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Discrimination To Different Groups Of Society


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Discrimination to different groups of society

Throughout the semester in the legislation cathedral we play several issues, whether about the violence of women, children and adolescents, human rights, the rights of disabled people and older adults. And I think the central axis of all these issues is the discrimination to which these minority groups of people are subjected.

But before speaking how these groups are discriminated, it is very important to mention that it is discrimination:

“Discriminate means selecting excluding;that is, give a treatment of inferiority to people or groups, because of their ethnic or national origin, religion, age, gender, opinions, political and sexual preferences, health conditions, disabilities, marital status or other cause ”.

Discriminating is to break these rights and freedoms that are recognized both in the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador and in the Declaration of Human Rights. Discrimination is a global phenomenon that affects any part of the world. Many times we associate it with racial discrimination only, but this is a much larger problem, which mostly affects minority groups;These are children and adolescents, women, disabled and older adults. Providing them with a different treatment that clearly causes disadvantage and a suppression of their rights, to which they are deserving as equal people.

Discrimination occurs in many ways. Direct discrimination, this discrimination, from my point of view is the worst and most offensive, since the other person is given a humiliating treatment.

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For many reasons.

In indirect discrimination there are parameters or a criterion that must be met, but this generates discrimination by not being so relevant or important, or necessary compliance. Which puts a specific group in a position of violation of their rights and freedoms.

Discrimination because it is bad behavior and as everything bad is learned faster, and tends to become natural, something of day to day. By becoming something everyday, his sanction loses fear and therefore people do it more frequently.

The causes of discrimination are diverse, but it continues to generate the same thing that is the transgression to human rights and violation to the principle of equality. It should be noted that discrimination what generates is limiting to discriminated people and damage.

The State with respect to discrimination that seeks with its policies is the full exercise of their rights, freedoms and guarantees. That is why in the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador it manifests:

"Art. eleven.- The exercise of rights will be governed by the following principles:

two. All people are equal and enjoy the same rights,

Duties and opportunities. No one can be discriminated (…)

The law shall punish all forms of discrimination."

In article 11 literal number 2 of the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador, he mentions that State will promote the free exercise of the rights of all persons, without discrimination or distinction of a series of factors such as gender, religion, disabilities, among others.

We all see discrimination as a current problem, and we seek that this stopHurdly change sideways. These little situations, although they seem minimal change to society and prohibit eliminating the limitations that we put ourselves.

Impossible for a social change, making it impossible that there is both racial equality and gender equality, equal ethnicity, equal to beliefs, among others.

After establishing that it is discrimination and all its forms. The one that occurs most in our Ecuadorian society is discrimination against women, and this leads me to think about what we commented in the classroom;We said that women cost either double or triple work to reach an important job or their desired position, compared to the effort of men;which will be much less.

This leads me to think that the obstacles that cause this arduous work that women should do to achieve the same since a man is a product of society itself;Whether this is misogynistic, that work, their actions, the woman’s voice is not given importance. Or it may be that due to the idea that women have to procreate and that this is the fundamental and most important tasks of women, and that of course their work, their dreams and goals would become something secondary compared to the raising ofthe children, which corresponds to her as a mother.

Ecuador is a country, which from my point of view likes to participate in all possible conventions, which is favorable, but there is a great void from the ratification to practice. The convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women, is one of these.

What this convention seeks is female empowerment in all areas either public and private, that the woman can develop in the same way as a man, who can get the same position and the same salary. Also that the treatment of women is respectful, and that it has a priority care in medical health.

It seeks that in all countries subscribed in this convention, the principle of equality between men and women is, that this is in all laws. Necessary measures to avoid any form of discrimination, ensure its safety and if you need to provide it with amparo measures.

It is also established that any law that spreads discrimination in any field to women are void.

He mentions that the woman is the core of the family, but in the same way the man must assume equally important responsibilities as the mother. Recognizing motherhood as a function. And that both as heads of the home must allow and guarantee the integral development of their children.

Equal rights between men and women are ensured before the law. The woman has the same legal capacity as the man, and that any act that pretends to undermine this capacity will be totally null. The decision to eliminate the Queen de Quito contest, which I take the mayor’s office of Quito these days, impressed myself and filled with satisfaction, seeing that they mentioned that this is a retrograde contest and that generates stereotypes, and that Arcadia was looking for another wayAnd ways to empower a woman, not a contest.

Although it seemed like a giant step with regard to the treatment of women, being one of these, there were many criticisms that this is a recreational contest that already shows the value of women. And being these those who seek that the beauty pageant continues, claiming that this contest is a cultural tradition in Quito, looking for it to maintain.

Another kind of discrimination that occurs in Ecuador, and that I find it first hand, in my first year of the university, and this went to disabled people. Two of my colleagues had disabilities, one had a motor disability and because of this I should always ask my colleagues to help him carrying him to climb the classroom to receive the chair, due to the lack of ramps and that the place was not suitable for hisdisability.

The dean of the race looking for a solution, removed us from a classroom on the lower floor to make my partner easier to enter the course, but this entails another complication, I also had to ask for help to go to the hygienic service, due tothat this was only on the upper floor.

