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It is now a decade, and my late father’s persistence still puzzles my very existence. My father graduated from the University of Toronto in the year 2000. However, for an extended period, he never got a well-paying job or a job that he was qualified to perform. A job that would give him his career satisfaction. Having graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering and having a first-class honor, he thought life would go easy on him, but contrary to his anticipation, almost everything went south.
To earn a living, he had to do very odd jobs, wake up before dawn and come late in the evening after a strenuous day. In his free time, he used to lock himself up in the garage. Silence ensued every time he went there, and he never uttered a word of what he was doing in there. Discontent always lit his face in a manner that it was difficult to realize what he was really up to. At times, he would be heard shouting over telephone conversation concerning some unsuccessful deals.
It was until his demise that curiosity took a toll on me and I decided to check out on what he was up to all through in the garage. For some time, I could not grasp the many papers containing work of research and drawings he had written. However, with time I began to understand that he was working on a new kind of high energy and a portable battery that was capable of powering the whole house (Zou n.pag). His irrevocable and silent effort inspired me to pursue the same degree, and I decided to study his work with keen.

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Over the years, I began to understand his designs and improve upon his work. It was exciting. I learned about his many application for partnership deal although many of them went on to the dead end.
Rolling on my most lucrative sport electric car powered by his technological battery, I am always grateful that my father set the wheel rolling by beginning this inventive journey. However, I find it hard to believe that he is not around to see how his designs have not only changes my life but the lives of millions other in different ways.

Work Cited
Zou, Yuan, et al. “Combined state of charge and state of health estimation over lithium-ion battery cell cycle lifespan for electric vehicles.” Journal of Power Sources 273 (2015): Retrieved from https://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms5105

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