Discrimination To The Lgtb Community In Ecuador
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The interest to my general research topic has its reason for being because as currently and in the past certain forms of symbolic violence, physical and structural violence persist in the different societies of the world towards the repression of homosexual, bisexual andtrans. Thus considering the few efforts of governments in the face of the issue of sexual diversity in forms of public policies that eradicate the modes of violence and exclusion in health, education, labor insertion, etc.
Being able to contextualize the violence and exclusion to the people of the community should move away from the present and the same Ecuador. In countries like Cuba in the 50s and 60s, in the middle of a revolution, what has motivated me with my subject is hidden, and it is the persecution and violence of homosexuals by armed uniformed, this because they were considered "undesirable" and "inept", thus highlighting the existence of the homosexual ostentation law legitimized its persecution and imprisonment in forced labor fields (Negrón-Muntaner, 2008, p. 165) Entering a way of transforming them with other vilely excluded groups and thus return to “productive members of society, in line with the revolutionary ideology and with the work needs of the State” (Negrón-Muntaner, 2008, p. 165).
I consider that the police presence around the violence exerted on homosexuals and trans is necessary to highlight, for example in the United States in the 70With same sex ”(Universe, 2016).
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Which motivated the beginning of marches and mobilizations for the treatment that these same people received for their preferences and thus challenged a "conservative" society however this moment was important for the history of the community as an emphasis on the fight in the other countries. And that at present, bars and discos gays have become dangerous spaces for those homophobic and criminal.
In the case of Ecuador, the panorama is not at all different, especially it can be noted that in the 90s in context of struggle and resistance to neoliberalism that together with uniformed (Garrido, 2017, p. 23), they exercised violence and persecution “in the name of the law and morality” (Calvopiña, 2017) justifying the abuse and violence of the people of the community. From the Criminal Code of 1938 to 1997, homosexuals (Calvopiña, 2017) were sentenced from 4 to 8 years. In addition, there is a breakdown throughout that constant persecution and imprisonment, this is remembered by a Cuenca newspaper that in 1997 in Cuenca the imprisonment to more than one hundred homosexuals, which would unleash the organizations of Gais, lesbians, bisexualand trans and others more protest in the Constitutional Court, the article that legitimized the use of force on them (El Tiempo, 2009) would cease as “unconstitutional”.
In the country there are certain "rehabilitation" clinics, illegal places in which extreme violence about homosexuals or "deviants" are exercised who are forced to be hospitalized against their will under the belief that homosexuality or behavior has cure. The fact that homosexuality is "cure" is nothing more than a fallacy that covers acts such as "physical and psychological torture, humiliations, poor diet, sleep deprivation, electric shocks and corrective rapes" (EFE, 2018) forging on homosexualsnothing more than traumas. In these spaces their rights are violated, which although they have been denounced internationally there is an indifference of the Ecuadorian State (EFE, 2018).
Finally, I consider the effort made by organizations and the same LGBTI community in Ecuador, there is a deficiency by the Ecuadorian State since it does not encourage public policies to reduce levels of discrimination and violence, since although the ConstitutionThey support them there is an incarnate culture in people of contempt for them. There is also deficiency in the health, education and labor field, etc. since it has limited many homosexual people to be medialy free and not enjoy their rights. As in the case of trans people who appear in the media being killed on a large scale, it is thus a debt where the person is responsible for the inefficiency and absence of investigations of their violent deaths (Peralta, 2019).
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- EFE. (June 26, 2018). ‘Deomosexualization clinics’, a known and unpunished phenomenon in Ecuador. Obtained from https: // www.EFE.com/EFE/AMERICA/SOCIEDAD/CLINICA-DE-DESHOMOSEXUALIZATION-UN-FENOMENO-CONCAINED-E-IMPUEN-EN-ECUADOR/20000013-3662580#
- TIME. (April 19, 2009). Cuenca was a pioneer in homosexual rights. Obtained from El Tiempo: https: // www.time.com.EC/News/Cuenca/2/Cuenca-Fue-Pionera-in-Los-Rights-Homosexuals
- FAUS, J. (June 13, 2016). 50 dead at the worst slaughter in the US from 11-S. Obtained from El País: https: // elpais.com/international/2016/06/12/news/1465717811_688793.HTML
- Garrido, r. (2017). The decriminalization of homosexuality in Ecuador: the legacy of the lgbti collective action. Quito: Uasb-digital.
- Negrón-Muntaner, f. (2008). Mariconerías de State: Mariela Castro, homosexuals and Cuban politics. New Society, 163-179.
- Peralta, p. (August 19, 2019). Ecuador: They add four trans women killed this month. Obtained from Pichincha Universal: http: // www.Universal Pichincha.com.EC/Ecuador-Suman-Four-Mujeres-Trans-Says-in-Eastern-Mes/
- Universe, e. (June 18, 2016). Before they were beaten, now the police in the United States protects Gays. Obtained from https: // www.the universe.com/News/2016/06/18/Note/5642946/Said-Golpeaban-Ahora-Police-Stados-Unidos-Protege-Gays
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