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Differences Between Male And Female Soccer


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Differences between male and female soccer

For the performance of the work we have used a mixed methodology, since in terms of the data extracted from articles and bibliographic elements we will refer to a quantitative methodology, but as for the opinion survey and the interviews conducted to a player of the Vallecano Rayo andAn Alcorcón player refers to a purely qualitative methodology.

Throughout the work we have used the following key concepts with the objective of analyzing and comparing our dependent variable, women’s football:

  • Social inequality
  • Salary
  • Anatomical and physical differences
  • Audience and social support
  • Perception of women’s football



As we have seen, the differences between men and women in football are anatomically insignificant and economically huge.

The physical differences between men and women are obvious, although no one is inferior to the other, when making a sport are insignificant, since they do not compete with each other, but in their respective categories and the economic difference between theseTwo categories is not proportional to how good men can become in this sport, since we have been able to observe, while the average salary of the players of the Iberdrola League team is 17.000 euros per year, the average salary of a humble team of the Santander League is more than 343.000 euros per year in 2016 (currently high) and not to mention the great clubs of the Spanish League such as Real Madrid or F.

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C Barcelona that are on another step above.

On the other hand, attending the playing land is not comparable that of one competition and another, while full stadiums and audience peaks are seen in almost all days of the Santander League, this does not happen in the Iberdrola League,in which the matches barely exceed the thousand attendees to the stadiums and little television audience, although this audience does come on the great occasions that the teams allow to play their women’s section in their main stadiums as happened in the 2018-2019 seasonIn the metropolitan wanda reaching 60.739 attendees.

There is a clear salary gap in football and even difficult to explain, since even the same sport, the data is overwhelming, the money moved by for example a male soccer worldtwo.000 million dollars, which is why it is a problem of what each category generates or that can be extracted from the data, since another conclusion would be those that leave the institutions in a very bad place as happened in the sound case of the selectionfrom the United States of Soccer, in which there seemed to be a clear case of labor discrimination reaching courts.

Thanks to the data extracted by the surveys carried out to carry out this work we can see that the public, in general, has a great ignorance of women’s football, that women have more barriers and obstacles to cross to achieve their dream of being soccer players comparedWith his male companions, that most respondents believe that women’s football is of low quality and that this category receives very little support. In short, women’s football needs a greater impact and dissemination so that this ignorance is getting less and above all to eliminate the prejudices of the population with the aim that all athletes can choose to have the same opportunities to see their dreams made.

Some questions were also asked to a player from Rayo Vallecano and a player from Alcorcón. The data that are extracted from their statements coincide at some points with the survey although in others they differ greatly. Both agree that there are no substantial differences between the two competitions, "it is soccer" "only soccer" as the ray player assures and despite the fact that the game styles are different both both, both deserve the same opportunities, both of bothinvestment. Both mark the notable less facilities to practice this sport to girls than to boys when they are smaller, as the Alcorcón player commented: “I have seen how they discriminated on girls who made these decisions, who clearly failed to do them because even the samefathers/mothers prevented him ". Even sometimes young women have been offended that they practice this sport as the ray player admitted that he does not believe that he must extend in his statements at this point since it is usual.


As for our work, based on the survey carried out, we can see how the vast majority, think that women’s football is very undervalued.

We believe that there must be a radical change in this regard, since it is unfair that very different amounts of capital are invested in the same sport. We believe that a professional footballer has to be a star as he currently happens with professional players.

It is true, that social networks are now in a “top´´ information and that is where people currently see more information. But, without the help of national televisions, we would continue in the same problem. We believe that much more information can be given and broadcast many more women’s football matches and not just a few a year.

On question 7 of the survey, in which he asks about how women’s football is usually defined, he assumes that we can be a little behind in this issue. We all know that when the sport was born, it was said that it was only for men, but the world is constantly evolving, and therefore, we should leave these social barriers and put more on our side, since sport is not a matterof genre.

A very interesting fact, is the one that occurs in question 10, in which he wonders if there is a belief that women and men find the same facilities to play football professionally, which 6 out of 10 people thinkthat there are not the same facilities between women and men. We believe that this has to be the same, since most players begin from 10 -year -old children to become a professional and many are known when they are teenagers, however, in terms of women, they are sometimes even known evennor when they are professionals. 

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