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Dna Discovery And Its Importance In Genetics


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DNA discovery and its importance in genetics

The genetic

It is a science of the twentieth century all this began with Mendel’s discovery in 1900, he was an Austrian monk born in 1822 cultivated worms in his garden discovered the laws that carry his names, in 1906 Bateson gave him the term, he wrote the first book ofThe conceptual advances in the nineteenth century were very important for subsequent genetics, this area of genetics is very important in contemporary biological and medical studies, revolutionizes the idea of life and reproduction to which they are dedicated to the study of the study of theGenetics are known as geneticists.

The beginning of the genetic life takes its first steps in the conception where the man and woman interact to give life to a new being, the beginning gives the union the male cell contains the gene or called sperm and the female cell the woman with gene with gene(x) or ovule where the man of man joins that of women in the process of fertilization The union of these genes determines the gender of the new being;Each living being has 23 genes, number 23 determines gender The genes are the most important network in the hereditary field these determine all the features of the human being

Important dates for genetics

  • 1866: Gregor Mendes explains about the basic law of genetics
  • 1914-1916: Vinegar flies experiments demonstrate that genes is found on chromosomes
  • 1942: They reveal that genes are formed by DNA, it is in the cell core
  • 1953: They discover how the DNA molecule James Watson and Francis Crick is created, is formed with only four pieces
  • 70s: They discover how to cut and paste fragments of DNA
  • 80s: They investigated that gene causes cancer that is a specific disease
  • 1990: Training of the Human Genome Project
  • 1996: Birth of the "Dolly" sheep is the first clonic mammal
  • 90s: Transgenic plants are grown
  • 1998: The genome is privatized: a company called Celera announces to have the human genome in 2001 deciphered


What is genetics for

It is one of the biological sciences that studies the hereditary forms of the human being that is transmitted from generation to generation through DNA.

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Their main point to study are DNA and RNA genes which give the person trait and have the function of synthesizing proteins, these are those that determine genetic formations and avoid hereditary deformations

It is an area that in research has many possibilities, in the minimum elements of biological information, we also hope it helps us to prevent or cure diseases and value our species as a legacy, we must also help species that are in danger of extinction


The human body contains 25.000 and 35.000 genes are what give the genetic information of the human being such as the physical features that inherit from the parents. The genes are found in one of the smallest structures of the human body called "chromosomes". The genetic composition of a person is called genotype, they are located in the DNA strand and make up the chromosomes, in women a gene is from the mother and the other has the father of the father, man obtains only one gene X comes from theMother, a gene and comes from the father. The color genes are described from the dominant and recessive gene: the dominate feature is controlled by the gene in the pair, the recessive feature has the pairs together to control the trait, some personal characteristics, are the stura, are definedFor more than one gene.

Interaction between genes, the environment and the environment

Genes such as chromosomes are one of which interact a lot in the human body, genes have a lot to do with the type of environment in which the person is, several genes interact in a complex way with the environment. Genetists attribute a lot to the interaction between gene and environment which each directly or indirectly influences the individual so that the person has not had a genetic disease but can contract it in the environment in which it is found.  The genes store initial information from the development of the organism, the living being is the interaction between genes and cells, these act as messengers, factors such as nutrition, the duration of the day and of its position are also applied.

Genetics branches

  1. Classical genetics: this part of Mendel’s law helps predict the percentages of genetic phenomena such as diseases and bad formations.
  2. Cytogenetics: Study chromosomes within the world of cells, also cell reproduction and inheritance
  3. · Population genetics: Study genes in a biological population, it has a great impact on living beings that compose it
  4. MOLECULAR GENETICS: The study is focused on DNA and RNA molecules ,
  5. Human genetics: it focuses on the compression and decipherment of the human genome for medical purposes


 Genetic development processes

The genetics of development is the part that studies how from the cell a complete organism is formed at the intracellular level, at the level of the genes of its expression and not expression the stages are:

  • Fertilization: It is the function of two gametes of both the man and that of the woman in which it is a zygote, it is the union of the ovo and sperm
  • Segmentation: Through the division of mitosis, blastomeres are formed and by which they are divided, they descend through the folding trunk towards the uterus the divisions that are given form the morula and the blastula
  • Gastulation: Mitotic divisions are decreased and start genetic morpho movements to the cell with the cell. The three embryonic leaves are performed: ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm
  • Organogenesis: The embryo is formed and experienced by the structural organization, the organs are formed
  • Histogenesis: It is the difference of the tissues formed by the cells and genes that each of the parents give such as epithelial, conjunctive, muscular and nervous tissue


What is genes?

