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Direct Discrimination Against Society Migrants


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Direct discrimination against society migrants


Today, discrimination is a phenomenon that occurs in most societies today. For physical, social or political ideals, there are people who suffer social exclusion by the rest of the group because of not fulfilling the same characteristics as them, for thinking or being different.

We will take care of analyzing the different reasons why these situations of discrimination and vulnerability occur in social groups, and what consequences they have with them, well for those who are discriminated against as for those who take these attitudes.

However, we can highlight and take as an example to one of the most violated social groups are seen within societies, the false ideas that are created about them, and in the consultation of these ideas, the fatalities that suffer. This group we are talking about, is that of immigrants and migrants, and we will dedicate ourselves especially to analyze and study the place where they are located by the societies and the characteristics that are given to them.

This research work aims to analyze the great inequalities and social exclusion sufferedFor them currently.

This issue of relevant importance is considered since, today, there are quite a lot.

As for the theoretical framework with which it was worked, it was based on United Naphion Documents, with reports extracted from several newspapers and Internet pages, and statistics and information extracted from INADI that allows us to more deeply analyze the issue with documents from documentsauthorities with great recognition and relevance such as NGOs (non -governmental organizations).

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Investigations were carried out in specialized centers in the phenomenon of immigration and that is especially dedicated to analyzing the arrival of people from other countries.

The analysis of this theme will be carried out from the point of view both sociological and we will also highlight several historical and political aspects of today, and as today the different states and countries develop in terms of these issues.

In this research work, it was decided to use the deductive hypothetical method, and divide it as four chapters;

In the first place, in chapter I we will focus especially on characterizing the phenomenon of migration today, the causes involved in open people to abandon their countries of origin in search of improved conditions of living conditions.

In the next chapter, chapter II, we will define that it is discrimination as such and what are specifically the opportunities that are denied.

In Chapter III, we will explain the influence of the media today in the environment of societies.

Almost ending, in chapter IV, we will talk about the myths that are created about migrants.

And finally, there will be a conclusion where the best way that was thought to be able to solve these problems and end this situation of discrimination that occurs today with the migrants will be expressed.


Migration today

We talk about migration when we refer to the circulation of people who cross the borders of different countries to begin a life and reside definitively or temporarily in them;that is, in a country that is not the same as that of its birth.

At present, migration is considered as a consequence of certain factors that occur in societies today;economic, social and political problems that force these people to abandon their country of birth looking for a better quality of life in other countries

We can consider that, today, migration situations are generated desperately, in trouble. Therefore, sometimes it is not carried out in the necessary conditions and in the form to adequate, which is to have several consequences.

Migration is a right that should be guaranteed to all people. As we can read in articles 13 and 14 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), he says that: “Everyone has the right to circulate freely and choose their place of residence in the territory of a State. Every person has the right to leave any country, even their own, and to return to their country ”.

Migration is considered a worldwide phenomenon, where most of the countries of the world are countries of destination or transit for those migrants who decide to abandon their country of origin. It is considered “migrant” to all those person who wishes to establish themselves temporarily or definitively outside their country. Within this group we can find as much as refugees, workers, or migrants in an irregular situation. However, the group that integrates the most migrants is that of migrant workers. These migrant or migratory workers, according to the CIPDTMF, consider as such any person to carry out a paid work in a state other than the national one, the national.

However, migration contributed great contributions to the countries of destination in terms of labor mobility and economic activity. These countries benefit from the arrival and presence of migrants, mainly since they arrive in search of work. This helps to boost and stimulate the development of companies, and can offer a prepared labor that perhaps do not have the destination countries.

However, it is not always jobs of excellent quality and conditions that these migrants get;Many times they can only accept the work that perhaps national employees do not want, such as cleaning or agriculture work, which do not present excellent working conditions like everyone else want. Although these workers, on the other hand, are forced to accept poorly paid jobs or with terrible working conditions. Therefore, we can consider that migrant workers avoid the fall of economic activities.

