View all "Difficulties" ready papers, essays and assignments
Disney films phrases Introduction Many have been those that we have grown with Pixar's animation films, and we have no doubt about the valuable lessons we have learned through them...
Words: 854
Pages: 3
Different types of work violence Introduction. According to the Office of Advice on Labor Violence, the term of work violence would represent any action aimed at directly or indire...
Demonstrating the existence of some fundamental difference between mathematics and other areas of knowledge In case of being affirmative, these differences are more than purely met...
Words: 665
Pages: 2
Democracy and citizenship in Mexico today In this essay, he intends to expose the "democracy" and the "citizenship" that we exercise in today. I will start from...
Words: 1364
Pages: 5
Dark matter and the model of cold dark matter The universe has been defined as everything that exists in the form of energy and matter, but represents for scientists a......
Words: 619
Pages: 2
Critical thinking about Matrix Is reality real? Question that has always aroused restlessness in relation to the subject with the world. And so, there is another followed question,...
Words: 634
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Critical analysis: the eBay commercial market Ebay was one of the most appreciated companies during the Puntocom boom, and although it has reached huge success since then, it has n...
Words: 688
Pages: 3
Critical analysis of the Nike brand Nike has converted its logo for several decades into one of the best known symbols in the world. Also, its great success is not......
Words: 909
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Consumerism and types of consumer: bought happiness Consumption. A action so natural that, from babies and even before, we perform while generating waste in the process. But is con...
Words: 1492
Pages: 5
Consequences and risks of homophobia and transphobia No person is more prone to suicide for having a certain gender identity or sex-affective orientation, but it is because of the ...
Words: 663
Pages: 2
Computer Management Processes of a company Introduction Currently no company can work without computer science, is that, through it, its use transforms the administration of resour...
Words: 1908
Pages: 7
Computer crimes, characteristics and more common forms in which they commit Introduction To begin crime on the Internet, it is aimed at the exploitation of information and communic...
Words: 771
Pages: 3
Communication in the virtual classroom in students Introduction. The issue on assertive communication is a connatural reality in each of the people, it develops as a fundamental pa...
Words: 425
Pages: 2
Communication in social networks Introduction Social networks have become a fundamental tool for political campaigns, since in this way they allow parties directly to citizens with...
Words: 1480
Pages: 5
Commercial management in the digital era Commercial management is changing its reality at a vertigo speed, which imposes digital transformation. Companies have been in full process...
Words: 922
Pages: 3
Comment of a dramatic work: Tartufo Moliére writer of the work to be commented on in 1622 and died in 1673 in France, he was a famous playwright and comediograph......
Central Nervous System Relationship (SNC) with cognitive learning The alterations of the central nervous system (CNS), may be directly to relate them to cognitive learning especial...
Causes and stigmas about mental disorders According to WHO (World Health Organization), “Mental health is a welfare state in which the person performs their abilities and is able...
Words: 1122
Pages: 4
Causes and consequences of personality disorders Introduction In this essay we have the objective of strengthening the previous knowledge, explicitly and coherently detail the pers...
Words: 1640
Pages: 6
Bullying, alarming problem in adolescence Introduction Bullying synonymous with bully. Bullying is not only manifested in the physical aspect but also in psychological and sexual a...
Words: 735
Pages: 3
Bioethical and ethical aspects in health In all professions that are linked to life sciences and also related to what are health sciences, they are necessary values that all that.....
Words: 489
Pages: 2
Bilingualism and their relationship with children Introduction Analyzing the data of the 8-year-old Rubén patient, with apparent problems in the acquisition of reading-writing ski...
Words: 752
Pages: 3
Benefits of physical activity in young people Facing physical activity in young people is a challenge for teachers and educators. At this stage of life it is very important to......
Benefits of meditation in general Introduction The joy that represents having control over our mind and the generation of thoughts allows us to reach the desired level of conscious...
Words: 974
Pages: 4
Benefits of exercising and running as a couple Introduction More and more people choose to run as a couple. When accompanied, a series of benefits are experienced that it is......
Be a mother of a child with deafness Introduction Having a son with hearing impairment can mean a feeling of misunderstanding by society. Which makes the situation overflowing. For...
Words: 819
Pages: 3
Basic Functions of Nurses in Daily Care Introduction The function of nurses is to provide the basic care required by the patient, that is, help that their recovery after some......
Words: 631
Pages: 2
Barefoot on the Red Earth ' "Because the poor will always have them with you". With this introductory phrase I will begin to answer a great question that any Catholic.....
Words: 707
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Background of criminological theories in Mexico Introduction The precarious economic situation and the expensive treatment to serve one of his children, who lives with cerebral pal...
Baby separation anxiety Introduction The anguish and restlessness that a baby manifests to separate from his parents is what is understood as the separation anxiety. It arises as i...
Words: 627
Pages: 2
Attention and hyperactivity deficit disorder and teachers The social changes that have been manifesting in various ways, end up influencing both negative and positively in the educ...
As thoughts can tie us to economic situations Introduction Sen mentions that under the rhythm of life the thought patterns entrenched by the dominant culture can be evidenced. Ther...
Words: 385
Pages: 1
Aquatic gym: Advantages and Benefits Swimming practice is not the only way to condition the body in the middle of an aquatic environment. Water offers us a very usable resistant......
Words: 688
Pages: 3
Analysis of the work The speech of the René Descartes method The book was the scene of various ruptures and revolutions in the geographical, economic, political, social, ideologic...
Analysis of a protagonist Hester Prynne in 'The Scarlet Letter' The story begins with the public trial of Hester Prynne for the Puritans in Boston. As at the beginning of......
Algorithms and Pseudocodigos in everyday life Introduction. It manifests and understands that an algorithm are a series of different instructions, ways or very defined rules which ...
Words: 923
Pages: 3
Advertising companies, Cali Creative City The city of the salsa, of the dance, the meeting point of rhythms with a mountain flavor, to valley and sea, city of fair, restaurants,......
Words: 793
Pages: 3
Addictions and game as a pathology Introduction. To address the lack of impulse control we must take into account all aspects that imply and not consider them as sporadic actions.....
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) by HIV infection Immunodeficiency syndrome acquired or better known by its acronym as AIDS is defined as a pathology originated by the ...
Words: 1407
Pages: 5
Abortion in Latin America On August 19, 2019, Evelyn Hernández, a 21 -year -old Salvadoran, was finally acquitted after being accused of homicide for aggravated negligence of he...
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