Diversity Management
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Diversity Management
Implications of an Increasingly Diverse Employee Pool
An increasingly diverse employee pool has several impacts on the organization. A diverse employee pool offers an opportunity for growth, and advancement through knowledge, and talent sharing (Arnold, 2011). Employees with different skill sets, personality, and experience are beneficial not only to an organization but each other since they use their skills and talent to influence the performance of others. Second, workplace diversity encourages training and education which is beneficial to employees since it builds the capacity of individual members. Every worker gets the chance to acquire knowledge and skills which are essential in boosting their work productivity. An educated workforce also is in a position to achieve organization goals through improved performance.
Recruit and Hiring Highly Qualified Employees from an International Base
According to Arnold (2011), organizations should eliminate language barriers. They should find a system that supports employees from different cultural backgrounds to interact with others seamlessly. They may offer an education program that encourages learning of an international language. Second, the recruiting team should consist of the multicultural interviewing team. This strategy is essential in ensuring respect and understanding for diverse employees’ cultures, values, and beliefs. Third, the process should create opportunities for advancement, growth, and encourage ongoing education.
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Lastly, the recruiting and hiring team should have respect and understanding of cultural diversity in the workplace.
Promoting Understanding of Culturally and Ethnically Diverse New Employee
As a leader, I would implement a sustainable solution to the problem by providing training and awareness in the workplace. The training would focus on the new employees and the whole organization. Training an employee on cultural sensitivity is crucial since it creates awareness about the existing cultural differences and how to deal with people from diverse backgrounds. Periodic training of the entire workforce is also essential in ensuring that everyone is updated on cultural changes and is sensitive to others. Importantly, I would implement policies and procedures that support ethnic anti-discrimination and diversity for every employee to follow. This strategy would ensure that new employees adopt fast in the workplace due to a conducive work environment.
Arnold, P. (2011). The role of diversity management in the global talent retention race. Profiles In Diversity Journal, 13(3) 16.
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