What is this situation that migratory workers take jobs in terrible conditions? Mainly and as mentioned before, because of its despair situation. These workers accept these precarious works for the simple reason of bringing money home, of being able to feed, supply their families. To pay taxes and survive in the countries of destination to which they go, willing to work in any condition and for minimal labor costs and salaries.

As for the genre and the inclusion of women and female sex, these are the ones who represent most of the world migration process, approximately more than half of it. This migratory phenomenon little by little, and over the years, was incorporating women into their transition that migrate, either individually, or with their families.

As for the job opportunities that women find when they arrive in their country that choose as destination, the possibilities they have. More specifically, it will be discussed in the next chapter that is what happens with both women and men when carrying out their tasks and jobs.

Non -discrimination, equal opportunities

Any derogatory treatment about people for sex, color, gender, or social origin is defined as "discrimination" to any "discrimination". The deprivation of certain rights, denial of jobs, social exclusion, are just some of the actions that result from discrimination and that certain social groups suffer today today.

As we can see in rights 1.3 and 55.c) Of the United Nations Charter, “international cooperation in the promotion of universal respect for human rights and the fundamental freedoms of all is recognized, without distinction for reasons of race, sex, language or religion…”.

Human rights are recognized to all people, and specifically refers to the fact that access to the rights expanded in the ICCPR should not be rejected to any person for reasons, for example, of nationality or due to undocumented;"All people are protected by international human rights standards" .

As commented at the beginning of the chapter, and also in Chapter I, one of the factors that are deprived of several of the migrants, is access to work. They are not accepted in any type of position or are allowed to enter the labor market.

The migrants who arrive, find themselves with the situation that they are deprived of the right to work, rather, to decent work and in good condition as ordered in the different laws of each country.

Do not value them as a person and believe them inferior (compared to national people), for the simple echo of another country and be from another nationality. So everything that is granted, their use and housing mainly, are of minimal conditions.

On the other hand, migrant women also suffer from this discrimination and denial of job opportunities in great level. They are not considered able to perform the pampering that perhaps a man can do in a factory, so they are generally destined domestic employment. Many of the domestic employees that nationals have working in their homes, are mostly from another nationality other than their own, who moved to the country where they reside for different reasons.

However, an aspect that can be highlighted from the differentiation of women at work, is because of moving them away from dangerous environments where situations of violence or abuse may suffer, although it is not justified that the rest of the jobs to the jobs towhich if they could access, since women have the same capacities as men, they are the ones who deprive them.

As can be seen in the ILO agreement in article 1.1 a), he says;“Discrimination is defined such as any distinction, exclusion or preference based on reasons for race, color, sex, religion, political opinion, national ancestry or social origin that has the annulment effect of altering equal opportunities or treatment in employment andoccupation".

The influence of the media

Today, and for many years, a phenomenon that dominates practically all societies, is technology and the media. They have a great influence on people within society, and is demonstrated as a simple means of communication is able to completely change the thinking of a person or part of it, without allowing their own ideas to be created.

As for the migration process and migrant people and workers, it is argued that the media fulfill a role of great importance. The treatment they have regarding migrants and those who are in a similar situation, the way in which they refer to them and their nationalities, stereotipation, are just some things about those who deal with those who are dedicated to the mediacommunication and transmit ideas to society.

The actors, for example, or those journalists who are in front of thousands of people who pay attention, should take into account the language they use and how to express themselves and refer to migrants.

As mentioned before and as we can appreciate in Rodríguez Gonzalez’s article;Language is an element of utmost importance in the daily vocabulary that the media implement. This reflects the values that a person possesses as to the cultural and moral ideas of the societies in which we live. Language has a great influence on people, the word has great power when decontracting people’s minds and ideas.

We can mention for example, certain terminologies that are recommended not to use since they may sound derogatory or discriminatory in relation to migrants;In the first place, refer to the fact that a person is "illegal" is considered a discriminatory term that refers to the migration situation in which they are found.

To say that a person is "black", is to refer contemptively to a person by the simple echo of discriminating their skin color or the economic and social situation in which it is located.

