Diversity, Multiculturalism, and Globalization Paper
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Diversity, Multiculturalism, and Globalization Paper
In this paper, the writer focuses on diversity, multiculturalism, and globalization in the present world. Studies on diversity have found their way into the curriculum firstly due to globalization and secondly due to the effects of globalization. One particular result of globalization is multiculturalism that comes into existence due to the meeting of diverse cultures in a sovereign. Diversity ensues along race, ethnicity, gender, sexual alignment, social, pecuniary status, age, spiritual principles, and civic beliefs among many other facets of existence. Minority groups are formed along the lines of diversity as portrayed in this paper. The Four Layers of Diversity helps lay the foundation to comprehend studies on the various aspects of this study. It is through the interconnectedness of the world that interaction of different cultures is made possible thus the existence of multiculturalism. The impact of diversity, multiculturalism, and globalization and their interconnectedness is delved into in depth.
Key words:
Diversity, Minority, Racial Diversity, Cultural Diversity, Globalization
Diversity refers to acceptance and respect of the differences that exist between different aspects of life. It is through diversity that people get to understand the uniqueness of each individual by recognizing the existence of individual differences (Abu-Laban & Gabriel, 2002).
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Diversity occurs along the lines of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, social, economic status, age, religious beliefs, and political beliefs among many other aspects of life. It is from the understanding of what is diversity that the examination of the differences that exist among humans is not taken for granted. Deciphering the importance of diversity enables a person move beyond mere acceptance of other people but approval and applaud of the opulent scopes of difference brought about by beings.
From the definition of diversity, any and all differences between and among humans, amount to diversity. Identification of the types of categories that diversity occurs in will help put the word diversity into perspective. Humans were at first classified into two categories of race and sex; sex is an important type of biological diversity (Abu-Laban & Gabriel, 2002). However, humans cannot be reduced to the classification of sex and race as the differences are more than human imagination can invoke. In the world today there is gender diversity and what one society considers female or male is entirely different from another. In addition to sex and gender, race and ethnicity, other forms of diversity are based on income, education, employment, sexual orientation, disability, and family structure among many others (Abu-Laban & Gabriel, 2002). Every form of diversity has the capability to influence people’s needs, opportunities, and experiences.
Humans react to situations and information based on their personality, internal dimensions, external dimensions, and organizational dimensions according to “The Four Layers of Diversity” (Abu-Laban & Gabriel, 2002). Personality encompasses a person’s likes and dislikes, values, and beliefs. Personality is developed earlier in a person’s life. It is from the personality that all the other aspects of life acquire shape. It is after discovering who one is that a person may engage in religion; seek gender acknowledgment all in an effort to quarter the difference of other persons.
Mathematically speaking, minority refers to the smaller part of a whole that makes less than half of the whole. When referring to people, minority groups are those persons that are less dominant in society and are subordinate to the dominant group in the various diverse groups that society is structured. The term minority does not necessarily refer to the numeric minority as women form almost half of the world population but are often referred to as a minority group. Another case to elaborate who the minority are is the case of South Africa during the apartheid regime, the South Africans were the majority but in real sense they were the minority as they had no access to power thus got oppressed by the apartheid government. It would suffice to state that, the minority in society are those people that are oppressed by those in power or the majority group.
Minority groups are those persons that their social category is differentiated from those who hold positions of power in society. Minority groups are formed along the lines of diversity as portrayed in this paper. There exist racial or ethnic minorities, gender and sexual minorities, religious minorities, and people with disabilities among many other societal differentiations that are likely to create minority groups. In every large group of person, ethnic minorities are present; there are those people that happen to share a language and culture with common ancestry. The nineteenth century saw the recognition of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people as a minority group; however, they are males and females they have a particular trait that makes them a minority group (Abu-Laban & Gabriel, 2002).
Diversity is the difference from the majority as already explained. When it comes to culture, these are set norms within which a society is to conduct itself. In any society, there is minorities and majority. Cultural diversity refers to the existence of several human societies in a given place be it at work, home or the church. Racial diversity conveys the idea that there exist a connection between race and social experiences on one side, and knowledge and practices on the other (Abu-Laban & Gabriel, 2002). Racial diversity is encouraged in society to disrupt negative social stereotyping. A further distinction of racial and cultural diversity would be, cultural diversity focuses on a majority of person, virtually every race in the world that comes together to form a society. Cultural diversity advocates for the acceptance of different cultures. Racial diversity is more specific as compared to cultural diversity; racial diversity aims to make humans accept each other in a society where persons of different races meet. Racial diversity deals with the basics that make people feel different before the society comes together to form a culture that can be guided by cultural diversity.
Multiculturalism is the co-existence of cultures that are diverse to each other (Banerjee & Linstead, 2001). In the definition of multiculturalism, culture includes race, religion and cultural groupings that share behaviors, communicating styles, cultural values among many other traits. Globalization is the act of integration done by humans of different origins traveling to other destinations. Globalization started a long time ago when Africans were taken away from Africa to new homes where they lived never to go back again. The advancement in technology has lessened the travel distance thus making traversing of the world easy. The existence of the internet is attributed to the transformation of the world into a global village as people can communicate easily from the east end of the world with those in the west end. Increased interconnections of humans are what are called globalization.
Multiculturalism is a product of globalization (Banerjee & Linstead, 2001). Although the relationship between globalization and multiculturalism is a blurred, some relationships can skip the watch of a keen eye. Globalization brings different cultures together hence the beginning of cultural clashes hence need for multiculturalism. It is through the establishment of States that brings together diverse people under sovereignty (Banerjee & Linstead, 2001). Globalization has led to the development of multicultural states and societies. The current preoccupation with the identity that is stimulated by globalization has given importance to identities within states thus redefining multiculturalism.
In the absence of globalization, the possibility of different cultures living together like they do today would have been a remote conception. It is through the interconnectedness of the world that interaction of different cultures is made possible thus the existence of multiculturalism (Banerjee & Linstead, 2001). The relationship of multiculturalism lacks duality as it is the existence of globalization that leads to the other hence it is not possible to argue from the multicultural side concerning globalization.
In conclusion, the world today is complicated as the society keeps redefining what is worth accommodating. Technology has made the world a village thus clashing of people is common be it along the diversity discussed. Education is sought all over the globe with the best universities being concentrated at certain places thus the influx of different races to such centers of attraction. More than ever, the studies of diversity, multiculturalism and globalization are needed to give the world a moral compass.
Abu-Laban, Y., & Gabriel, C. (2002). Selling Diversity: Immigration, Multiculturalism, Employment Equity, and Globalization. University of Toronto Press.Banerjee, S. B., & Linstead, S. (2001). Globalization, Multiculturalism, and other fictions: Colonialism for the New Millennium?. Organization, 8(4), 683-722.
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