Diabetes And The Consequences Of Soda’S Abuse (Coca Cola)
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Diabetes appears when the organism cannot produce insulin, produces it in insufficient amounts or does not use it properly. Consuming too many calories, without burning or spending them, can give rise to overweight and obesity;And these would be risk factors for type 2 diabetes. A study conducted with rats found that moderate fructose consumption increases the sensitivity of the kidney to a protein that regulates the balance of salt. According to researchers at Case Western Reserve, this leads to an increase in salt reabsorption in kidney cells, explaining why soft drinks is related to diabetes, obesity, renal insufficiency andhypertension.
It is necessary to publicize the population, the effects involved.
- Every hour is 25.000 kg of sugars added in Coca-Cola. This is equivalent to 3 million sugar overflows.
- Every day 620 are ingested.000 kg of sugars added in Coca-Cola, which would correspond to 76 million overlaps.
- Every day, 13 million people are consuming at least 35 grams of sugar added in Coca-Cola. Without taking into account other elements of the diet, only this consumption already exceeds the daily sugar recommended by WHO.
- Publicize the risk factor level that entails and Coca-Cola consumption
- Publicize the pathologies prone to present for the consumption of Coca-Cola
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Analytical type study
- Type 2 diabetes
- Chronic kidney disease
- Coca-Cola consumption
- Age
- Sex
- Feeding Habits
Incidence and frequency
- The consumption of a sugary drink can 15-26% the risk of type II diabetes
- According to different studies, 127 can be attributed in the Spanish State.000 cases of type II diabetes to the consumption of sugary drinks
Population risk
- Diabetes
- Chronic kidney disease
- Hypertension
- Obesity
Sugary drinks are classified as one of the main causes of diabetes and other diseases associated with obesity. The most important source of added sugars is found in sodas in a percentage of 23%, since a tail can contains between 8 and 9 teaspoons of sugar and a half -liter bottle can contain approximately 12 and 14 teaspoons. According to data from the World Health Organization globally, the overweight and obesity pandemic are the fifth main risk of mortality risk in the world. Thus finding associated diseases such as: 44% of cases have diabetes, 23% ischemic heart disease and between 7 and 41% of the cases of some cancers are attributable to overweight and obesity.
Drinking more than two daily portions of tail beverage per day would double the probability of developing a kidney disease. A study suggests that there is something in tail drinks that increases the risk of developing chronic renal disease;It is not believed that the main factor is caffeine or sugar. The most likely cause would be phosphoric acid, which gives the tail its characteristic acidity, while acting as a preservative;In other drinks, citric acid is used. Exposure to high levels of phosphates proved to raise the risk of causing renal damage and calculation formation. People with kidney disease are told to avoid tail drinks and phosphate foods, such as meat.
Another study revealed that the large consumption of long -term dietary sodas is related to lower activity in the "caudate head" of the brain, a region linked to the sensation of reward, necessary to generate a feeling of satisfaction. Researchers have raised the hypothesis that this decrease in activity could lead to a person who drinks dietary soft drinks to compensate for the lack of pleasure they now obtain from food by increasing the consumption of all foods, not just soft drinks.
The soft drinks provide 2.1% of all daily calories ingested by each person according to a study of the Nutrition Federation, and their consumption is linked to leisure moments, according to Anfabra. However, according to another study, a can of Coca-Cola contributes 60% more of the necessary daily sugar.
465 people with recent diagnosis of kidney disease and 467 healthy people were questioned, with the same age, sex and ethnicity characteristics, what kind of drinks consumed and how often they did it.
People who drank two or more portions of tail drink per day had 2.3 times more risk of having renal disease and risk, as the authors found, was the same for the dietary or sugary versions of drinks. But people who consumed two or more portions of carbonated drinks did not have a higher risk of developing kidney problems.
It is desired to carry out a program through informative talks on the inappropriate consumption of sodas such as Coca-Cola, this carrying it within work facilities, industrial canteens and even applying this initiative to marginal colonies, thereby carrying out a realization of surveys ofaccording to whether they know the damage that these drinks can cause and thus give aware the magnitude of diseases that are presented due to excessive and inappropriate consumption of cool soft drinks.
Campaigns have been carried out for the decrease in harmful sugary drinks, and prices have even raised in these, but industries have even been campaigning sponsors for decreased diabetes and obesity, among other chronic diseases, but seek to continue elaborating strategiesTo deny that diet -related diseases have become a serious threat to health throughout the world.
"The food industry has established great image washing mechanisms", but because the associations accept these income, the industry opts for these measures not for the fall of their sales, but not to assume that soft drinks are the cause of serious health problemsIn adults and childhood. The image of these companies is the most important thing that they have anything that damage could affect sales even much more than just a price increase in their products
- Forum Diabetes. (2015, November 12). Coca-Cola double morals with diabetes. Retrieved April 14, 2020, from https: // www.Diabetesforo.com/discussion/11722/la-doble-moral-de-coca-cola-with-la-diabetes
- National Environmental Health Institute, in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina., & P. Sandler, d. D. (2015, October 19). "Tail" drinks cause kidney disease. Retrieved April 14, 2020, from https: // www.The confidential.com/Alma-Corazon-Vida/2007-07-07/Las-Bebidas-Cola-Provocan-A-Enforcead-Renal_307789/
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