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DownloadWhat Is the Most Important Objective for Older Adults?
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What Is the Most Important Objective for Older Adults?
Geriatric populations comprise one of the most diverse groups. Caring for these individuals, especially those with chronic conditions is particularly challenging. Regardless of their heterogeneity, older adults share corresponding characteristics that leave them susceptible to certain age-related syndromes and illnesses. Their increased vulnerability may result in frequent ICU utilization and may adversely influence their health outcomes. Herein, the paper analyzes the objectives of older adults as stipulated in Healthy People 2020 and identifies the most important one.
The aging population continues to grow thanks, in part, to medical advances. As such, it is imperative that measures are put in place to ensure that the increasing number of senior citizens receive quality healthcare. According to the Healthy People (2018) website, the 2020 initiative sets two objectives for older adults, which are prevention and long-term services and supports. It is essential that these two objectives be addressed to ensure the aging population receives adequate and quality care. Prevention is of particular importance as it averts hospital admissions and is cost-effective. Nevertheless, the vast majority of geriatric individuals suffer from multiple chronic conditions CITATION Mic12 l 2057 (Balas, Casey, & Happ, 2012). Focusing more on long-term services and supports may result in better outcomes.
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Moreover, provision of these continuing services and care has been associated with a reduced number of institutionalization and emergency department visits CITATION Hea18 l 2057 (Healthy People, 2018).
In conclusion, the growing number of senior citizens coupled to their susceptibility to chronic diseases necessitates proper planning to ensure access to quality healthcare. According to the discussion, it is clear that focusing on long-term services and care is of particular importance. Geriatric individuals suffering from chronic conditions require constant care to avert hospital admissions and improve their outcomes.
BIBLIOGRAPHY Balas, M. C., Casey, C. M., & Happ, M. B. (2012, July). Critical Care. Retrieved from ConsultGeri: https://consultgeri.org/geriatric-topics/critical-care
Healthy People. (2018, March 12). Older Adults. Retrieved from HealthyPeople.gov: https://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/topics-objectives/topic/older-adults/objectives
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