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Dissociative Identity Disorder In The 21st Century


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Dissociative identity disorder in the 21st century


Throughout our life, we adopt different facets to fit into the various environments to which we are voluntarily exposed. But this does not mean that our identity is absolutely renewed for our development in those contexts;but, rather, our personality suffers an adaptation process for its survival. Unfortunately, there are people whose cases are not related to the will, but rather, it is a defense mechanism that they acquire following a certain selection of traumas.

This mechanism occurs in the form of a mental disorder, popularly known as "multiple personality disorder", through the following essay entitled: "Many voices, a single face: the dissociative identity disorder in the 21st century," I will try to deepen inthis matter.

The choice of this issue was mainly motivated by the enigmatic, exceptional and strange. This work tries to unmask the myths that arise from this psychopathology, through the following question: What are the factors that triggers this disorder?, which I will solve throughout the theoretical framework of this essay, concluding that traumatic events have great relevance at the origin of this psychopathology.

The contents that this work will develop in its argument will be the following: First, the evolution of the study of this psychopathology, continuing with the concept and definition of dissociative identity disorder;Then, the causes and conditions for its origin, later, the symptomatology that presents an affected by this disorder and presenting treatments for the subjects.

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All this related to real life cases where this psychopathology has been present and a brief historical perspective that will help us understand the way in which it is observed in the 21st century.


Evolution of the study of dissociative identity disorder

In 1791, Eberhard Gmelin treated in Germany a 20 -year -old girl who could speak perfectly in French without knowing that language. This became the first registered case of the disorder originally known as "Multiple Personality Disorder". At that time, the most coherent explanation was a diabolical possession.

From there, until today, scholars are divided with respect to this psychopathology, some claim that it is the fragmentation of the original personality in response to a traumatic situation, while others indicate that the memories and aspects of the self are disparate, which infers that the affected person has no personality, instead of which "multiple identities" were believed.

The University of Edinburgh has conducted a study that confirms the fact that our personality changes in its entirety throughout our life, that is, from youth to old age we are two completely different people.

Concepts and definitions of dissociative identity disorder as a apartment 

Various definitions for dissociative identity disorder have been provided, for example, at the end of the 20th century, Hales, R., Yudofsky, s. & Talbott, J. (1996) indicated that it is the "presence of two or more identities or personality states, each with a pattern and relatively persistent of perception, interaction and conception of the environment and of itself" (P. 679) This specifies that the acquired personalities have a degree of independence to the original personality, varying considerably in several factors, such as sexual orientation, gender, culture, origin, time, etc.

Likewise, the definition varied at the beginning of the 21st century, when Fombellida, L. & Sánchez, J. (2003) affirmed that: “Multiple personality is a rare, and exceptional disorder in the forensic field, consisting of coexistence in an individual of two or more independent personalities.”(P.2) This definition supports the complexity and peculiarity of this psychopathology, especially in the scientific field in which it has generated great debate.

The roots of the multiple personalities

In general, there are a certain amount of environmental conditions that can influence the development of a dissociative experience, such as psychological, sexual and physical abuses during childhood, primarily by a nearby person. These "report the greatest frequency, among all psychiatric disorders, childhood and/or negligence abuse" (Sar & Ozturb, 2012, p.two). But that does not indicate that it is typical of that stage, sometimes it emerges between adolescence or medium age;Following a traumatic event.

As mentioned above, we can observe that the factors for the emergence of this psychopathology are in a series of external and independent conditions to the will of the affected. Specifically, it can be seen that it presents a close relationship with posttraumatic stress, such as Romero, M. (2016) indicates that it is “a state dependent on learning where amnesia acts isolating particular affective states" (p. 451), since this disorder arises as a defense mechanism for traumatic situations already mentioned.

Psychological manifestations

After an exhaustive research, I can point out that patients with dissociative identity disorder usually show signs of depression, as are a self-sufficient behavior, due to the disconnection that exists between some of the personalities and the body of the affectedof personality. A noticeable manifestation of this in popular culture, would be the character of DC "Loca Jane", which has a total of 64 personalities, of these, one part express extensive periods of anxiety, while the other, depression, depression. These patients are very likely to be hospitalized for presenting impulses, suicidal attempts and violent behavior.

In multiple cases, violent acts have gone in the direction of a third party, because of the violent nature of one of the parasitic personalities, for example, in the 70s, Billy Milligan became the first person to be acquittedFrom a rape condemnation, claiming a dissociative identity disorder, psychiatrists discovered that he had twenty -four personalities;of which, two were the culprit of crimes: "Ragen Vadascovinich", a Yugoslav man;and "Adalana", a 19 -year -old lesbian poet. This infers a polarity, since, harmless identities could also be observed in Milligan, such as Christene, a 3 -year dyslexic girl;and Arthur, an English man who maintained harmony between identities. The contrast between these is also seen within the silent cinema, the tape ‘The Case of Becky’ (1915) tells the story of Dorothy, a young woman who develops a second evil personality, Becky. (Abad, 2017)


Based on the texts that I have analyzed, I can determine that the dissociative identity disorder is curable, through the patient’s access to a state of hypnosis to achieve the recovery of traumatic memories that originated the emergence of this psychopathology, this would achieve integrationof personalities in a unique personality or the disappearance of parasitic identities.


  • The study of dissociative identity disorder has been adapted according to time;becoming more scientific and less superstitious. Even so, due to its complexity, it has caused opinions to be divided, regarding considering it as a disorder.
  • Various scholars have developed several concepts and definitions of this psychopathology as such;But all these are interconnected, since they claim that it is the presence of 2 or more personalities in the same individual, which are independent of this in various aspects.
  • Most cases are usually referred to traumatic events that occurred during childhood, despite this, there are cases in which it developed during adolescence or in the midst of adulthood. This psychopathology arises as a defense mechanism, is related to amnesia and post-traumatic stress.
  • This psychopathology is accompanied by self-saving behaviors, limit personality disorder, depression, among other mental health conditions.
  • Dissociative identity disorder is curable, mainly with hypnosis therapies so that the traumatic memory is recovered and the integration or disappearance of personalities is possible.


  • Abad, m. (2017) Multiple of M. Night Shyamalan. Dissociative identity disorder: Another twist. Spain: Rev Med Cine
  • Bru, m., Cobo, j., Crowns, r., Pousa, e., Puig, s., Santamaría, m. & Santos, J. (2008). Personality in dissociative disorder. Spain: Triacastela
  • Dujo, v., González, d. & Marín, M. (2013). Dissociative disorders: clinical approach and analysis of forensic repercussions in the victimizer within the criminal field. 13th ed. Spain: Interpsiqu.
  • Fombellina, l. & Sánchez, J, (2003). Multiple personality: a rare case in forensic practice. 31 ° ed. Spain: Scielo
  • Hales, r., Talbott, j. and Yudofsky, S. (nineteen ninety six). Treaty of psychiatry. 2nd ed. Spain: Ancora S.A
  • Romero, m. (2016). A review of dissociative disorders: multiple personality to posttraumatic stress. 32 ° ed. Spain: Annals of Psychology
  • Sar, v. & Ozturb, and. (2012). Dissociative Identity Disorder: Diagnosis, Comorbidity, Differential Diagnosis and Treatment. Turkey: University of Istanbul

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