View all "Difficulties" ready papers, essays and assignments
The Schengen space and as arises The Schengen space is formed by an area of 26 different European countries, which recognized the inner suppression of borders with other member cou...
The risk of failure in Spain School failure in Spain is a problem we are currently facing. We could define it as: (…) The situation of the student who tries......
Words: 1412
Pages: 5
The right to oblivion: a violated right Introduction It is the power we have to request the elimination of our personal information for being obsolete or for a violation of......
Words: 854
Pages: 3
THE RIGHT FOR AN INCLUSIVE EDUCATION FOR ALL Introduction In this essay we will deal with an inclusive education for all, which reject any type of educational exclusion and demands...
Words: 1481
Pages: 5
The relationship between hippocampus and amnesia There is evidence of the relationship between the hippocampus and the declarative memory (Eichembaum, Cohen, 2014). For example, in...
The reasons for making an MBA The ABC model does not break down attitudes in three mechanisms. First he tells us about affection, which shows us that it is the......
Words: 1241
Pages: 5
The Puerto Rican woman at the beginning and length of the nineteenth century At the beginning of the nineteenth century, Puerto Rico women were Spanish inhabitants and lacked their...
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Pages: 2
The problem of evil and the order of creation from San Agustín The existence of evil has always been one of the causes of crisis in our natural environment, this......
The portrait of poetry Introduction In the text the painting of Lizarda the beauty Sor Juana describes the difficulty that implies to elaborate a portrait, because for her in her.....
The Old Testament prophets Introduction. I find it interesting to study and look very well the characteristics of the prophets in the Old Testament, since we live in a time......
Words: 1864
Pages: 7
The monetary policy of the Central Bank of Brazil The main objective of this article is to provide a better understanding regarding the effectiveness of monetary policy in the case...
THE MONARCHY OF SPAIN OF THE CATHOLIC KINGS Introduction "The monarchy factory. Trace and conservation of the monarchy of Spain of the Catholic Monarchs and the Austrias ”Th...
The life of Lazarillo de Tormes and his fortunes and adversities The novel "The life of Lazarillo de Tormes and her fortunes and adversities," is a work written in the......
The life of Frida Kahlo and her influence on women today Magdalena Carmen Frida Kahlo Calderón was born on July 6, 1907 in Coyoacán, Mexico City and died on July......
Words: 1257
Pages: 5
The Italian Renaissance, Important Works The Italian Renaissance was a period of time understood from the beginning of the fifteenth century to the mid -16th century, popularly kno...
Words: 2254
Pages: 8
The isolation can be very serious for the physical and mental health of the person Social isolation can lead to various health problems. Maybe that is one of the explanations......
Words: 632
Pages: 2
The influence of culture on international business Introduction As cultures cross borders and the global market expands, the international business must have an inexorable adaptabi...
Words: 1040
Pages: 4
The influence of a teacher's leadership in education When a teacher always wants to go beyond his established performances, having commitment to his work and wanting to achieve tho...
Words: 417
Pages: 2
The importance of women since the I War Introduction The objective of this research is to evaluate whether one of the consequences of World War I was the improvement of......
THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE BUSINESS STRATEGY One could think that the greatest challenge in the business world is the creation of a strategy, but not. The biggest challenge in the.....
The ideal of freedom over time The mid -twelfth century, Deporto de Fresigna acknowledged that in northern Italy a new and surprising form of social and political organization had ...
Words: 1421
Pages: 5
The home is the happiest place to live Happiness is not far away. Happiness is very close. It is not outside. He's at home. Is in the family. The home......
The history of Peruvian cinema and more representative film It is in this context where some films impacted and created a precedent in the Peruvian imaginary. One of them is......
Words: 806
Pages: 3
The gender and rhythm of the trap Each musical rhythm has a cultural base that justifies its beginnings. “In order to understand a specific type of music, it is necessary.......
Words: 546
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The Fontainebleau Treaty explained The Napoleon Pact with Russia in Tilsit (July 7, 1807) left him free to direct his attention to Great Britain and to Sweden and Portugal, the......
The economic impact of conflicts between Spain and Chile later on the bombing of Valparaíso SOURCE IDENTIFICATION AND EVALUATION The Valparaíso War passed in 1865 and 1866, which...
The disadvantages of being Venezuelan in the world and xenophobia It is currently known that Venezuela is going through its worst historical moment since its independence, that cou...
The different behaviors that a person has in terms of personality disorders Introduction Through the investigation carried out we must identify what is the personality? So it can b...
Words: 570
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The development of language in the human being Talking about language moves us to other concepts that are in close relationship. If we join the language with the language and......
Words: 1323
Pages: 5
The dehumanization and life of the author of metamorphosis Introduction Metamorphosis is a literary work published in 1915, after the end of World War I in Prague Czechoslovakia, b...
Words: 1197
Pages: 4
The deception that is hidden in promotions The purpose of this writing is to address the issue of "ethics and social responsibility in marketing" oriented to one of its s...
The crisis in Venezuela: a social disorder This great social disorder that develops approximately since 2013, subject a country to a great crisis. After various events that Venezue...
The consequences of 5G technological innovation worldwide Introduction In recent years, technological innovation has been positioning and taking more and more strength in companies...
The circus elephant book Introduction Well this book tells us about a child who went to a circus and looked at an elephant tied to a small rope and a......
Words: 1162
Pages: 4
The challenges of the university student before virtual education Introduction ‘Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world’. Nelson Mandela (1918-20...
Words: 842
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The big problem of violence against women throughout history Violence against women has been one of the most suffering problems throughout history. Now today, we see that it still ...
Words: 1436
Pages: 5
The American colonies and the War of Independence Introduction From the discovery of America in 1492, the explorations in the territory of America will not stop. The great powers w...
Styles and Leadership Levels in the Company It consists of a group of skills used to influence and think about others, to act voluntarily and with good disposition in......
Words: 938
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Strategic Planning Analysis as a systematic process Strategic planning as a systematic process allows us to implement plans to obtain the results of the proposed objectives. Keep i...
Words: 481
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Startey elderly walkers Introduction When it comes to recovering greater autonomy and freedom of movement, walkers for the elderly and old. Among the great diversity that exists in...
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