It is where the information of living beings is stored, they are also the units that inherit and pass their parents to their children, it is a DNA segment encodes a protein, each gene obtains information for the production of the protein carries out a functionSpecific cell, some genes do not encode the protein, if they regulate and give rise to more proteins some genes. The human being has about 20.000 genes.

 What is chromosome?

The cells do not have a single Cumulo of DNA in the nucleus, the DNA is organized, stored, in a structured way, all human cells have 23 parts of chromosomes (46 in total chromosomes) half is from the mother and half isof the father.

Types of chromosome in the function of the centromere:

  • Metacentric chromosome: It is located in the middle of the chromosome and both arms of the chromatids are of the same length
  • Submetacive chromosome: It is a little separated from the center, an arm of the chromatid is longer than another.
  • Acrocentric chromosome: It is almost at the ends of the chromosome, there is a much smaller arm than the other
  • Telocentric chromosome: It is located at the end of the chromosome, so that we would only appear an arm


Pathologies associated with chromosomes

  • Delion: Loss of genetic material
  • Duplication: It is a duplication of a part of the chromosome
  • Insertion: It is when a chromosome this is an unusual position
  • INVESTMENT: They fragment in 2 points and join again do so upside down
  • Translocation: Modification in the location of chromosomal matter



It is the genetic composition of a person or individual defined by the DNA sequence, Genos means birth and brand types that means that it is the birth marks, it contains all the hereditary information of the individual a very clear example is the sequence of the recessive genesand dominant for the blood group.


It is a detectable manifestation of the genotype, its features are observable as a very clear example is the color of hair, bone size, it comes from the Greek Phainein that means showing and types that means brand that is the marks that are shown, the inheritance influencesPartly, their features are observable, they are measured through the senses such as vision and touch an example are blood groups such as A, B, AB, or that are in human red blood cells.

Genetics their behavior

[image: relationship between genetic and behavior] Study genetic and environmental influences give rise to differences in behavior are few words are knowledge of the genetic basis of normal behavior and psychopathology, this is the psychological disorder associated with genetic alterations. Genetic alterations in the health of living beings are important in Western society, where they die from environmental casusa, malnutrition, infections, etc. It was mostly reduced. Although inheritances in disease increase in the last hundred years.

Chromosomal and genetic abnormalities

Chromosomal abnormalities: are often birth abnormalities or defects and can become during the life of the individual, there is a karyotype examination of chromosomes and can detect chromosomal abnormalities only with a cell sample, this can be offered to parentsor your family is with a risk of growing with a genetic disorder.

Numerical abnormalities

They have 23 pairs of chromosomes give a total of 46 chromosomes in each card is called the diploid cells. The normal sperm or egg cell only contains only half pairs and therefore 23 chromosomes, this is called haploids. The baby can inherit from parents or may still seem familiar the most chromosomal problems are the following. Examples of chromosomal disorders:

  • Down Syndrome or Trisomy 21
  • Edward’s syndrome or trisomy 18
  • Syndrome or Trisomy 13 of Pataue
  • CRI Du or 5P talk syndrome minus syndrome (partial suppression of the short chromosome weapon 5)
  • Wolf-Hirschhororn syndrome or 4p suppression syndrome
  • Jacobsen syndrome or suppression disorder 11Q
  • The syndrome or the presence of additional X chromosome klinefelter
  • Turner syndrome or presence only of a single X chromosome in females
  • XYY syndrome and xxx syndrome



The genetic life is born from the male and female genomes and without the genetic life we will not know until today, the genes are forming before the conception of life by the male and female cells which contain the pairs of chromosomes that give the beginnings to theNew being, the features of the human being are thanks to the genes implemented by the father and mother they determine hair color, eye color etc. These genes are very important since they have genetic information and if this information is distorted, anomalies will be formed in the human being, such as many mutations formed by distortion of genes and chromosomes.

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