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discussing the impact of cultural bias in the healthcare environment


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Impact of Cultural Bias in the Healthcare Environment
Institutional Affiliation
The working environment should be a haven for employees. This is because they spend most of the time on the job hence the need to create a conducive environment. Therefore, employers need to create an environment that is conducive for every employee as they contribute greatly to the profitability of the firm. In the healthcare sector on the other hand, as well as other service industries, a conducive environment should be created for everyone. Be it the workers and clients, to enhance the performance of the organization. A few factors, however, undermine the performance of tasks, in any working environment .e.g. biases, undermining the minority and also the failure to be appreciative of workers initiatives. Cultural biases in a healthcare environment would go a long way in undermining the performance of employees. Affecting the services provided and the quality of work performed by employees hence reflecting badly on the organization. At all times, therefore, every organization should strive to adhere to their code of conduct which entails conducting ethical practices. This enables employees to work efficiently while and also dictates the kind of treatment that should be accorded to clients who come to the organization. Hence, at the end of it all, everyone is appreciative of the conduct, services and much more comfortable in the environment.
Abstract: Healthcare, cultural bias, ethical practices.

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Impact of Cultural Bias in the Healthcare Environment
Cultural and ethnic basis have been commonly illustrated in the workplace, and the health profession is no exception. This has hindered the performance of tasks, as not only do patients feel neglected or not treated right, but also the performance of work by the various professionals may not be as per the expectations. A few of the issues discussed in the article are racial minorities, systematic bias, and prejudice (Johnson, Saha, Arbelaez, Beach, & Cooper, 2004). However in some instances, culture and ethnicity have to be identified to relate appropriately with patients and perform the task effectively. However, they should not be used to offer those of similar ethnicity to the healthcare provider better services than others. It is evidenced in the provision of healthcare services, for example, the running of tests for diagnosis (Johnson et al. 2004), provision of medicines among others. However, it could be quite useful, but in the instance, it is used to benefit a few patients, at the expense of many others it becomes unethical and destructive.
Impact on the Healthcare Environment
The treatment of the minority in the profession may go a long way in affecting the performance of their task. In many cases, they feel the urge to prove themselves to others who may not be appreciative of their skills or performance. This could make them commit a lot of errors that may reflect poorly the recognition, not forgetting, the effect it has on the patients’ health; who have entrusted the health professionals to grant them the best care. The biased colleagues may feel inadequate or not even have the courage to ask for others help, endangering the lives of patients by worsening their conditions as they take longer to offer a diagnosis in times of complexities. Patients who have a great relationship with professionals of their ethnicity may also get better treatment than others, facilitating a lot of bias and abandonment of care to others who might not subscribe to the same culture (Johnson et al. 2004). On the other hand, the environment around the healthcare facility may be compromised by issues such as bias, and prejudice. Heath care professionals who do not subscribe to the culture of the locals or those who are minority may not feel safe working in an environment where they are undermined and have to work much harder than others to get approval or get an appreciation for their work. While trust in the environment will be hard to build. Be it between the patients and professionals or among the healthcare professionals.
The Article’s Effectiveness
The article illustrates as to the bias that is experienced in the healthcare sector especially in seeking healthcare services. It gives a clear illustration as to the circumstances under which cultural bias prevails, and even at times displaying its efficiency, for instance in helping people of a certain ethnicity given their language barrier among others. Nonetheless, the biases should not be brought into the working healthcare environment. As it not only undermines the health care given to patients but it also undermines the performance of work. Since some health care professionals may not feel adequate to work in such an environment given the environment that is created. To effectively enhance the performance of the health care system, therefore, it is only right that a conducive environment is created for everyone. Free of bias, prejudice, and undermining of the minority.
Johnson, R. L., Saha, S., Arbelaez, J. J., Beach, M. C., & Cooper, L. A. (2004). Racial and ethnic differences in patient perceptions of bias and cultural competence in health care. Journal of general internal medicine, 19(2), 101-110.

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