Digital Identity Theft In Mexico
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We currently live in the world that grows by leaps and bounds every day in terms of the use of information and communication technologies, which have come to revolutionize the lives of human beings, which in turn have been subject to the commission of variouscrimes, through the creation of malicious programs created by hackers, which serve as the main function to obtain certain users’ information.
Today it is very common for all people to use a computer, tablet or a cell phone as the main work tool, with which we can perform endless activities;From labor meetings, bank transfers, to online purchases, etc. Given the importance of digitalization and the evolution of the use of technology in the lives of human beings, hackers have found a way of crime through these means.
The Computer Crimes Commission has increased over time, among which we can find;Identity theft, fraud, card cloning, information theft, information modification, etc. Both the Government and the citizens have been the target of the hackers, which through the design of programs or viruses manage to cause damage to users, obtained the desired objective. As mentioned, there are several cybercrime, all of them being the most common in Mexico;The theft of identity, so this crime will be analyzed in the present preliminary.
The object of study of this draft is the crime of;Digital identity theft in Mexico, being the fastest growing digital crime in the country, and that according to data from the Bank of Mexico, worldwide we occupy the number eight place in this crime.
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Growth that has been boom due to the gaps that the law has, as well as the null legislation in that matter and inefficiency of the cyber police. Exposed the above and based on legislative gaps, it is urgent to strengthen and create prevention mechanisms that meet this problem.
Social issues
Every day people are more connected;Today, more than ever, it is interact at a digital level in relation to daily life: it is purchased online, transport services are used that incorporate geolocation components, bank transactions are carried out with a smartphone in minutes and you can even monitor households in timeReal thanks to technology. However, one of the topics that deserve the most attention in this regard is security. The theft of identical in our country is increasing day by day, according to data from the Bank of Mexico, we occupy in eighth place worldwide in this crime.
The Home Office Identity Fraud Steering of the United Kingdom, defines in identity theft such as the collection of information related to the identity of a person in order to obtain an identity fraud, regardless of the fact that the victim is a living or deceased person. Exposed the above we understand that it consists in the improper appropriation of the data of people of a human being, such as;Name, date of birth, address, bank keys, etc.
The great technological revolution has granted us great technological advances in recent years, however, with the diversification of the use of digital media to make purchases and payments of goods and services, much of our information is stored, processed or transmitted in digital format, whatwhich has detonated the exponential increase in cybercrime. (Forbes, 2020)
According to the National Institute of Statistics and Geography, the Ministry of Communications and Transportation and the Federal Telecommunications Institute, who annually elaborate the National Survey on Availability and Use of Information Technology in Households, which reveals that in Mexico there are in Mexico80.6 million Internet users, representing 70.1% of the population six years or more. This figure reveals an increase of 4.3 percentage points compared to that registered in 2018 and 12.7 percentage points compared to 2015, this sustained increase implies a great challenge for the right to identity.
Among the universe of human rights, the right to identity of people stands out, because it constitutes the legal and social recognition of a person as a subject of rights and obligations and, in turn, of their belonging to a State, conditionnecessary for the individual and collective dignity of human beings.
On June 17, 2014, the concept of identity was reflected in our Mexican Political Constitution, specifically in its article 4, which indicates the following;"Everyone has the right to identity and to be immediately registered to his birth". Despite the normative recognition of said right, the Mexican State has failed to guarantee its protection, this due to the legal gaps presented by this crime.
The normative gaps and the inefficiency of the cyber security bodies have important factors for the increase in this crime, so it is urgent that the Public Security Commission of the Chamber of Deputies legislate in this matter, creating the mechanism that they allow legally to createmechanisms for protection of those affected, as well as locating and processing those responsible.
Identify the factors that have contributed to the growth of the crime;Digital identity theft in Mexico. Analyze the existing regulations regarding said crime. Create social media security mechanisms, to protect users’ identity. Propose reforms to the regulatory framework to sanction those who commit this crime.
- BARRERA RUBIO, P. (02 of 01 of 2020). The Economist.
- House of Deputies H. Congress of the Union. (05 of 08 of 2020). Chamber of Deputies.
- Forbes. (10 of 06 of 2020). Forbes.
- INEGI. (05 of 08 of 2020).
- Secretary of the Interior . (05 of 08 of 2020). Government of Mexico.
- executive Secretary. (05 of 08 of 2020).
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