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Difference Between Being A Boss Or Being A Leader


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Difference between being a boss or being a leader


In the following article, the issues of what a boss is and what is a leading boss will be touched on, where the differences and definitions of each will be covered, in addition to mentioning how each one should act.

On the other hand, it is important to get to know these types of bosses, since it becomes something fundamental in a company, so that it may be able to get ahead and have all its workers committed to their work and thus win all.


The world revolves around leaders or leaders, since these can be a head of a corporation, a job, an apartment or a head of a political party. There are several scenarios where one is the boss, that also happens at school, such as when the students themselves do groups for work, when they choose the representative of their class, etc. The important thing about this is to know how they get to act in front of their workers, friends, colleagues, as they want to call it, surely many of us have become a boss of something, and it is also certain that each one has understood it to theirway and has exercised it as he believed and obtained satisfactory or negative results.

How many of you have happened to you that when we talk about a boss, the first thing that comes to mind is a person with command power, someone who can tell us what to do or not to do, someone who when he hears “there comes the boss”They can feel even intimidated by the status that this has in the organization.

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That is why everyone must fulfill all the mandates that it does, if not the case, many already know what awaits them.

In the field of administration, there is a boss who takes care of several things for the operation of the company, such as coordinating, to be able to control all activities that are carried out in the organization, organize, plan and direct in order to successfully achieve theactions to be carried out through the work teams that are. But within this, there are two types of bosses, which are: the boss as such, or the leading chief, which will be developed below.


Being boss

In the world of administration there are several bosses, that is, people who occupy a place higher than that of others, therefore, the term of Chief refers to a position that a person occupies, but who in turn is in chargeto several workers under their command, regardless of the position that occupies in an institution. As mentioned in:

"The term" boss "is used considering the role, and not mentioning a particular hierarchy within the organization. A CEO or number one is a boss, in the same way as a supervisor of vendors or promoters. Each person who is in charge of others, whatever their hierarchical level, must carry out a certain role in relation to the people who supervise and guide: the chief ”(Alles 2007: 18).

Then we understand, as mentioned above, that a boss is one who occupies a position independently whatever his hierarchical position, through which he is responsible for everyone to fulfill the tasks in order to reach success, that is why it is said "The boss is not only the mandamás of the area, division, department or unit, he is the head of the results obtained ”(Zapata 2019: 194)

So, it does not have much to do at what level you are, either at the strategic, coordinator or operational level, if you have the supervision and mission of meeting a mission with your work team.

The leadership

The term leadership is closely related to the previous concept, since it becomes a fundamental factor within a company, because thanks to this you can get better results and compromise your work team. Leadership just associated with a company, but to someone who has the capacity, attitude, knowledge and perspective necessary to be able to get ahead and in the same way bring their team to commitment to what they do.

Perhaps some of you think that one was born as a leader, because the answer is that no, since this is done, another different thing is that some are born with some talents, that they are better for them other than the rest of the rest does notThus, but it does not imply that this with talent or other without, they cannot become leaders, because this leadership is working, it develops learning from others. A leading person, is one who is admired not for the position he occupies, as Zapata mentions this “he obtains (he does not have) the respect of those who accompany him, in this case his team” (Zapata 2019: 195) or “does not arise fromNo imposition arises from the voluntary recognition of the followers, of the team ”(Zapata 2019: 195)

In the same way, the term is associated with the management, since it is intended the motivation to the work personnel so that they satisfactorily comply with the goals, objectives, the company, institution, or organization and thus have business success.

"The address is essentially a relationship in which a person uses their power and influence to get numerous people to work together and perform a common task" (Hellriegel, 109).

The term of management in addition to the aforementioned, to be understood, must be taken to know no important factors, Gunnar Zapata in his book "Administration of Communication Business" tells us that it has four factors, which are:

Emotional intelligence refers to how emotions can become a key factor to live well and enjoy what it really does, in other words, that it is much happier than others, since there are many people than with aHigh intellectual coefficient or with great skills, they cannot fulfill what they really want, and that is because they do not control their emotions. Then “emotional intelligence is the set of human skills that allow one to know what he wants and try to achieve it (…) If one manages to dominate these five qualities (self-consciousness, self-control, motivation, empathy and social skills) it is likely to bemuch happier than others do not achieve it ”(Zapata 2019: 197). Therefore, these people become more valued, since they do not collapse easily.