My other partner with visual disabilities, although it was extremely intelligent, it was complicated.

My partner of course had to look for them on the Internet, but sometimes I did not have the luck of finding them. The majority of the professors were very compressive and tried to facilitate all possible digital readings, but many times it became almost impossible.

At the time of taking evaluations or the final exam was another problem, I had.

A teacher the most compressive of all told us that having a student with disabilities is completely new, and that he represented both satisfaction and a challenge. A challenge because there was no corresponding academic program to teach a person with disabilities. And he represented a satisfaction in being his first student with disabilities and seeing that these people are so or more intelligent than us, and that their disabilities does not present a limitation to access the university.

In Ecuador there is the Organic Law of Disabilities, which seeks to exist, as in article 1 in its objective: social inclusion, priority care and the protection of their rights that are established in the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador and in theinternational deals.

It should be noted that despite the fact that the delays we have, with regard to the rights of this minority group, there are also advances. At the Central University of Ecuador there is a professor with visual disabilities, but I think that we can still continue to include this minority group, which has much to contribute and which we can also learn too much.

One way to meet these groups and that the State has been promoted is sign language, by imparting totally free courses. That for me it is a great form of inclusion and learning something new.

But, as is also established in article 63 of the Organic Disabilities Law, the State should promote the Braille system more. Since as I mentioned before for my partner with visual disabilities it would be very helpful and would perform their tasks if this technical help implemented in the academic process.

In article 33 of the Organic Law of Disabilities, mention is made to make both public and private educational institutions must have adequate infrastructure, designs and adaptations for people with disabilities. In the Central University of Ecuador there are few faculties that their infrastructure have the correct designs and adaptations, so that people with disabilities can enter.

It is mentioned that in the institutions there must be a curricular adaptation which clearly does not exist. And in the same way there is no preparation for teachers so that they know how to give knowledge to disabled people.

Another minority group and which has also been discriminated against are older adults. Older adults such as the Comprehensive Law for the Elderly Person mention that they are people over sixty -five years. For me this and children are the groups to which more importance and above all protection should be given due to their fragility.

Ecuador is one of the countries in Latin America that has the highest in a percentage of begging, and much of this begging is carried out by older adults. In the center of Quito each corner is occupied by an old woman, who due to their age cannot access a job, has no family or this abandons, due to the wrong idea that these at that age already become morea hindrance that in support and support in the home.

The streets of the center of Quito are many times the house of these adults, despite the fact that in the comprehensive law for the eldest person in article 1 it is stated that it seeks to keep older adults in their family nucleus are very fewThose who enjoy that benefit.

The Mayor’s Office of Quito from my point of view is the public institution most committed to the work of ensuring older adults, with its 60 and piquito project, confidence, independence gender and a place where they can clear the mind with a series of eventsthat prepares, be it dance, sport, song, reading, among others. Generates that the oldest have a space where they feel extremely included and capable. I mention this because in the various parades that have been made in the city of Quito, many times older adults are the protagonists with their cheerful dances and smiles, illuminate the programs.

Despite this small space for inclusion, in Ecuador. In the comprehensive law for the elderly, priority and specialized attention is ensured in the medical area for this group. But there is a clear carelessness of a large part of older adults.

Discrimination to the most helpless group that are children and adolescents who are displaced. The Organic Code of Children and Adolescents, manifests us in its article 4, that there are boys and girls who have not yet turned twelve years of age. And the people of both genres are adolescents who are between twelve and eighteen years old.

Children are the other part of the group that is dedicated to begging, depriving them of the right of education, having to work at the traffic lights of the streets, either at night or day. Removing the right to security, by putting their lives at risk in the streets that are totally insecure for such a helpless being.

At the Central University of Ecuador they know how to be around four to six children selling sweets, classroom in classroom. Which does not comply with the Organic Code of Children and Adolescents, which establishes in article 1, which its purpose is to allow the child to develop integrally and protect this development.

In the Organic Code of Children and Adolescence, a special part that mentions discrimination is established and that this will not be tolerated, being children and adolescents all the same before the law. And that respect and inclusion will be promoted to African -American or indigenous children and adolescents and will allow them to develop according to their culture, thought and traditions.

A form of discrimination that occurs, despite being established in the Organic Code of Children and Adolescents, in article 41. It is the discrimination suffered by teenage mothers. In my school a private institution, a Catholic establishment which never allowed my pregnant companions, which if they represented an important number, bring their children to the establishments, claiming that it would be impossible to teach the class and that they can understand. And for me this was a way of moving their rights as women and mothers.


Discrimination is to impair the rights that are innate to the human being, preventing us from developing integrally. Although there is the Constitution and other laws that seek to protect our rights, these will always be violated. That is why to end discrimination it is very important to see its root and therefore cut it, it is generated many times by stereotypes and prejudices;either from the family (mentioning that the little woman is dedicated to taking care of the home and the man to keep it), in the neighborhood (mentioning that the man does not cry and the woman is delicate), in school (not including inGames to disabled children), at the university (by not implementing the ramps that the disabled motor ones need, not implementing curricula for visual disabled) in general discrimination is generated in the same society.

As students of the Law career, it is our duty to find a clear, precise and concise solution to culminate with this problem. 

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