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DNA Topology and the Initiation of Virus DNA Packaging


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DNA Topology and the Initiation of Virus DNA Packaging
Q1. The title of the article is “DNA Topology and the initiation of virus DNA packaging” and the author Oh, Choon Seok and the rest. The report can be found from EBSCOhost which is an online library.
Q2. The topic is relevant since as a science student it makes me understand how large viruses of dsDNA uses hydrolysis from ATP motor to package DNA (Oh et al. 2) into empty shells known as proheads.
Q3. The main topic of the article is on an understanding of how DNA topology initiates the DNA packaging of a virus. The process was determined using various models to show that viral DNA is identified by the subunit of DNA which is smaller (TerS) while the major subunit of terminase comprises of ATPase domains and translocations of endonuclease in lambda phage (Oh et al. 4). The process involves a recognition that takes place through the interactions of viral enzymes which are packaging, terminates and recognition sites of viral DNA.
Q4. Plasmids do not interfere with the helper phage production, showing that 12 re18-50 functions in cis in the background of plasmid and they are cis-specific
Q5. The model will be fundamental in the future to determine the number of other problems associated with the large-scale structure of DNA (Oh et al. 12). The method applies to generate future ensembles of linear particles to compute the distribution of catenated and knotted isomer that occurs after those contained in circular forms.

Wait! DNA Topology and the Initiation of Virus DNA Packaging paper is just an example!

Q6. I thought the project would be relevant in the process of DNA initiation of the virus through sequential packaging, but the model did not give the order of the packaging but only discussing some of the topologies.
Q7. The research investigated only the mutations that transform the sequence of I2 but not of the cosN-cosBQ8. The research connects to some other topic like genetics and molecular biology which has led to numerous studies linked to changes in genetic contents.
Q9. The research results show that origins are not situated to the NM during initial stages of late GI but the assumption that all sources are connected to the (Oh et al. 19) NM which is barely true.

Work Cited
Oh, Choon Seok, et al. “DNA Topology and the Initiation of Virus DNA Packaging.” Plos ONE, vol. 11, no. 5, 04 May 2016, pp. 1-21. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0154785.

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