The intelligent organization is an institution where everyone works to create, a team with skills, where everyone learns as a team, which is why it also becomes important for a leader. This is also subject to five pillars;personal domain, knowing how to lead yourself;mental models, to explain how the outside works;The shared vision, all members of the organization are looking for the same goal and not one;Team learning, learn all together through dialogues and leave the assumptions behind to think together and finally systemic thinking "is a conceptual framework whose essence aims to produce a" methane ", a" change of focus "andthat helps us see interrelations between the parts more than linear chains of causes and effects and see the processes of change rather than photographs ”(Zapata, 2019: 201). Then, this is efficiency, efficiency, effectiveness and assertiveness, they are also important to be aware, to exercise management.

Finally, the habits of highly effective people, which are seven and this behavior is formed from habits;The habit of proactivity, start with an end in mind, put first the first, think about winning/ winning, seeking to understand first and then be understood, synergize, renew, know all these habits an organizational effectiveness will be achieved, and in this wayfinish the goals.

Therefore, followers should not feel pressed, nor should they be afraid to shut up (a leader speaks and listening) these must have in the mind that the leader, ceases to be a supervisor, in order to be a trainer and advisor. The leader is going to support them, help them, motivate them, in addition to encouraging them to innovate and thus learn together from the work that will be done.

For that same reason, it is that the leader, keeps his followers, workers, colleagues, collaborators, etc., committed, giving everything of themselves and in the same way that they feel satisfied with what they are doing and have not felt it as an obligation.

That is why Gunnar Zapata mentions that “the address implies properly exercising the functions of a headquarters, that is, being a boss. However, under once the objectives are achieved through teamwork, the challenge for an adequate address, is the one who directs much more than a boss for the team, it is necessary that it be its leader ”(Zapata 2019: 195).

Difference between being a boss or being a leader boss

After having defined the essential terms, at this point I do not think it is difficult to be able to answer the question of what is the difference between being a leader or a leader boss?

To start a boss, he is the person who tells you that you should do about your work and he will stay still to wait for you to fulfill them, however, a leading chief is the one who advises you about what can be the best to get whatthat you have also been designated to also guide you, what routes to take to develop the work and obviously collaborate with the work.

The boss is someone who generates fear, who as mentioned above, who when you hear the name of “gives you a cold sweat, and that in some way or another comes to intimidate you, on the contrary, the leader chief is someone, amore partner, but what difference from the rest you get to admire, respect him and inspire you to continue working so that one day you can become better than him.

The boss becomes someone selfish, that is, that only his work praises and belittles the work of others, knowing that all that success comes due to the effort of his workers, but if there is any crisis or problems, he does not hesitate to criticize orTo blame his workers, on the other hand, a leading chief, is the one who says “all this achievement, is thanks our effort, to our teamwork”, is someone who shares success with others, but if there are also problems, he iswho is responsible for solving them.

The leading chief cares about his workers in every way, tries to relate in the best way to them, on the other hand, a boss is only concerned about the material.

Another aspect to differentiate is that a boss is one who only speaks and speaks, however, a leading chief is the one who listens to the proposals and ideas of his followers.

And finally the boss is the one who works with employees, and a leading boss, is one who has a team of collaborators.


Finally, with everything mentioned, we conclude that there are much more in the terms of leader chief or chief, which is why after all the aforementioned, most would opt for being a leader for the company. There is no doubt that to be a leading chief, many skills and various skills are required, since it is an effective way to work and get good results and thus have all committed workers, that they feel happy, satisfied with whatWhat do they do and do not go to work as an obligation. It is very nicethat each one fights for himself, without anyone’s help and is a "save who can".


  • Alles, Marta 2007 Role of the boss: how to be a good boss. Granica editorial s.A. Argentina
  • Zapata Zurita, Gunnar 2019 Communication Business Administration: Cosmopolitan Editorial. First edition. Cochabamba.
  • Webography: File: /// c:/users/Fernando/Downloads/Hellrieger_Jackson_slocum _-_ Competencies_Getant%20 (2).PDF

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