
The most common causes for which your dog bricks to nothing Many times you will have observed that your dog bricks to nothing, or at least it is what we......
THE MORAL OF THE HUMAN BEING There is a connection between him and his constant and comprehensive formation that avoids moral relativism, since this refers to the moral state of......
The monarchy and the Republic Introduction If we talk about the monarchy, there are several types: absolute monarchy, parliamentary monarchy and constitutional monarchy. They diffe...
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The Modern Age and the Change of Feudalism Introduction Modern Age is the period in which the change of feudalism occurs to the free company. Incorporates the sixteen, seventeen an...
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The missile crisis in Cuba in 1962 Introduction In October 1962, the Soviet Union, Cuba and the United States had a hard confrontation for two weeks due Cold war and......
Words: 841
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The minority concepts and definition of your problem Introduction Minority protection has always been a recurring issue related to international law. Theme that takes special impor...
Words: 1421
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The Middle Ages and its stay from the fall of the Roman Empire Introduction The Middle Ages was a historic newspaper that covers from the 5th century until the 15th.......
Words: 1015
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The Mexican woman from the perspective of Rosario Castellanos Rosario Castellanos Figueroa writer, journalist and Mexican diplomaticI on the feminist side by leaving in his works a...
Words: 522
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The memes from the humorous point of view Introduction The memes will be analyzed from the humorous point of view. Therefore, from the scope of linguistics and, in particular, the....
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The memes and humor Introduction Levinson and, subsequently, Rodríguez Rosique's theoretical development assume that irony is a properly contextual phenomenon and that causes the ...
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The Master in Digital Marketing Introduction A master in digital marketing in person can become the key to a constant evolution race. The bases develop on the foundations of tradit...
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THE MANAGEMENT PROCESSES AND THE PROBLEM OF THE SMEs Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are companies that have been classified by their size, which depends on the variable used (...
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The management of the outer border and migratory flows in the European Union INTRODUCTION My choice on the management of the outer border and the migratory flows in the European......
The magic of the entrepreneur and his business Entrender has been transformed today into a very common practice. It does not seem strange to have a relative or a friend......
The logistics importance of the inventory Introduction Company: It is an entity in which capital and labor intervene as production factors, in industrial, commercial activities or ...
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The Latin astronaut: Space exploration Introduction Dra. Serena Auñón-Chancellor is out of this world, literally. This doctor became astronaut and spent more than 197 days in spa...
The last forest. Fiction history Introduction The little girl stalked hidden under the high spikes of the grasses of a small meadow that bordered the last forest of the planet.......
The Ladies of Avignon of the painter Pablo Picasso The ladies of Avignon is a picture of the Spanish painter Pablo Picasso painted in 1907 and is currently preserved in......
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The Labyrinth of Soledad by Octavio Paz The labyrinth of loneliness is a literary work in which Octavio Paz seeks to explain the reason for being of the Mexican, which......
Words: 730
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The key to Oprah Winfrey's success Introduction The most important vital lesson that Oprah Winfrey wanted to convey to the public was that each of us, regardless of their condition...
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THE KEY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF LEADERSHIP IN HUMAN RESOURCES The new human resources management is the cause of uncertainty in ignoring the behavior of the pandemic, so the decisio...
Words: 715
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The Italian Renaissance Society During the fourteenth century, a large number of tyrants appeared, during a period in which only the influence of a very necessary law could be reco...
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The Italian Renaissance and its influence on Italian Society SOURCE IDENTIFICATION AND EVALUATION In this research work I will know and analyze how the Renaissance in Italy affecte...
Words: 1649
Pages: 6
The inverse osmosis process as a solution to poverty and famine in Africa The issue of poverty and hunger is not something new or exclusive to today. It is true......
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The intuition in the interpretation of dreams, in the novel and their dominance over Jane Eyre Jane Eyre, the enigmatic and interesting Gothic novel that shows how the life of......
Words: 1401
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The inheritance of the colonization of the continent and its consequences in the current American societies America has suffered some series of changes over time, since the arrival...
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The influence of childhood in the determination of personality Introduction Childhood is the basis for the future of the individual during all stages of his life, it is also very.....
The inequalities in society and their evolution Social stratification has been primarily in the development of societies, however, for a long time more than a topic of reflection h...
Words: 556
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The inclusion of the omniscient narrator to demonstrate the cultural importance in Yawar Party Peru is cataloged as one of the countries that has given rise to the most recognized....
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The importance that tourism maintains in Europe Introduction In first terms, a global vision of what is committed to the tourism sector must be taken in order to encompass all......
The importance of women since the I War Introduction The objective of this research is to evaluate whether one of the consequences of World War I was the improvement of......
The importance of truth in existence Introduction. What is the true meaning of life? What is the awareness of being and the purpose or purpose of life and human existence?......
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