Also, a term similar to this that can be mentioned, is the one that refers to people according to their national but in a derogatory way, such as "ball" "Paragua", among many others. I should not discriminate against people according to their nationality, much less do so in a way to refer and put them in a situation that is considered minor or inferior.

False myths and ideas about migrants

With the arrival of immigrants, ideas between people about them begin to emerge. These ideas or myths that are created are generally discriminatory and derogatory, for which we must fight and try to cancel and demonstrate that they are really false.

Some of the myths that can be mentioned that they were created over time, are those related to public services offered and related factors regarding the economic.

To mention Law 25.871, we can highlight some of its most important points to contextualize;

  • First, they are granted the right to migrate as something fundamental and inalienable.
  • They are guaranteed the right to family reunion, those who are forced to abandon the rest of their families in their countries of origin, and that very rarely manage to see each other again, as sometimes they can never do it again.
  • Their cultural, social and religious expressions are recognized and valued and that they are accepted.
  • The ancient logic of the police review is changed to all those who are seen and recognized as immigrants, which is done in a derogatory way.
  • But mainly, migration is recognized as an essential right, they are recognized the same social rights and services as all the persons of the Nation, as well as political rights and that they are granted the participation they must have.

First, it is believed that migrants, when they arrive, take the work to the Argentines leaving them unemployed. This is false, since migrants, like national people, have the right to work. These deserve and should guarantee the same conditions as any other person, without difference. Immigrant people usually occupy jobs that are in very bad conditions and with very low wages, for the simple echo of just getting a job.

On the other hand, it is argued that migrants do not allow correct access to public services in the country in which they live. Hospitals, health, public education, are some of the services criticized when a person of another nationality tries to access when believing it necessary.

Third, the idea that immigrants are criminals and vandalists is created. They are blamed for insecurity, to blame for problems such as traffic or mafias framework, and other evils that society suffers unfortunately.

Finally, it is said that immigrants do not pay taxes, which creates a stir in societies since they consider them (the national) who keep them because of the taxes that pay the State. They, immigrants, pay taxes either directly or indirectly, through different ways.


After once the research work was finished, we were able to conclude the discrimination problem that migrants suffer today is confirmed today.

One of the main ways to solve this conflict that occurs with migrants, can be seen from two perspectives;First, we can say that from the beginning this conflict should not exist, which is created by the ideas that people have about migrants. That is why, that they should be aware about the situation of these people and protect them, making the rest of the people who are not in their situation, what they are living. They are citizens like all the rest of the people, and any right should be guaranteed as ordered.

The myths and false ideas that are created in societies must be eliminated and passing from ear in ear, and most of the things that are said are not true.

On the part of the State and the institutions, it is due, in the first place, to guarantee the rights and freedoms of these people as they do with the rest of the citizens. Also, the same requirements should be required as others (payment of taxes, good behavior in terms of their social environment, etc), and keep in equitable treatment and not despise them.

On the other hand, we should also try to remedy the socioeconomic situation (particularly every state of each country of which many of its citizens choose to abandon them), since that is the main of the reasons that encourage them to go out in search of abetter life quality.

Each of the people is responsible for the treatment he has with his environment, which demonstrates the kind of person he is and the values he has. That is why, giving a little of each one, you can build a better link between society to be able to live in a more harmonious way.


  • “Letter from the United Nations” United Nations Organization (UN), Geneva, 1945.
  • “Agreement 111: Convention on Discrimination (Employment and Occupation)”, International Labor Office (ILO), Geneva, 1958.
  • “International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of all migratory workers and their relatives”, United Nations Organization (UN), Geneva, 1990.
  • "International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights" United Nations Organization (UN), Geneva, 1996.
  • "Migrants and discrimination", National Institute against Discrimination, Xenophobia and Racism (Inadi).
  • "Racial language and discrimination. Around blackness ". Rodríguez González, F., 2003.
  • "Migration and Human Rights, Improvement of governance based on the human rights of international migration", United Nations, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OACDH), Geneva, 2013.  

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