Discuss the Nicene question as it evolved from scripture to theology to creed
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Relation between the Father and the Son
The Nicene Creed was developed in 352 A.D by the Council of Nicene. The council defended the truth and the true God against the non-believers of Christ and legitimized the religion of Christianity in the Roman Empire. This led to raising of fundamental questions throughout the world about the nature and relationship of God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. The Council dealt with one question that regarded the relationship between the Father and the Son. They in-depth and critically addressed the question in response to Arius teachings.
Arius being a well-known priest in Egypt taught that the Son is inferior to the Father. He stated that there was a period when the Son was not existing, and thus he was created by the Father. Arius believed the Father was the order of Creator and the Son was the order of the creature. He did not disbelieve the divinity of the Son although he believed that the Son was inferior, a lesser God than the Father. Arius taught that despite the Son was divine, it was not by nature but as a reward from the Father. These biblical perspectives enabled Arius to gain followers causing the development of the aspect Arianism that became a political and religious challenge to the Church.
The theologians heavily disagreed with these teachings and strongly attempted to respond to the Nicene questions. Faithful Christians such as Athanasius continued to strongly defend the truth that led to triumph over error and biblical misinterpretations.
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A theologian Clement of Alexandria in Egypt opposed Arius perspectives and believed that Jesus was God that lived, suffered and was worshiped. He added that Jesus was priceless God and the Lord of the universe. But he came to this world as a man and if Christians imitated the deeds of Christ they would also become divine. Clement explained that Jesus Christ came in the form of a man so that the human beings may also become divine and Godly.
The Nicene Creed is much more concentrated on the nature of Jesus and his relationship with God. The issue at hand at the moment required the Council of Nicene to use the scriptures from the Bible and clear doubts and misinterpretations among the people. The use of strong and repetitive language such as ‘the only begotten Son’ was to affirm and emphasize the full deity of Jesus Christ and teaching about the true God. The Church wanted to clarify biblical scriptures and teachings about the nature of Jesus and who He is.
Theologians explained that Jesus was not created, but he was begotten. This aspect clarifies the deity of Jesus and maintains his distinction from God. The Council used the word begotten to deny claims of Arius that perceived Jesus was created and the inferior relationship between the Son and the Father (Wickman 291). Theologians explained that the relationship between the Father and the Son is analogous to the relationship of parenthood. Christ was begotten by the Father, and the Church made it clear that the begetting was eternal. In essence, Nicene clearly explained that the relationship between the Father and the Son was not physical and there was never a period when Christ did not exist.
Athanasius created a formula that showed that everything God was, the Son was too, except for the title name Father. He believed that if Christ was only a man, the redemption of the human race could not have occurred since humans were inferior and sinners before God. In this case, only God could save the world, therefore, Jesus is of the same nature of the Father. Athanasius concluded that the Father and the Son had the ontological equality.
The formulation and establishment of the Nicene Creed, therefore, were aimed at settling the Nicene question and clarify the relationship between the Son and the Father to the people. The Council of Nicene has concluded that there exists only one God and He is supreme and has power over all things. However, the New Testament also affirms that Jesus Christ is also Pantokrator because he raised the dead and stated that before the coming of Abraham He was there. Secondly, the New Testament also reveals that Christ is the Son, from the Father and is other than God. Therefore, the Nicene question was concerned about the preservation of Christian monotheism and also acknowledge that Jesus was also a Pantokrator. Meaning that the Son is everything that the Father has been and is.
The Council of Nicene unified the issue by analysis Jesus teaching about how the people should pray to God. The prayer was the answer to the Nicene question and cleared biblical misinterpretations about the relationship between the Father and the Son. Nicene Council stated that Christians believe in one God who the Father and the Almighty to affirm Christian monotheism. He is the maker of all universe and heaven, and Christians believe in only one Lord, Jesus Christ, His only eternally begotten Son. These words show that there is only one true God who is the creator and Jesus Christ was begotten not made. This perspective utterly rejects and answers the position of Arius.
Work Cited
Wickman, Eric. “Shaping Church-State Relations after Constantine: The Political Theology of Hilary of Poitiers.” Church History 86.2 (2017): 287-310.
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